We need money!![Siren.gif](/images/8/8c/Siren.gif)
The PSUPedia is a community-based project in more ways than one. Of course we rely on the community to contribute new information to the wiki, but it's also their monetary contributions which play a major part in keeping the site up and running. With the help of contributing users, we've covered server costs for the majority of the past two years, but as we move into the final months of 2011, we're out of cash and we need to build our funds back up for the months ahead. We all know that money is tight for everyone, but if you have enjoyed the use of PSUPedia in the past, please consider making a donation to help ensure the livelihood of the wiki for years to come, as well as supporting work on a future PSO2 information database. Anything you can offer, big or small, will make a difference! Thank you all for your generosity and continued support!
Welcome to the PSUPedia!
PSUPedia is a wiki dedicated to Phantasy Star Universe, an online RPG by SEGA. Created and maintained by the community, this site aims to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information on all aspects of the Phantasy Star Universe series. If you wish to help update this site, simply sign up for an account to get started. If you don't know how to edit the wiki, just tell us about your findings in the forums.
Maximum Attack X is here!
September 9 marks the beginning of Maximum Attack X! In a collaborative investigation of a RELICS site, the GUARDIANS and the Inhelt Corp. stumbled upon a machine created by the ancients. Known as Arc, this device is capable of simulating potential future scenarios of Gurhal... including its downfall by the SEED! Of course, we can't have that, so the GUARDIANS have enacted an operation to collect data for Arc, ultimately leading to their ability to ensure a bright, promising future for Gurhal! Head on over to GUARDIANS HQ and get started with Maximum Attack X! Also, be sure to stop by the Resident Security Department's Special Trading Stn. They've just received a new supply of weapons which may help you out during the event!