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Clamp Manyel

From The re-PSUPedia
Revision as of 17:51, 3 March 2008 by Kietrinia (talk | contribs) (Creation (it's a start, and I've a couple pics of Clamp I need to crop and upload))

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Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

This article currently does not contain enough information, and needs to be worked on.
If you have information relating to this article that needs to be added, please do so.

This article is currently untidy, lacks coherency or structure, or suffers from numerous spelling and grammar errors.
It needs to be cleaned up to a higher standard of quality.


Clamp Manyel


Name Clamp Manyel Affiliation GUARDIANS
Gender Male Race Human
Age  ?? Height  ?cm
JP Voice  ?
EN Voice None


Episode 1

Clamp has no known involvement in the events of Episode 1.

Episode 2

Clamp has no known involvement in the events of Episode 2.

Episode 3

Clamp is assigned as the president's assistant to Laia Martinez.

Random facts

  • Relations: None known at this time

General Info

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