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Story characters

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This is of a list of the characters from Story Mode, and their background.

Residents of the Guardians' Colony

Ethan Waber

Ethan Waber
Ethan Waber
Gender Male Race Human
Age 17 Organization Guardians
JP Voice Tomokazu Seki
(関 智一)
EN Voice Nick Tagas

The main character in PSU's Story Mode. A seventeen year old living in the GUARDIANS Colony. His sister, Lumia, was dragged into the SEED invasion as they watched the ceremony of the 100th anniversary of the Alliance between the three planets. This was the first time that the SEED had been active, and eventually he became a cadet at the Guardians, an interplanetary bodyguard organization. He is currently training hard under the supervision of his instructor, Karen Erra.

Karen Erra

Karen Erra
Karen Erra
Gender Female Race Newman
Age 17 Organization Guardians
JP Voice Rie Tanaka
(田中 理恵)
EN Voice Erin Cahill

The same age as Ethan at seventeen years old. She has three years of combat experience as a Guardian and is serving as Ethan Waber's instructor. Her mother was murdered by primitive creatures when she was a child and as a result she cannot use any Techniques, despite being a Newman. Because of this, she is more cautious than is needed. Still, she lives on, always pushing herself to become strong. Karen is Mirei's long lost twin sister. Her pain is Mirei's pain, and likewise...

Hyuga Ryght

Hyuga Ryght
Hyuga Ryght
Gender Male Race Human
Age 17 Organization Guardians
JP Voice Akira Ishida
(石田 彰)
EN Voice Andrew Ceglio

A Guardian that is in the same class as Ethan Waber at the Guardians Academy. He is Ethan's rival at the Fraballu Tournament, the Guardian Colony's championship, and is always competing with him for first place. A zealous devotee to the Communion of Gurhal, he tends to flirt with girls by saying that every encounter is destined to happen. He is a nice, honest guy at heart, though, and is highly skilled.

Leogini Santosa Berafort

Leogini Berafort
Gender Male Race Beast
Age 31 Organization Guardians
JP Voice Rikiya Koyama
(小山 力也)
EN Voice Mak Atherlay

Also known as Leo. He met Ethan when the SEED first invaded, and recommended that he join the Guardians, so that he could take part in the coming battle. He watches over the hot-tempered Ethan, acting as an 'older brother' to him. His strength and strictness match his own rough appearance, but he thinks more about his friends and family than others do. His wife and three year old son are also living in the GUARDIANS Colony.

Tonnio Rhima

Tonnio Rhima
Tonnio Rhima
Gender Male Race Beast
Age 26 Organization Guardians
JP Voice Romi Paku
(朴 路美[1])
EN Voice Amy Rubinate

Despite looking like a boy by human standards, Tonnio is in fact an adult Guardian, and is 26 years old. He was raised at an orphanage, and was formerly the leader of a street gang. When he met Leo, he changed and joined the Guardians, but even now he still cannot always control his bad behaviour, still present from his days as a gang leader - sometimes even Leo doesn't know what to do.


Gender Female Race CAST
Age Unknown Organization Guardians
JP Voice Ayako Kawasumi
(川澄 綾子)[2]
EN Voice Bret Walter

Belongs to the Research Division dedicated to Guardian co-ordination. She also easily handles duties similar to spying sometimes, due to the fact that she contains special equipment within her body that 'regular' Guardians do not have. She controls her facial expressions, and doesn't use them excessively. Would this be because of her 'special duties'? She provides Ethan Waber with a variety of information whenever they meet, but what secrets does she hold...?

Maya Shidow

Maya Shidow
Maya Shidow
Gender Female Race Newman
Age 24 Organization Guardians
JP Voice Rie Saitoh
(斉藤 梨絵)
EN Voice Amy Provenzano

She develops the various pieces of equipment that the Guardians use, as a researcher at the Guardians Equipment Development Division. She is on good terms with Karen, and her mother had adopted Karen, after she was found in the woods. Despite her voluptuous appearance she is not very spontaneous, and sometimes the equipment she offers is defective. She is a fan of Photon-based products, and sees them as being supreme things. She is currently attempting to create a ration that would last over 100 years. All attempts have failed, ending with the ration tasting horribly. She usually uses her charm to get into places you wouldn't normally have access, clinging onto the unsuspecting males arm, and pouring on the compliments. (Wow, that must be some special titanium, made just for you...)

Lucaim Nav

Lucaim Nav
Lucaim Nav
Gender Male Race CAST
Age 178 Organization Guardians
JP Voice Ichiro Nagai
(永井 一郎)
EN Voice Darren Jennings

Involved from the moment the Guardians organization was established, he is the oldest member in service. He is the principal of the Academy, and is fully responsible for the training of every Guardian. As he was also the first President, most of the Guardians were his students. He still remembers all of their weak points, and thus no-one can rival his knowledge. His old body is suffering from a bad illness, but he has already achieved enough with the Guardians.

Obel Dallgun

Ohbel Dallgun
Obel Dallgun
Gender Male Race Human
Age 46 Organization Guardians
JP Voice Juurouta Kosugi
(小杉 十郎太)
EN Voice Owen Thomas

The 17th President of the Guardians. Strict with himself as well as with his subordinates, he displays powerful leadership skills. He seems a shy and quiet guy on first sight, but according to some rumors he is actually a very talkative person who makes jokes all the time.


GHX-005 'Pete'
Gender n/a Race Partner Machinery
Age n/a Organization n/a
JP Voice Ryoko Nagata
(永田 亮子)
EN Voice Amy Rubinate

Its official name is 'GHX-005'. It is a Partner Machinery granted to Ethan when he graduated from the Guardians Academy. It is a reliable partner, helping him to manage his schedule and providing him with mission information, amongst other things.

Lumia Waber

Lumia Waber
Lumia Waber
Gender Female Race Human
Age 13 Organization n/a
JP Voice Ayako Kawasumi
(川澄 綾子)[2]
EN Voice Amy Provenzano

The younger sister of Ethan Waber. Nice towards everyone, she is seen as a 'perfect' sister. She is also a huge fan of the Communion of Gurhal's Maiden of the Phantasmal Vision and assists her in ceremonies. Being more lively than her brother, at times she drags him along. She supports Ethan in following their late father by taking up the dangerous occupation of Guardian, however she is worried about him.

Dr. Kanal Tomrain

Dr. Kanal Tomrain
Dr. Kanal Tomrain
Gender Male Race Human
Age 74 Organization n/a
JP Voice Takeshi Aono
(青野 武)
EN Voice David Nowlin

A researcher known as the 'Father of A-Photon Production'. Currently affiliated with the Guardians, he is researching the trump card that will drive away the SEED.

Residents of Parum

Renvolt Magashi

Renvolt Magashi
Renvolt Magashi
Gender Male Race CAST
Age 67 Organization Endrum Collective
JP Voice Norio Wakamoto
(若本 規夫)
EN Voice Brian Sommer

The Commanding Officer of the Endrum Collective that was established with the purpose of investigating and protecting the Relics, he is in control of the supervision of the Relics. He is not actually affiliated with the army, and as a result holds no rank. He loves battle more than anything else, and lives as a mercenary obsessed with battle, loyally carrying out the mission of the Endrum Collective.

Fulyen Curtz

Fulyen Curtz
Fulyen Curtz
Gender Male Race CAST
Age 27 Organization Allied Military Forces
JP Voice Shunsuke Sakuya
(咲野 俊介)
EN Voice David Rosenthal

Captain of the Allied Military Forces, or AMF. He is the Platoon Commander of Commando Unit 177, under the direct control of the anti-SEED Directive. He has no experience of the world outside of the military, as he is a career solder who considers the orders of his superior officers and military authorities to be absolute. From the start he has considered races other than the CASTs to be inferior, and is a firm believer in CAST supremacy. He has completely lost the ability to confide in people as a result of undertaking missions to suppress strife everywhere.

Kou Taragi

Kou Taragi
Kou Taragi
Gender Male Race Human
Age 33 Organization n/a
JP Voice Kazuhiko Inoue
(井上 和彦)
EN Voice Mak Atherlay

Assistant Professor of the Department of Technology at the University in Rozenom City on Parum. Originally he specialized in Photon Engineering, but has since switched to researching A-Photons. Maya Shidow was a student of his, from when he still specialized in Photon Engineering.

Dr. Dorson

Dr. Dorson
Dr. Dorson
Gender Male Race Human
Age 46 Organization n/a
JP Voice Yoshitada Ohtsuka
(大塚 芳忠)
EN Voice David Rosenthal

An archaeology researcher who requested from the Guardians an escort for his investigation of the Relics. He has dedicated his life to researching the Relics. It appears as though he has connections with the Endrum Collective though...


Gender Female Race Human
Age 19 Organization n/a
JP Voice Megumi Matsumoto
(松元 恵)[3]
EN Voice Amy Rubinate

Hal is the popular mascot and face of Gurhal Channel 5. Her ever-changing reports, which range from gags to serious news, are popular amongst the citizens, and she is quite versatile. Still, there are rumours she might only be a virtual idol. Her existence by itself is an homage to SEGA's popular Dreamcast game Space Channel 5 and its sequel.

Kalam Ryme & Remlia Norphe

Kalam and Norphe
Kalam Ryme, Remlia Norphe
Gender Male, Female Race Human, CAST
Age 7, 20 Organization n/a
JP Voice Megumi Matsumoto
(松元 恵)[3],
Mamiko Nohto
(能登 麻美子)
EN Voice Bret Walter, Amy Provenzano

Kalam is the only son at the Koltova ranch 'Green Green Farm', a famous ranch in the Raffon Plains of Parum, and Norphe is the female CAST who works as a farmhand at the ranch. Norphe took charge of raising Kalam, who had secluded himself from the world; but she is having a hard time and is unable to understand his feelings...

Residents of Neudaiz

Mirei Mikuna

Mirei Mikuna
Mirei Mikuna
Gender Female Race Newman
Age 17 Organization Communion of Gurhal
JP Voice Fumiko Orikasa
(折笠 富美子)
EN Voice Giovannie Pico

Mirei Mikuna, the Divine Maiden (literally, Maiden of the Phantasmal Vision), is the symbol of the Communion of Gurhal. Even outside her position, she is sympathetic, friendly, and mature. Her charismatic personality and beautiful appearance lift the spirits of Gurhal's people.

She first meets Ethan on the way to the Tripartite Alliance's centennial ceremony. Later, she discovers Karen Erra is her long-lost twin. Through a psychic bond, they can feel each other's pain. Mirei dies trying to stop her father, Dohgi Mikuna, from murdering Karen.

After her death, Karen assumes her sister's identity and position. Only a few people know about this.

Dohgi Mikuna

Dohgi Mikuna
Dohgi Mikuna
Gender Male Race Newman
Age 44 Organization Communion of Gurhal
JP Voice Ryuushi Sugou
(菅生 隆之)
EN Voice Peter Kepler

One of the Lords of the Planetary Spirit, a group of the top four members of the Communion of Gurhal. He is in charge of the Festival of the Planetary Spirit, and is responsible for all the other religious rituals and ceremonies. He is also Mirei's father.

Izuma Rutsu

Izuma Rutsu
Izuma Rutsu
Gender Male Race Newman
Age 28 Organization Communion of Gurhal
JP Voice Shou Hayami
(速水 奨)
EN Voice Owen Thomas

The Head of the Planetary Spirit who governs the Lords of the Planetary Spirit (the top four members of the Communion of Gurhal). With his gentle manner he has charmed many people.

Residents of Moatoob

Alfort Tylor

Alfort Tylor
Alfort Tylor
Gender Male Race Beast
Age 29 Organization Rogues
JP Voice Toshihiko Seki
(関 俊彦)
EN Voice David Rosenthal

A space pirate who is known for his influence on the Rogues. He believes in "no unneccessary killing, no robbing from the poor, and no backstabbing". He believes that unneccessary bloodshed should be avoided, but while he doesn't like violence he doesn't hesitate to fight when he has to. He is the captain of the pirate ship called the 'Landeel'.

Liina Sukaya

Liina Sukaya
Liina Sukaya
Gender Female Race Beast
Age 22 Organization Rogues
JP Voice Ryoko Nagata
(永田 亮子)
EN Voice M Hutchison

An aide on board the Landeel. Raised in an orphanage, she got lost and couldn't find her destination in an outing, and was then picked up by Tylor while she was wandering around, setting off with him on the Landeel. By nature she is a nice girl, and doesn't like killing. Whilst in the orphanage she was raised with Tonnio, and they were like brother and sister. Now, though, she prefers Tyler's solidarity.

Vol Brothers

The Vol Brothers
No Vol (left), Hiru Vol (center), Do Vol (right)
Gender All Male Race Human, Newman, Beast
Age 21, 26, 18 Organization Rogues
JP Voice Kenta Miyake
(三宅 健太),
Keiji Himeno
(姫野 惠二),
Hideki Tanaka
(田中 英樹)
EN Voice David Rosenthal, Darren Jennings, Roger Jackson

Together, the Vol Brothers pledged, "Let's become big in the world of the Rogues!". The elder brother, Hiru Vol, is the leader, and he handles the brainwork as well as Techniques. The middle brother, No Vol, is mainly in charge of physical labor and the use of firearms in combat. The third brother, Do Vol, is a skilled mechanic, and considers the power of melee combat to be important.


  1. Jump up This name uses an obscure character that is not known by word processors, and therefore cannot be typed. Here the kanji 路 was used, but in reality the character is that, plus radical 96 (玉; jewel/ball) on the left.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 It should be noted that Lou and Lumia Waber share the same voice actor; Ayako Kawasumi.
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 Hal and Kalam Ryme also share a voice actor; Megumi Matsumoto.

General Info

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