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Twin daggers

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A female CAST wielding a Twin Dagger.

Twin daggers are a two-handed striking weapon. Comprised of two daggers; one held in each hand similar to twin sabers. They have the most hits per regular attack combo of any striking weapon class, at seven (2-2-3).

PP recovery

Type G.R.M. Yohmei TENORA WORKS Kubara Product
FO/FT 4 4 3  ?
HU/FI/WT/FF 5 6 4  ?

Twin daggers

Rarity Name JP name Mfr. 0/10 10/10 Var. Acc. ATP
Ver. [B] Comments
PP Att. PP Att.
1★ Twin Dagger ツインダガー G.R.M. 184 29 291 76 ? 37 25 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Ryo-Dagan リョウダガン Yohmei 205 22 301 68 ? 42 27 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Al Daga アル・ダガ TENORA WORKS 143 28 223 93 ? 46 28 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
2★ Twin Knife ツインナイフ G.R.M. 221 61 328 108 ? 69 53 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Ryo-Nafli リョウナフリ Yohmei 246 47 342 93 ? 77 56 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Al Naf アル・ナフ TENORA WORKS 172 59 252 124 ? 84 58 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
3★ Twin Stinger ツインスティンガー G.R.M. 239 92 346 139 ? 100 91 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Ryo-Stizashi リョウステザシ Yohmei 266 71 362 117 ? 112 96 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Aldaga Steg アルダガ・ステッグ TENORA WORKS 186 89 266 154 ? 123 91 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Rappy Tippies ラッピー・ティッピーズ Kubara Product 333 33 456 123 ? 153 33 Ambition of the Illuminus Synthesis board Panther Blitz (WMC mission) reward.
Rarity Name JP name Mfr. 0/10 10/10 Var. Acc. ATP
Ver. [B] Comments
PP Att. PP Att.
4★ Twin Sucker ツインサッカー G.R.M. 267 124 367 153 ? 132 152 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Ryo-Sagazashi リョウサガザシ Yohmei 297 95 364 128 ? 147 160 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Aldaga Sank アルダガ・サンク TENORA WORKS 208 120 276 162 ? 161 165 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
5★ Twin Ripper ツインリッパー G.R.M. 276 155 376 184 ? 162 215 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Assino-zashi アスシノザシ Yohmei 307 118 374 151 ? 180 226 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Aldaga Rippa アルダガ・リッパ TENORA WORKS 215 149 283 191 ? 198 233 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
6★ Last Survivor ラストサバイバー G.R.M. 285 185 385 214 ? 187 247 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Tsisava-zashi ツイサバエザシ Yohmei 317 142 384 175 ? 208 260 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Aldaga Sabba アルダガ・サッバ TENORA WORKS 222 178 290 220 ? 229 268 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Ryo-Dagac リョウダガック Kubara Product 374 45 438 159 ? 173 273 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Twin Daggac ツインダガーク Kubara Product 355 54 405 199 ? 168 273 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Rarity Name JP name Mfr. 0/10 10/10 Var. Acc. ATP
Ver. [B] Comments
PP Att. PP Att.
7★ Dual Stream デュアルストリーム G.R.M. 313 172 435 225 ? 212 278 Ambition of the Illuminus Synthesis board --
Twin Crea Dagger ツインクレアダガー G.R.M. 313 132 313 220 ? 212 278 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board Human and newman only.
Ryo-Crezashi リョウクレアザシ Yohmei 348 83 348 141 ? 236 293 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board Human and newman only.
Shintsuki-zashi シンツキザシ Yohmei 348 166 458 205 ? 236 293 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Aldaga Cresa アルダガ・クレッサ TENORA WORKS 243 116 243 174 ? 260 302 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board Human and newman only.
Al Tippies アル・ティッピーズ Kubara Product 444 88 584 222 ? 241 238 Ambition of the Illuminus Synthesis board --
Al Tippies/C アル・ティッピーズ/C Kubara Product 394 44 674 44 ? 241 158 Ambition of the Illuminus Synthesis board Available at Casino Voloyal.
8★ Dark Strauss ダークシュトラス G.R.M. 322 195 444 242 ? 238 324 Ambition of the Illuminus Synthesis board --
Nokoku-zashi ノコクザシ Yohmei 358 187 468 218 ? 264 341 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Al Dagac アル・ダガック Kubara Product 394 69 474 228 ? 219 357 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Cross Scar クロススケア Kubara Product 228 260 450 360 ? 258 463
Synthesis board Available at Chronicles HQ 2.
Dual Streac デュアルストリック Kubara Product 251 127 374 160 ? 238 324 Ambition of the Illuminus Synthesis board --
Shintsuki-zashic シンツキザシック Kubara Product 412 66 535 165 ? 224 358 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Twin Diska ツインディスカ Kubara Product 281 231 503 331 ? 230 618
Synthesis board --
Twin Diska ツインディスカ Kubara Product 281 231 503 331 ? 230 618
Synthesis board Maximum Attack X event reward (360 only).
9★ Lumiess Blau リュミエスブラウ G.R.M. 332 210 472 262 ? 263 354 Ambition of the Illuminus Synthesis board --
Katsuno-zashi カツノザシ Yohmei 369 202 479 230 ? 292 372 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Nokoku-zashi/X ノコクザシ/X Yohmei 336 363 ? ? ? 422 403
Synthesis board Available at Flagship R&D (Yohmei Shop).
Farrastol ファラストール TENORA WORKS 229 219 302 442 ? 271 433
Synthesis board --
Alam Bangler アラムバングラー Kubara Product 358 336 479 458 ? 298 511
Synthesis board --
Cross Scar クロススケア Kubara Product 357 334 531 467 ? 406 415
Synthesis board --
Edge Quolia エッジ・クオリア Kubara Product 780 238 980 303 ? 320 281
Synthesis board --
Featherhands フェザーハンズ Kubara Product 283 264 ? ? ? 277 485
Synthesis board Available at Special Exchange 3.
Flap J. Flappers フラップJフラッパー Kubara Product 359 347 507 455 ? 413 485
Synthesis board --
Kisana Bangler キサナバングラー Kubara Product 358 336 479 458 ? 298 511
Synthesis board --
Lupums ルプエムス Kubara Product 358 336 479 458 ? 298 511
Synthesis board --
Sacrificial Daggers サクリファイス・ダーカー Kubara Product  ?  ? ? ? ?  ?  ?
Synthesis board Available at Customize Service (Yohmei Shop).
Saika Hyori サイカ・ヒョウリ Kubara Product 341 343 513 475 ? 306 417
Synthesis board --
Solidarity Stalker ソリダリティストーカー Kubara Product 780 238 980 303 ? 320 281
Synthesis board --
Stec Twin Daggers スティーク・Tダガー Kubara Product 281 161 558 237 ? 258 354 Ambition of the Illuminus Synthesis board Available at Desert Arms Shop.
Twin Kamui ニレンカムイ Kubara Product 229 219 302 442 ? 271 433
Synthesis board --
Twin Kunai ツインクナイ Kubara Product 279 224 ? ? ? 498 362
Synthesis board --
Rarity Name JP name Mfr. 0/10 10/10 Var. Acc. ATP
Ver. [B] Comments
PP Att. PP Att.
10★ Gizaha-zashi ギザハザシ Yohmei 289 219 513 251 ? 348 440 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Dagger of Serafi ダガーオブセラフィ Kubara Product 662 228 802 319 ? 488 352 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Gizaha-zashic ギザハザシック Kubara Product 447 77 587 177 ? 296 462 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
11★ Twin Crea Dagger+ ツインクレアダガー+ G.R.M. 241 213 481 233 ? 428 500 Ambition of the Illuminus Synthesis board Human and newman only.
Ryo-Crezashi+ リョウクレアザシ+ Yohmei 303 172 ? ? ? 291 500 Ambition of the Illuminus Synthesis board Human and newman only.
Togeha-zashi トゲハザシ Yohmei 399 231 523 275 ? 390 500 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Aldaga Cresa+ アルダガ・クレッサ+ TENORA WORKS 318 242 ? ? ? 371 500 Ambition of the Illuminus Synthesis board Human and newman only.
Togeha-zashic トゲハザシック Kubara Product 459 81 599 221 ? 332 525 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
12★ Twin Hard Leopard ツインハードレパード G.R.M. 187 323 337 403 ? 67 580
Synthesis board Available at Special Trading Stn.
Twin Tonfa ツイントンファー G.R.M. 187 323 337 403 ? 67 580
Synthesis board Available at Special Trading Stn.
Musashiji-zashi ムサシジサシ Yohmei 620 480 ? ? ? 640 600
Synthesis board Available at Flagship R&D (Yohmei Shop).
Tamagiri-zashi タマギリザシ Yohmei 410 250 534 308 ? 462 545 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Assassin Cross アサシンクロス Kubara Product 263 89 ? ? ? 574 573
Synthesis board Available at Special Exchange 2.
Tamagiri-zashic タマギリザシック Kubara Product 471 88 611 275 ? 392 572 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board --
Twin Kan'na Kamui ニレンカンナカムイ Kubara Product 291 241 ? ? ? 271 467
Synthesis board Available at Special Exchange 2.
Rarity Name JP name Mfr. 0/10 10/10 Var. Acc. ATP
Ver. [B] Comments
PP Att. PP Att.
13★ Hollow Gimlet ホローギムレット TENORA WORKS 384 327 473 481 ? 365 488
Synthesis board --
Amore Tippies アムレ・ティッピーズ Kubara Product 555 199 777 299 ? 418 381 Ambition of the Illuminus Synthesis board --
Tsumikiri Hyori ツミキリ・ヒョウリ Kubara Product 386 372 577 556 ? 436 521
Synthesis board --
14★ Blitz Slugger ブリッツスラッガー Kubara Product 374 345 ? ? ? 290 800
Synthesis board --
Brandish ブランディッシュ Kubara Product 508 402 624 609 ? 514 581
Synthesis board --
Double Slasher ダブルスラッシャー Kubara Product 496 294 718 394 ? 438 701
Synthesis board --
Lavis Blades ラヴィス=ブレイド Kubara Product 334 331 548 448 ? 505 667
Synthesis board --
Nightmare Blood ナイトメアブラッド Kubara Product 352 391 ? ? ? 481 547
Synthesis board Available at Special Exchange 3.
Twin Reapers ツインリーピング Kubara Product 379 384 ? ? ? 472 534
Synthesis board --
15★ Floating Edges フローティングエッジズ Kubara Product 632 416 800 620 ? 550 614
Synthesis board --
Nanoblast Scythes ナノブラストサイス Kubara Product 650 550 ? ? ? 700 650
Synthesis board --
Sacrificial Daggers サクリファイス・ダーカー Kubara Product 620 480 820 680 ? 640 600
Synthesis board Available at Customize Service (Yohmei Shop).
Multiple customizations available.

Reference notes

  1. Jump up This is the pronunciation of kanji meaning 'two' or 'both'.
  2. Jump up This is an abbreviated form of wakizashi, a Japanese type of short swords.
  3. Jump up This is an abbreviated form of 'dagger'.

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