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Aura wielding a Dagger of Serafi


Aura is Darki's main character. She's also the most developed one, in terms of level, equip and play time.

Level Type Type level
101 Wartecher 20

The concept behind Aura's background would be that of an uncommon beast, born and raised in Neudaiz, a planet where most of the population are newmans. For this situation, Aura is supposed to be very well versed atTECHNICs despite being something that beasts don't tend to rely on. However, Aura is still a beast in body and soul, and her hot-blooded and aggresive temperament keeps her away from the ways of a pure Force. Instead, Aura found her vocation in the Wartecher type, matching her idea of the "magical knight" that she loves so much.


Being of the supposedly most versatile class in the game, as a Wartecher Aura uses a wide selection of weapons. She's also somehow obsessed with the correct use of elements when fighting, obsession that has made her to collect each element, even neutral, for all of her weapons, line shields and Photon Arts when possible.

Aura uses whips, twin daggers and swords as main melee weapons, wands and TCSMs for TECHNICs, and a card and a RCSM when ranged combat is needed; the longbow as an optional weapon for situational purposes (like bosses). However, She doesn't pair the whip with a madoog, instead she will use a shadoog. She prefers it that way as whip combos take long to perform, and in that time a shadoog can attack automatically adding more damage, and in this case, debuffing and knocking monsters down for even better crowd control.

The only exception to Aura's elemental "fetish" would be the Sonichi, as she believes it's enough with the three debuffing elements. By the way, this weapon, and also the set of Vish Kusebs and Daggers of Serafi, are weapons that originally exist in only one or two elements, or have different functions depending on the element.

In case of the Sonichi, Aura got the three elements from the MAG fire one, as any of the other elements found "naturally" have a knockback effect, thar renders them useless to pair with a whip. The fire one has a knockdown effect and debuff SEs that makes it perfect to pair with whip, so Aura decided to swap elements. In case of the Dagger of Serafi, the weapon has a very high PP rate paired with an also high PP recovery that makes the weapon very attractive, as aura's PP consumption is very high due to the Power Charge unit she uses. For the Vish Kuseb, Aura found very useful the freezing capabilities of the ice one, and decided to use it in all elements for better crowd control.

At the moment Aura is on the way to acquire an Ohryu and a Shijin, the only equipments she is really interested in for now. For the rest, she considers everything fine, checking shops only for better percentages. As getting a rainbow set of Shijins is a very hard task, for now her aim is a neutral one, leaving the quest for the other elements to higher levels.

Weapons Line Shields Units
Category Type Name Rarity Mfr. Element Perc. Grind Name Rarity Mfr. Slots Element Perc. Slot Name Rarity Mfr.
Soda Riban 9★ TENORA WORKS Neutral - 0/10
Head units
Arm units
Body units
Extra units
Head units
Har / Smart 7★ Yohmei
Fire 42% 0/10 Serafi-senba 10★ Yohmei Neutral -
Arm units
Lumirus/Power Chrg. 11★ G.R.M.
Ice 42% 0/10 Fire 26%
Body units
Vijeri / Rainbow 12★ TENORA WORKS
Lightning 42% 0/10 Ice 20% Burn / Resist 7★ TENORA WORKS
Ground 42% 0/10 Lightning 22% Poison / Resist 7★ TENORA WORKS
Light 42% 0/10 Ground 24% Virus / Resist 7★ TENORA WORKS
Dark 42% 0/10 Light 22% Shock / Resist 7★ TENORA WORKS
Twin daggers
Dagger of Serafi 10★ Kubara Product Neutral - 0/10 Dark 23% Silence / Resist 7★ TENORA WORKS
Fire 32% 0/10 Originally Fire, used GC to swap elements. Freeze / Resist 7★ TENORA WORKS
Ice 32% 0/10 Sleep / Resist 7★ TENORA WORKS
Lightning 32% 0/10 Stun / Resist 7★ TENORA WORKS
Ground 34% 0/10 Confuse / Resist 7★ TENORA WORKS
Light 34% 0/10
Extra units
Hize / PP Generate 12★ Yohmei
Dark 38% 0/10
Vish Kuseb 9★ TENORA WORKS Neutral - 3/10 Originally Ice, used GC to swap elements. All elements cause LV2 freeze.
Fire 38% 3/10
Ice 38% 3/10
Lightning 38% 3/10
Ground 38% 3/10
Light 38% 3/10
Dark 38% 3/10
Radius Arca 9★ G.R.M. - - 10/10
Card Regas 9★ G.R.M. 10/10
Sonichi 9★ Kubara Product Fire 27% 0/10 Originally Fire, used GC to swap elements. FireIceLightning cause Jellen, Zalure and Zoldeel LV2 respectively.
Ice 27% 0/10
Lightning 27% 0/10
Serdote 9★ G.R.M. - - 10/10
Granahodra 13★ Yohmei 8/8
Granahodorac 13★ Kubara Product 8/8
Shato 9★ Kubara Product 10/10
Pannon Madog 2★ Kubara Product 10/10

Photon Arts

As Aura uses a wide selection of weapons, she doesn't have enough space for all the PAs she might use. Basically she keeps all skills, bullets and support TECHs, while switching the offensive TECHs whenever necessary. She mainly uses the neutral longbow bullet Chousei-sou for easiness, as this weapon is very situational for her and when ranged attacks are needed she can rely on Card or TECHs. Apart from that, she likes that way so she has a bullet of each color, neutral included, even not being for the same weapons.

Weapon Name Level
Gravity Break 23/30
Spinning Break 27/30
Tornado Break 26/30
Twin daggers
Moubu Seiren-zan 30/30
Renga Chujin-shou 28//30
Renkai Buyou-zan 22/30
Hishou Jinren-zan 11/30
Vivi Danga 30/30
Visshi Grudda 30/30
Weapon Name Element Level
Chousei-sou Neutral 20/20
Ensei-shiki Fire 14/20
Reisei-shiki Ice 20/20
Raisei-shiki Lightning 15/20
Jusei-shiki Ground 18/20
Yousei-shiki Light 20/20
Insei-shiki Dark 15/20
Fire Ice Lightning Ground Light Dark
Name Level Name Level Name Level Name Level Name Level Name Level
Foie 23/30 Barta 22/30 Zonde 22/30 Radiga 26/30 Resta 21/30 Megid 23/30
Rafoie 23/30 Rabarta 24/30 Razonde 23/30 Damdiga 24/30 Giresta 29/30 Ramegid 24/30
Damfoie 24/30 Dambarta 25/30 Gizonde 23/30 Gidiga 26/30 Reverser 23/30 Dammegid 22/30
Gifoie 21/30 Gibarta 23/30 Noszonde 21/30 Nosdiga 23/30 Regrant 28/30 Megiverse 21/30
Megistar 25/30


Aura didn't acquire any GAS yet. In the future the plan is to get upgrades involving TECHs, Whip and Card PA cap level upgrades, and other features to improve TECH usage.