The Dark God 暗黒神の封印
Start lobby |
Start counter |
Core Area
End lobby |
Falz Memoria
Version |
Ambition of the Illuminus
Field |
Mission type |
Free mission
Party size |
1-6 players
Enemy elements |
Dark Falz has risen again, feeding on a new source of A-Photons. Defeat the dark god and uncover the true secret of Rykros!
Mission requirements and rewards
LV |
Req. LV |
Enemy LV |
Rank S |
Rank A |
Rank B |
Rank C
Meseta |
Points |
Meseta |
Points |
Meseta |
Points |
Meseta |
C |
1 |
20+ |
3800 |
77 |
2525 |
51 |
-- |
-- |
0 |
B |
35[1] |
45+ |
7100 |
130 |
4725 |
86 |
-- |
-- |
0 |
A |
60 |
95+ |
12825 |
223 |
8550 |
148 |
-- |
-- |
0 |
S |
75 |
125+ |
14625 |
251 |
9750 |
167 |
-- |
-- |
0 |
PA Fragment x1
S2 |
90 |
155+ |
22700 |
386 |
15125 |
257 |
-- |
-- |
0 |
PA Fragment x2
S3 |
120 |
165+ |
25325 |
430 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
0 |
PA Fragment x3
Enemy information
Enemy name |
Enemy buffs |
Ele. |
Mission LV C |
Mission LV B |
Mission LV A |
Mission LV S |
Mission LV S2 |
Mission LV S3
LV |
LV |
LV |
LV |
LV |
LV |
Deljaban |
x |
x |
x |
x |
95 |
239 |
125 |
354 |
155 |
474 |
165 |
Delp Slami |
20 |
52 |
45 |
112 |
95 |
286 |
125 |
424 |
155 |
578 |
165 |
Delsaban |
20 |
44 |
45 |
94 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Galdeen |
20 |
35 |
45 |
75 |
95 |
191 |
125 |
283 |
155 |
379 |
165 |
Orcdillan |
20 |
44 |
45 |
94 |
95 |
239 |
125 |
354 |
155 |
474 |
165 |
Orcdillan |
20 |
66 |
45 |
141 |
95 |
358 |
125 |
531 |
155 |
711 |
165 |
Zasharogan |
20 |
176 |
45 |
376 |
95 |
956 |
125 |
1416 |
155 |
1896 |
165 |
Rare enemy
Lutus Jigga |
20 |
365 |
45 |
780 |
95 |
1983 |
125 |
2938 |
155 |
3934 |
165 |
Dark Falz (1st form) |
25 |
1620 |
50 |
3120 |
100 |
7620 |
130 |
11220 |
160 |
14820 |
170 |
Dark Falz (2nd form) |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
160 |
9880 |
170 |
Item drops
Enemy name |
Special drops |
Mission LV C |
Mission LV B |
Mission LV A |
Mission LV S |
Mission LV S2 |
Mission LV S3
Deljaban |
Deljaban Blade [B] Del Jagnus [B] Deljabaner |
x |
x |
[B] Buccaneer |
[B] Crimson |
Tiga De Ragac |
Tiga De Ragac
Delp Slami |
-- |
[B] Anzadanoh |
[B] Kouhakanoh |
[B] Raihakanoh |
[B] Ryusaikanoh |
Asura-hikec |
Delsaban |
-- |
Buster |
Durandal |
x |
x |
x |
Galdeen |
-- |
Lumars |
[B] Hiken |
[B] Kubiri-hiken |
[B] Shura-hiken |
[B] Okarodoc |
[B] Okarodoc
Lutus Jigga |
Svaltus Edge Goldania |
Breaker |
Calibur |
Hard / Hit Charge |
[B] Kan Yu |
Elsral |
Orcdillan |
-- |
Magga Rit |
Magga Bar |
Magga Draga |
Magga Guin |
Shiraha-zashi |
Zasharogan |
-- |
Halbenata |
Gungnata |
Gatranata |
[B] Gekitsnata |
Mugunburga |
Normal box
Kubara Wood Crystal Skull
Chicotite Cyral
Area drops |
Photon Drop  Ishana Sourcestone |
1-8★ ores Copernia, Olpad |
3-10★ ores Copernia, Armania, Olpad, Rubinad |
6-12★ ores Copernia, Armania, Goldania, Morbinia, Titania, Olpad, Rubinad, Tormad, Citrad, Berilad, Diad [B] Hikec |
7-15★ ores Copernia, Armania, Goldania, Morbinia, Titania, Lithnia, Olpad, Rubinad, Tormad, Citrad, Berilad, Diad, Recnad, Suffad [B] Shura-hikec |
7-15★ ores Copernia, Armania, Goldania, Morbinia, Titania, Lithnia, Olpad, Rubinad, Tormad, Citrad, Berilad, Diad, Recnad, Suffad [B] Shura-hikec [B] Sanzu-hikec |
7-15★ ores Copernia, Armania, Goldania, Morbinia, Titania, Lithnia, Olpad, Rubinad, Tormad, Citrad, Berilad, Diad, Recnad, Suffad [B] Shura-hikec [B] Sanzu-hikec
Dark Falz
Flowen's Greatsword Silence / Resist Paradi Cataract Note Seed Container
Gudda Ribat Seva Bonga  Cubo Upinde Canara Hoza-senba Harn-, Soldonium Gamotite Nanosilica, -carbon Ortasilica, -carbon Metasilica [B] Compadri [B] Greasegun [B] Rabol Dunga
Gudda Breba Seva Borga  Cubo Dunga Cometara Rabol Ogg Harn-, Soldonium Gamo-, Zepotite Nanosilica, -carbon, -resin Ortasilica, -carbon Metacarbon [B] Hikauri [B] Rogaduke [B] Rabol Cuesta
Gudda Godda Sevacuc  Lidra Rabol Cati Soldon-, Steln-, Catilium Chicotite Nanoresin Ortacarbon, -resin Metacarbon, -resin [B] Gudda Skela [B] Hirokteri [B] Cubo Musrana [B] Muzzlefever [B] Ebrozike [B] Uransara
Gudda Gant Sevacuc  Cubo Mamba Majimra Rabol Cati Soldon-, Steln-, Catilium Chicotite Nanoresin, -polymer Ortacarbon, -resin, -polymer Metacarbon, -resin [B] Gudda Hon [B] Rikauteri [B] Cubo Tuma [B] Bulletdance [B] Frauduke [B] Tesbra [B] De Colte Line
Seva Borega Cubo Mamba Majimra Red Line Black Heart Hizeri / Stamina Soldon-, Steln-, Catilium Chicotite Kireek Soul Nanoresin, -polymer Ortacarbon, -resin, -polymer Metaresin, -polymer [B] Gudda Hon [B] Killer Elite [B] Rikauteri [B] Cubo Tuma [B] Bulletdance [B] Frauduke [B] Tesbra [B] Red Line
Seva Borega Catilium Hapotite Nanoresin, -polymer Ortaresin, -polymer Metaresin, -polymer
Enemy spawn chart
Map route |
Pattern |
Block 1 initial spawn |
Block 2 initial spawn |
Block 3 initial spawn |
Rare enemy details
B1: Two doors on the left and right B2: A big room with no rubble |
A-1 |
Left room: Delsaban x2 & Orcdillan x1 |
Second spawn: Galdeen x2 & Orcdillan x2 |
Second spawn: Galdeen x3 & Delp Slami x1 |
A-2 |
Left room: Delseban x3 |
Second spawn: Galdeen x2 & Delp Slami x2 |
Second spawn: Galdeen x2 & Orcdillan x3 |
A-3 |
Left room: Galdeen x2 & Orcdillan x1 |
Second spawn: Galdeen x2 & Delsaban x2 |
Second spawn: Galdeen x5 |
A-X |
Left room: Galdeen x2 & Orcdillan x1 |
Second spawn: Galdeen x2 & Delp Slami x2 |
Initial spawn: Orcdillan x5 |
Block 3: Lutus Jigga x2
B1: Open room facing west; no rubble B2: Door left and top right
B-1 |
Second spawn: Orcdillan x2 & Galdeen x2 |
Second spawn: Orcdillan x2 & Galdeen x2 |
Initial spawn: Galdeen x3 -> Orcdillan x2 & Orcdillan ( ) x1 |
B-2 |
Second spawn: Delp Slami x2 & Galdeen x2 |
Second spawn: Deljaban x4 |
Initial spawn: 2 Orcdillan & 1 Delp Slami -> 3 Galdeen |
B-3 |
Second spawn: Deljaban x2 & Galdeen x2 |
Second spawn: Delp Slami x1 & Galdeen x3 |
Initial spawn: Galdeen x2 + 1 -> Orcdillan x2 & Orcdillan ( ) x1 |
B-X |
C-1 |
C-2 |
C-3 |
C-X |
Reference notes
- ↑ The true level requirement for difficulty B is LV35, despite the in-game menu stating that it is LV30.