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m (My Neiclaw is 34%, I've seen a 27% Yiel Line, and on JP I saw a 29% Feril Line.)
(38 intermediate revisions by 15 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
This page documents the differences between standard PSU and the [[Ambition of Illuminus]] expansion currently in Open Beta on JP.
Listed below are the changes in detail. For information on the Japanese updates, please see [[Ambition of the Illuminus Japanese Updates]].
A few things to note:
==System changes==
* This is a beta, so anything here is subject to change. This page will also list some specifically beta-only changes.
===Lobby warping===
* English translations are not final and are subject to change as the US release nears.
Players will be able to move to lobbies for which they don't have permission for a fee, by talking to the lobby attendant NPC. The NPC now gives three options: travel via the old method (i.e. where a party member is), travel with meseta, and an explanation of the service, as well as the cancel option.
== Balance Changes ==
The player must have visited the lobby beforehand to be able to travel there. Notably, the lobby must be visited '''after''' the update or it will not be available to travel to.
* The synthesis success rate of weapons and armor as well as the chance of gaining a higher % on striking weapons have been increased.
===Battle type changes===
* When synthing, Element Attribute rates of melee weapons and armors have been adjusted. It now appears to be possible to synth any even % between 10 and 50.
Battle type equipment and PA levels will be changed to their new ''Ambition of the Illuminus'' versions. In general, this means Guardian types get more weapons, at higher ranks, and higher level [[Photon Arts]].
* Room Goods synthesis can no longer fail.
* S-Rank Grinders can now be synthed.
* When failing to grind a weapon, it is no longer destroyed. Instead, it is returned to you with no grinds. In addition on each fail the maximum amount of possible grinds will go down by one.  Also each weapon will now display two numbers as a grind, with the left side number being the amount of current grinds on the weapon and the right side number being the maximum possible grinds for that weapon(example +2/+7 instead of just +2).
* Grinding success rates have been lowered.
* The chance of synthing high-grade grinders has been adjusted.
* Meseta droprate has been adjusted.
* S-Rank items can now drop.
* Drop rates for items of all ranks have been adjusted.
* Type stats have been adjusted.
* Weapon proficiencies and max PA levels have been adjusted (in general, types can use more weapons and with higher level PAs than before).
* Type level cap is now 20. PAs can now go up to level 50 (although only Acrotecher gets level 50 PAs, and they are Support Techs, everything else has an absolute upper cap of 40).
* TECHNICs have been adjusted.
* Dying, but then being revived without going back to the lobby no longer counts as a death, and thus doesn't affect final mission rank. However, if NPCs die and revive themselves this does count as a death.
* Several weapon types have different/faster animations when used with Acro-classes. Details are sketchy, but Acrofighters get a faster Twin Saber animation and Acrotechers get a faster Twin Dagger animation.
== Missions ==
Characters playing regular PSU cannot use [[Shadoogs]], [[Madoogs]], [[Photon Whips]] and [[Slicers]] even if their type can. See [[Ambition of the Illuminus#New types|here]] for more information on the new weapons and Photon art limits.
=== Parum ===
* Planet's Scar C-S has been added. Available at the Holtes City Flyer Base on Parum. Takes place in the Rozenom Ruins. Features Grass Assassins!
* City of the Thunderbeasts C-S has been added. Available from the Old Rozenom City lobby and takes place in the Rozenom Ruins. Features the new enemy, Ghinoceros.
* The Old Rozenom lobby has been added.
* A new beach lobby has been added, available by talking to the CAST NPC or by completing City of the Thunderbeasts. It has a dressing room and unique music, and appears somewhat similar to ''Seaside'' from PSO.
=== Moatoob ===
Players of regular PSU get the level 40 Photon Arts, just like players of ''Ambition of the Illuminus'' do.
* Cave of Ice C-S has been added. Available from the Vio Tonga lobby (the Ice Fields), takes place in the Galanigus Mine.
* Serpent's Awakening C-S has been added. Available from Galanigus Mine lobby and takes place there as well. The ancient beast, De Ro Le, was trapped in ice, but has been awakened by the SEED Virus being spread by the Illuminus. Defeat it!
* A Galanigus Mine lobby has been added, reached by beating Cave of Ice or by talking to the CAST NPC. Serpent's Awakening starts here.
* The Casino Volwayale has been added, available after beating Serpent's Awakening or by talking to the CAST NPC. Here you can use special Vol Coins to play on a giant roulette wheel or on the Vol Slots. You can get 100 coins per day for free, however these cannot be transferred or traded to other accounts. Did the Vol Brothers finally make good on their pledge to make it big in the world of the Rogues?
=== Neudaiz ===
The Level Cap will be raised to 110 at launch.
* A Temple lobby has been added. Appears similar to Hakura Temple, but is peaceful and has pillars of water. Currently no missions either take you to the Temple lobby or from it, so it can only be accessed via the CAST NPC.
* Mt. Ohtoku lobby has been added. Currently no missions lead to it so it can only be accessed via the CAST NPC. There is an Oracle here who can tell your future.
== Items ==
===Protranser traps detection===
Protransers now have the ability to see traps without the use of goggles. However they will still need to use goggles to be able to destroy traps.
* Stars are displayed differently. They are bunched up and instead of having one colour depending on rarity, they now show all the relevant rarity colours. The stars go like this: <font color=blue>★★★</font><font color=lightblue>★★★</font><font color=lightgreen>★★★</font><font color=gold>★★★</font> (this would be a 12* item)
===Photon Art Disc conversion===
* A 13* Item, the De Ro Le Kouro, is known to exist. The 13th star is white and is animated.
Players of ''Ambition of the Illuminus'' are able to convert their Photon Arts back into discs. These discs retain their level and can be transferred to different characters on the account via the Common Box. They cannot be traded or transferred to other players.
* Non-Crea 7* weapons are no longer standard to one manufacturer. Confirmed are:
** Tenora: Sword, Handgun, Machinegun, Twin Claw,
===Auto-run and follow modes===
** Yohmei: Axe, Double Saber, Handgun, Laser Cannon, Spear(S-rank only), Twin Saber
Players can press a key to auto-run forward, and can also target another player in order to follow them. A line connecting the player following and the player being followed will be shown. For obvious reasons, you can't follow NPCs.
** GRM: Grenade Launcher, Wand, Cards/Fans, Dagger, Twin Dagger, 1-6* Rod, 1-6* Longbow
* 4 new weapon types: Slicer, Photon Whip, Madoog, and Shadoog.
===Mouse movement===
Players can move using their mouse in ''Ambition of the Illuminus''.
** Slicer: Right-handed melee-class weapon, with a medium range attack (note: the Slicer has Skills, not Bullets).  
===Simple Mail changes===
In the expansion, players can send Simple Mail straight from the Partner Card menu. In addition, the default option when replying to a Simple Mail is now 'Reply (no quote).'
** Photon Whip: Right-handed melee weapon, capable of causing status effects.
===Partner Card changes===
The Partner Card list now shows the current number of cards you have and the maximum number of cards you can have, in an x/y format. NPC cards do not count towards the limit, as before.
** Madoog: Left-handed weapon. Can have two [[TECHNICs]] attached to it, and casts more quickly than a Wand, but has less PP and TP.
===First-person view changes===
Players of both versions can now activate the first-person view mode while sitting down.
** Shadoog: Left-handed shooting weapon that fires automatically and needs no PP (PP is literally 0/0). Shadoogs have no PAs, and have fixed elements, like melee weapons. Shadoog shots can inflict status though:
===Above head data changes===
Changes have been made to the information that appears above every player characters' head. Aside from; Player name, Player name & Level & Player ID Number. Character type and level & Online status flags have also been added. See the next topic for ''Online status flags''.
*** Fire = Burn
===Online status flags===
*** Ice = Freeze
A new feature whereby players can choose a flag to designate their online status has been added to ''Ambition of the Illuminus''. This is accessed through the Community portion of the menu and is displayed within the status text cycle above the player character's head.
*** Lightning = Shock
*** Earth = Stun
*** Light = Sleep
*** Dark = Incapacitation
* Traps can now be synthed. In addition, Burn Trap EX is now available(Protranser only).
Options include ''Absent'', ''Briefly absent'', ''Playing solo'', ''Members wanted'' & ''Beginners guide''.
* GRM make Rods. The GRM 1* Rod is called Rod, whereas the Yohmei 1* Rods name on JP is Rodou. It remains to be seen what Rod will be known as on the US version (since Rodou became Rod).
* Some recovery items on the action palette now have different colours. Moon Atomizer is yellow, Antimate is blue.
* New Room Tickets, which allow access to 'advanced My Room functions', including:
** 'Free Layout' - in new rooms, you can talk to your PM to activate a grid, allowing you to put Room Goods anywhere in your room.
===Conditional shop search===
* Several items are now only available as Casino prizes (see below), including an old favourite: the Chainsawd.
Players of both versions have an additional option when searching for a shop - ''conditional search''. This is a powerful system that allows players to search for items with the qualities and criteria that they want. Search criteria include: max/min price, max/min rarity, item category, and a item description box where players can enter things such as the exact name of the item, the manufacturer or even the element they want. For example, setting category to Swords and entering 'GRM Fire' would bring up a list of [[GRM]]-made, fire-element [[Swords]].  Some items, however, will not show up when searched for by exact name.  These items must be located through a combination of the other search criteria or by using the "Search by item" function from the main search menu.
* New weapons, including some from PSO.
* New hairstyles, clothing, and parts. These are not available when creating a character.
* 2 new SUV weapons have been added: Gigas Espada (ギガス・エスパダ ''Gigasu Esupada''), which summons a giant sword to swing at enemies, and Paradis Cataracte (パラディ・カタラクト ''Paradi Katarakuto'') which resembles the ''Heaven's Punishment'' special from ''PSO''.
== Monsters ==
When searching for items, the items appear in a list without you leaving your room, so you can check out the item before you decide which one to buy. When you select an item you are taken to the seller's shop to buy it. Note that players of regular PSU cannot search for 13š+ items, nor can they search for new weapon categories. In addition, regular PSU players cannot enter rooms with expansion-exclusive decorations or styles, but these are not filtered out.
* New monsters have been added, these include:
==My Room, synthesis and grinding changes==
** Go Badira (ゴ・バジラ ''Go Bajira''), appears in Rozenom and acts like normal Badiras do. Fire-element usually, but in the second Rozenom mission it becomes Lightning like every other enemy.
===Synthesis rate changes===
** Par Sorza (パル・ソーザ ''Paru Sooza''), appears in Rozenom and acts similar to Gaozorans. The Rod it carries determines which TECHNICs it uses, a blue Rod means Barta and Deband, whereas a Par Sorza with a brown Rod throws lightning bolts and casts [[Gizonde]]. Lightning-element.
Synthesis success rates have been increased. Items requiring special materials will receive the biggest increase, but other items will see an increase too.
** De Ro Le (ディー・ロレイ ''Dii Rorei''), is the boss of Serpent's Awakening, and an obvious homage to De Rol Le from PSO. A tricky boss with many powerful attacks in his arsenal, including lasers, ice attacks and shooting missles. Ice-element.
** Nava Rudda (ナヴァ・ルッダ ''Nava Rudda''), appears in Galanigus Mine and appears to be a reskin of Naval. Likely Earth-element naturally, but as the Galanigus Mine missions have all Ice and Earth respectively (and Naval Rudda appears in both), this isn't certain. Ice Nava Rudda can shoot Barta and freeze with their melee attack, Earth Nava Rudda can shoot Foie. Leader Nava Rudda can cast Shifta.
** Vanda Olga (ヴァンダ・オルガ ''Vanda Oruga'') are larger and more reptilian versions of the Vanda. They only appear in Serpent's Awakening, where all enemies are Earth so their natural element is unknown at this point. In their Earth incarnation, they can spit Foie and breath high-level Damfoie.
** Grass Assassin (グラス・アサッシン ''Gurasu Asasshin''), appears in Rozenom and acts similar to its PSO incarnation. It can slash with its arms, spit mucus, and charge when low on health. Lightning-element.
** Ghinoceros (ガイノゼロス ''Gainozerosu''), are the bosses of City of the Thunderbeasts. They act similar to Kamatoze, but can jump and throw multiple lightning bolts.
* Some existing monsters appear in new elemental forms:
** Lightning Jarbas appear in City of the Thunderbeasts. They cast Retier and spit lightning bolts. They don't cast Megid.
** Lightning Shagreece and Distova appear in City of the Thunderbeasts, and seem little different from their normal versions.
** Ice Vanda appear in Cave of Ice, and cast Barta at range and Dambarta close up. Extremely dangerous.
** Ice Bul Buna appear in Cave of Ice. They can cast Barta.
** Ice Bil De Vears appear in Cave of Ice. They cast low level Gibarta at close range and Barta at distance. They also have all the usual Bil De Vear attacks, and are also buffed with Sword, Shield, Boot, and Staff monster effects.
** Earth Vanda appear in Serpent's Awakening, and cast Gidiga very often close up. They appear to have no ranged attack, and unlike other versions aggressively run up to players instead of keeping their distance.
** Earth Lapucha appear in Serpent's Awakening, they seem little different from their Ice incarnation.
** Earth Drua Gohra appear in Serpent's Awakening, and spit Diga instead of Foie from their mouth.
** Earth Jishagara appear in Serpent's Awakening, and spit Diga.
== Levels and Types ==
! ★ !! Item type !! Old base rate !! New base rate !! Lv100 PM old rate !! Lv100 PM new rate
| rowspan="2" | 6★ || Melee Weapons (Kubara copies) || ? || ? || 37% || 65%
| Line Shields (standard) || ? || ? || 53% || 60%
| rowspan="2" | 7★ || Melee Weapons (standard) || 38% || 50% || 60% || 74%
| Line Shields (standard) || ? || ? || 45% || 48%
| rowspan="2" | 8★ || Melee Weapons (standard) || ? || ? || 55% || 70%
| Line Shields (standard) || ? || ? || ? || ?
| rowspan="6" | 10★ || Melee Weapons (standard) || ? || ? || 85% || 88%
| Ranged Weapons (standard) || ? || ? || 75% || 80%
| Line Shields (standard) || ? || ? || 56% || 75%
| Svaltus Sword || ? || ? || 52% || 91%
| Gaozoran Rod || ? || ? || 68% || 84%
| Crea Doubles || ? || ? || ? || 91%
| rowspan="2" | 11★ || Melee Weapons (standard) || ? || ? || 85% || 91%
| Bil De Axe || ? || ? || 52% || 91%
* New expert types: Acrofighter and Acrotecher. They have proficiency with one handed weapons. Currently they have no requirements.
'''Note:''' A glitch on the servers meant that boards already inserted into PMs did not have the correct success rates after the update. Some of these values ''may'' be inaccurate.
** Acrofighter: Expert type skilled with one-handed weapons. With their exceedingly high reaction speed, they can wield a number of weapons easily. Proficient with Slicers and Shadoogs.
** Acrotecher: Expert type specializing in support. They have an exceedingly high reaction speed, and focus on TECHNICs in battle. Proficient with Photon Whips and Madoogs.
* Type level cap is now 20.
* PA levels have been modified, and certain classes have had their PA levels changed. Attack and Support TECHNICs are now considered seperate for the purposes of PA level caps.
* PAs for the Whip and Slicer have been added.
* For the purposes of PA caps, Offensive and Support TECHNICS are now considered seperate.
== New Features ==
In addition, elemental attribute rates when synthing melee weapons and armours have also been increased. Japanese sources state that in 10 trial synths of a [[Saber]], 8 were between 18% and 28%, and the other two were 38% and 42%.
* New 'Online Status' option available under the Community menu, this allows for flags to be set such as Looking For Party, Solo Player etc.
===Synthesis failure items===
* Autorunning and the ability to follow party members are now available.
Items received upon failing a synthesis will be changed. Players may receive materials, even materials not used in the synthesis, back. For example, failing a [[Saber]] may return [[Par Ash]], or even [[Zepotite]] or [[Giganite]].
** Autorunning can be activated and deactivated by pressing R (or left on the gamepad).
** Following party members is activated by first pressing K (or down on a gamepad), this will generate a line showing who you will be following, so keep pressing K to cycle through nearby party members until you get the one you want to follow. Then press R (this replaces the autorun function). Note that you cannot follow NPCs or PMs.
* You can now warp to areas by talking to the CAST NPC, for free (only free during the beta). Yellow areas are expansion-only.
* Shop NPCs now offer you the option to send items from your inventory to your Shared Box (NOT your PM storage!) for 300 Meseta. Note that the Meseta covers all items sent, and you cannot exceed the item limit of your Shared Box.
*New search features that allow you to search by price and rarity among other things.
*New room Bulletin Board that allows users to leave comments as well as allows you to customize what your Partner Machine says in response to different things.
*Room jukebox to allow you to customize your room's background music by attaining music disks in-game.
*Item added to allow your PM to hold more items.
== Graphical ==
Failing high grade items appears to give even more unusual items. For example, failing a [[Halarod]] may give you an [[Okiku Doll]] room decoration.
* Shadow Map setting is now available.
===Grinding system change===
* Effects surrounding Skill PAs are now colour-coded depending on PA level.
The grinding system is being changed. Upon failing a grind attempt, the weapon will not be destroyed, but instead reset to an ungrinded state (0), and its grind limit will drop by 1. This is represented by two numbers: current grind/grind limit e.g. failing a 5/10 weapon will result in it becoming a 0/9. If a weapon reaches 0/0, it will become ungrindable.
** 1-10 = Green
** 11-20 = Blue
** 21-30 = Purple
** 31-40 = Red
** 41-50 = Gold
== Misc ==
===Item distribution change===
The default item distribution method is now set to ''random'' instead of ''give finder''.
* Expansion names are Yellow, similar to how PSOv2 and JP EPIV players had orange names.
==Battle changes==
* You can now see player's type and type level above their heads by cycling through name, ID number etc.
===Just Attack===
* The 'travelling from colony to planet' cutscene has gone.
This is a new battle system that will allow you to score critical hits through carefully timed attacks. It is only possible with melee weapons. In order to execute a Just Attack, you must first use a normal attack, and at the end of a normal attack's animation use another normal attack or Photon Art. If executed correctly, the circle that appears in the lower-right of the screen when you press a button will be doubled in size and you will score a critical hit. PP recovery also works for normal attacks.
* Different colour schemes for character create and login.
* New voices for character create.
* The HUD seems to have a slightly bolder font.
* When selecting hair and accessories, you select the hair style and then select the accessory from a seperate menu.
* When selecting missions, you first select the mission then the rank. Yellow missions are expansion-only.
* The mini-map now tracks party members who are off the map, by showing you their general direction relative to your own.
* New lobbies have a Female Beast NPC vendor instead of the usual CAST Male.
== Beta-only changes ==
Note that the current edition of PSU will not have a special effect for Just Attack, and Just Attack is not possible after the 3rd hit of a normal knuckle combo (this will be fixed in ''Ambition of the Illuminus'').
These have been implemented to make testing easier, and will '''not''' be in the final release, most likely.
===Just Counter===
This will allow players to immediately counterattack during the block animation, and it works for skills, bullets and TECHNICs. Melee weapons will retalitate with a critical hit, others won't.
* New missions have 3x rare drop rate. Existing missions have 2x.
The current edition of PSU will not have a special effect for Just Counter.
* 2x EXP compared to normal PSU.
* Acrofighter and Acrotecher have no type level requirements. They also level like basic classes instead of expert types.
* New A-Rank weapons and boards are sold in the NPC shops.
* More types can use weaponry from the new weapon categories.
* Elemental photons are now sold at NPC Shops.
* Lumilass changes are set to a low price.
* Character level cap is 120.
* There is no fee for warping to lobbies for which your party does not have permission.
== Bugs ==
===Melee PP recovery===
* Completing a mission as a FO levels up your FO level to 30, but you get no stat upgrades.
Normal melee attacks will recover the PP of the weapon used, critical hits recover yet more.
* Acrotecher's DFP seems to drop dramatically upon levelling up.
* PA limits appear to be glitched, allowing characters to level PAs as high as their highest PA cap. Example: a type with level 20 Skills, level 10 Bullets, and level 40 Offensive and Support Techs can level ALL their PAs to 40 regardless of the PA type.
==What Hasn't Changed==
===Elemental formula changes===
* The PA limit is still 36.
Although elements will no longer be as powerful on their own, adjustments to character stats mean that 50% weapons will perform almost the same after this change. On the whole characters will be offensively more powerful on their own, and lower % weapons and elementally neutral weapons will perform better than before.
* Buff parties for levelling up buff TECHNICs still work.
==Past Update Information==
===Character status adjustment===
===April 12th===
Character stats are being adjusted. As well as offensive stats, defensive stats are being adjusted so that characters do not become too weak as a result of the elemental attribute changes.
* Deja Vu Forest C-S is being added. Available from the Clyez City Spaceport. Takes place in the Forest of Ragol, which now appears to be in a completely different dimension to the Gurhal System!
* Cascade Temple C-S is being added. Available from the COG Pavilion of Air (the Temple in Ohtoku City). You must defeat the Sinow Hidoki, which is causing destruction and terror!
* Sacred Beast C-S is being added. Available from the upper tier of the COG Pavilion of Air. Features the Alteras Goug, who has escaped from the COG, who were studying it. Defeat it!
====Clothes & Parts====
Known changes: all types appear to have boosted [[ATP]], [[DFP]], [[TP]] and [[MST]]. Some types have other boosted stats as well. Exact stat modifiers and base stat changes are not known yet.
* New clothes are being added that are, in fact, costumes from ''PSO''!
** Male Clothes: HUmar clothes, RAmar clothes.
** Female Clothes: HUney clothes, FOney clothes.
** Male Parts: RAcast armor.
** Female Parts: HUcaseal armor.
====Reform Tickets & Room Goods====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
* A new Reform Ticket, Natural Mat (ナチャラル・マット) is being made available at the Room Goods shop (2F, Guardians Colony), for those who identify with nature.
* A new Room Good, Sabote Chair (サボテチェア) is being added.
! Type Lvl !! colspan=10|Level 10
! Type !! HU !! RA !! FO !! FI !! GT !! WT !! FF !! FG !! FT !! PT
| [[HP]]  || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
| [[ATP]] || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
| [[ATA]] || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
| [[TP]]  || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
| [[DFP]] || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
| [[EVP]] || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
| [[MST]] || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
| [[STA]] || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
| [[CHR]] || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
====New Weapons====
===SUV and Nanoblast changes===
* New weapons are being added, including but not limited to Rappy Tippies (ラッピー・ティッピーズ), Holy Ray (ホーリーレイ) and Sato (シャト). They drop in the new Free Missions being added, though this may be beta only.
Positive status (i.e. buffs) will no longer be removed when using SUV weapons or Nanoblasts.
===Weapon and line shield drop changes===
* The Casino Volwayale is getting new prizes.
Completed weapons and line shields will drop with random elements and element %, from 7% to 29%. Weapons or line shields with fixed elements can drop with even higher percentages. Additionally, some S-Ranks now seem to drop premade, including [[Two-headed Ragnus]] and [[Gekitsnata]].
===Meseta drop changes===
The amount of Meseta that drops will increase with bigger parties.
In addition, Meseta distribution will be changed. Under the ''random'' or ''set order'' distribution systems, Meseta will be equally divided among all party members. Under ''give finder'', whoever picks it up will get it all, as before.
===Photon Art rebalance===
Photon Arts are being rebalanced (and mostly boosted). Known changes are listed below. All figures are for the Photon Art at level 30 unless stated otherwise.
! [[Skills]] || ATP || ATA || PP || Notes
| Assault Crush || 185% -> 245% || - || - ||
| Bogga Danga || 150% -> 180% || - || - ||
| Bogga Zubba || 160% -> 260% || - || - ||
| Dus Robado || 150% -> 230% || - || - ||
| Gravity Strike || 140% -> 150% || - || -
| Moubu Seiren-zan || 145% -> 165% || - || - ||
| Renkai Buyou-zan || - || 83% -> 93% || - ||
| Renzan Seidan-ga || 150% -> 220% || - || - ||
| Rising Strike || 160% -> 210% || - || - ||
| Shousen Totsuzan-ga || 150% -> 100% || 75% -> 84% || - ||
| Spinning Break || 168% -> 205% || - || - ||
| Tornado Break || 160% -> 170% || 75% -> 85% || - || First part hits 4 targets instead of 3.
| Tornado Dance || 180% -> 220% || - || - ||
{| class="wikitable"
! [[Bullets]] || ATP || ATA || PP || Element || Notes
| Shotguns || +10% || - || - || 17% || Elemental bullets only.
{| class="wikitable"
! [[TECHNICs]] || Tech || PP || Notes
| Barta || 120% -> 130% (Lv20) || - || Flinches now.
| Damdiga || 130% -> 140% || 9 -> 14 (FT) ||
| Damfoie || - || 9 -> 14 (FT) || Flinches like Dambarta now.
| Dammegid || 140% -> 150% || 9 -> 14 (FT) || Flinches like Dambarta now.
| Gibarta || 125% -> 130% (Lv20)<br>135% -> 140% (Lv30) || - ||
| Gidiga || 135% -> 150% (Lv20) || - ||
| Gifoie || 140% -> 150% || - ||
| Giresta || - || 160 -> 48 (FT) || Casts slightly faster?
| Megid || - || 64 -> 24 (FT) || Flinches now.
| Nosdiga || - || 52 -> 32 (FT) ||
| Noszonde || - || 57 -> 40 (FT) || Hits three targets.
| Zonde || 125% -> 145% (Lv20) || - || Flinches now.
===Monster stat changes===
The STA of large monsters will be rebalanced. Large monsters will have their STA lowered so they can be inflicted more easily with status effect. Level 2 status will be effective against many of them.
In addition, EXP given by monsters will be rebalanced. Monsters will give much more EXP than before, particularly at lower levels. It will be easier to reach Level 100 than before. The following table shows the expected EXP values from a monster that has an 100% EXP modifier (such as [[Delsaban]]). Values for new EXP and the % change are approximates.
! Monster level !! Old EXP value !! New EXP value !! Approx. % change
| 1 || 4 || 6 || +50%
| 5 || 8 || 14 || +75%
| 10 || 13 || 24 || +84%
| 15 || 18 || 34 || +88%
| 20 || 23 || 44 || +91%
| 25 || 28 || 54 || +92%
| 30 || 33 || 64 || +88%
| 35 || 38 || 74 || +94%
| 40 || 43 || 86 || +100%
| 45 || 48 || 94 || +95%
| 50 || 55 || 104 || +89%
| 55 || 65 || 119 || +83%
| 60 || 75 || 134 || +78%
| 65 || 85 || 152 || +78%
| 70 || 95 || 167 || +75%
| 75 || 105 || 179 || +70%
| 80 || 115 || 194 || +68%
| 85 || 125 || 209 || +67%
| 90 || 135 || 224 || +65%
| 95 || 145 || 230 || +58%
| 100 || 165 || 254 || +53%
==Item changes==
===NPC shop changes===
Weapons will now sell for more to the NPC shops up to 75% more. Traps are now cheaper to buy.
===Item capacity changes===
The following items have had their carrying capacity increased to 20:
* [[Sol Atomizer]]
* [[Agtaride]]
* [[Defbaride]]
* [[Zodiaride]]
* [[Retaride]]
* [[Megistaride]]
===Item color key===
Items in the palette are now color-coded, as opposed to all being green;
* Heal items are Green. ([[Monomate]], [[Star Atomizer]])
* Resurrection items are Yellow. ([[Moon Atomizer]], [[Moon Atomizer X]])
* Status cure items are Blue. ([[Antimate]], [[Sol Atomizer]])
* Photon recharges are Red. ([[Photon Charge]], [[PhotonChargeCosmo]])
* Status boost items are Purple. ([[Agtaride]], [[Megistaride]])
===New weapon categories===
The following weapon categories are available for players of ''Ambition of the Illuminus'': [[Madoogs]], [[Shadoogs]], [[Photon Whips]], and [[Slicers]].
Players of regular ''PSU'' will not see these weapons at all, nor will they see the animations of their wielders. They will only see damage numbers.
===New weapons in existing categories===
New weapons have been added in existing categories. In general, weapons are available from more manufacturers than before. For example, [[Yohmei]] now make A and S-grade [[Rifles]]. NPCs initially sell up to 7★ weapons and 8★ weapon boards.
===Ambition of the Illuminus mission drops===
* Kubara copy boards drop in the new missions. These include new Kubara copies such as [B] [[Doric]] as well as Kubara copies of existing weapons such as [B] [[Sweet Deathic]]. These all appear to be area drops, with S-Rank Kubara boards dropping in Lv100+ missions.
* Completed S-grade weapons, such as [[Gekitsnata]], [[Shura-hiken]], and including previously available weapons such as [[Two-headed Ragnus]] and [[Daiga-Misaki]], drop. Like all weapon drops they drop with a random % if melee (although if the element is fixed, it will always be of that element).
* 13★ and above items, mostly [[synthesis materials]], drop.
* Existing monsters can drop different items in ''Ambition of the Illuminus'' missions - this is because the [[Area Drops]] for the new areas are different. Their normal level drops remain the same in any mission.
===New units added to shops===
The following B-grade [[Units]] have been added to the NPC shops: [[Gi / Magic]], [[Tero / Hit]], [[Tero / Guard]], [[Tero / Legs]].
===New clothes and parts===
''Ambition of the Illuminus'' introduces several new outfits, including costumes from ''PSO'', which will be released over time. In addition, several outfits from the original ''PSU'' now have new colors exclusive to Ambition of the Illuminus.
Players of regular PSU will see basic starter clothes, as they do not have the graphics data for the new clothes.
===New Photon Arts===
New [[Photon Arts]] appear in ''Ambition of the Illuminus''. The current launch Photon Arts are [[Chikki Kyoren-jin]] for [[Slicers]] and [[Visshi Grudda]] for [[Photon Whips]]. Existing weapon types will also receive new [[Skills]], for example [[Absolute Dance]] for the [[Double Saber]].
===New SUV weapons===
New [[SUVs]] will appear in ''Ambition of the Illuminus''. At launch [[Gigas Espada]] and [[Gigas Faust]] are available at the NPC shops. Other known SUVs include [[Paradi Cataract]], [[Ascension Gift]] (available from the [[Casino Voloyal]] at launch) and [[Rapia Fluge]].
Players of regular PSU will not see these SUVs at all, and will not even see players summoning an SUV.
==Feature list and backwards compatability==
This is a list of changes to PSU that either occur in the [[Ambition of the Illuminus]] expansion pack or have been changed in regular PSU to ensure compatibility with the expansion.
! Change !! Implemented in<br>regular ''PSU''? !! Change !! Implemented in<br>regular ''PSU''?
| Lobby warping || style="background:#CCFFCC" | Yes || Battle type changes || style="background:#FFFFCC" | Partially
| Protranser trap detection || style="background:#CCFFCC" | Yes || Photon Art disc conversion || style="background:#FFCCCC" | No
| Auto-run and follow modes || style="background:#FFCCCC" | No || Mouse movement || style="background:#FFCCCC" | No
| Simple Mail changes || style="background:#FFCCCC" | No || Partner Card changes || style="background:#FFCCCC" | No
| First-person view changes || style="background:#CCFFCC" | Yes || Online status flag || style="background:#FFCCCC" | No
| Conditional shop search || style="background:#FFFFCC" | Partially || Synth rate changes || style="background:#CCFFCC" | Yes
| Synth failure items || style="background:#CCFFCC" | Yes || Grinding system change || style="background:#CCFFCC" | Yes
| Item distribution change || style="background:#CCFFCC" | Yes || Just Attack || style="background:#FFFFCC" | Partially
| Just Counter || style="background:#FFFFCC" | Partially || Melee PP recovery || style="background:#CCFFCC" | Yes
| Elemental formula changes || style="background:#CCFFCC" | Yes || Character stat adjustment || style="background:#CCFFCC" | Yes
| SUV & Nanoblast changes || style="background:#CCFFCC" | Yes || Weapon and line shield drop changes || style="background:#CCFFCC" | Yes
| Meseta drop changes || style="background:#CCFFCC" | Yes || Photon Art rebalance || style="background:#CCFFCC" | Yes
| Monster stat changes || style="background:#CCFFCC" | Yes || NPC shop changes || style="background:#CCFFCC" | Yes
| Item capacity changes || style="background:#CCFFCC" | Yes || New weapon categories || style="background:#FFCCCC" | No
| New weapons in existing categories || style="background:#FFCCCC" | No || AotI mission drops || style="background:#FFCCCC" | No
| New units added to shops || style="background:#CCFFCC" | Yes || New clothes and parts || style="background:#FFCCCC" | No
| New Photon Arts || style="background:#FFCCCC" | No || New SUV weapons || style="background:#FFCCCC" | No

Latest revision as of 04:40, 19 January 2009

Listed below are the changes in detail. For information on the Japanese updates, please see Ambition of the Illuminus Japanese Updates.

System changes

Lobby warping

Players will be able to move to lobbies for which they don't have permission for a fee, by talking to the lobby attendant NPC. The NPC now gives three options: travel via the old method (i.e. where a party member is), travel with meseta, and an explanation of the service, as well as the cancel option.

The player must have visited the lobby beforehand to be able to travel there. Notably, the lobby must be visited after the update or it will not be available to travel to.

Battle type changes

Battle type equipment and PA levels will be changed to their new Ambition of the Illuminus versions. In general, this means Guardian types get more weapons, at higher ranks, and higher level Photon Arts.

Characters playing regular PSU cannot use Shadoogs, Madoogs, Photon Whips and Slicers even if their type can. See here for more information on the new weapons and Photon art limits.

Players of regular PSU get the level 40 Photon Arts, just like players of Ambition of the Illuminus do.

The Level Cap will be raised to 110 at launch.

Protranser traps detection

Protransers now have the ability to see traps without the use of goggles. However they will still need to use goggles to be able to destroy traps.

Photon Art Disc conversion

Players of Ambition of the Illuminus are able to convert their Photon Arts back into discs. These discs retain their level and can be transferred to different characters on the account via the Common Box. They cannot be traded or transferred to other players.

Auto-run and follow modes

Players can press a key to auto-run forward, and can also target another player in order to follow them. A line connecting the player following and the player being followed will be shown. For obvious reasons, you can't follow NPCs.

Mouse movement

Players can move using their mouse in Ambition of the Illuminus.

Simple Mail changes

In the expansion, players can send Simple Mail straight from the Partner Card menu. In addition, the default option when replying to a Simple Mail is now 'Reply (no quote).'

Partner Card changes

The Partner Card list now shows the current number of cards you have and the maximum number of cards you can have, in an x/y format. NPC cards do not count towards the limit, as before.

First-person view changes

Players of both versions can now activate the first-person view mode while sitting down.

Above head data changes

Changes have been made to the information that appears above every player characters' head. Aside from; Player name, Player name & Level & Player ID Number. Character type and level & Online status flags have also been added. See the next topic for Online status flags.

Online status flags

A new feature whereby players can choose a flag to designate their online status has been added to Ambition of the Illuminus. This is accessed through the Community portion of the menu and is displayed within the status text cycle above the player character's head.

Options include Absent, Briefly absent, Playing solo, Members wanted & Beginners guide.

Conditional shop search

Players of both versions have an additional option when searching for a shop - conditional search. This is a powerful system that allows players to search for items with the qualities and criteria that they want. Search criteria include: max/min price, max/min rarity, item category, and a item description box where players can enter things such as the exact name of the item, the manufacturer or even the element they want. For example, setting category to Swords and entering 'GRM Fire' would bring up a list of GRM-made, fire-element Swords. Some items, however, will not show up when searched for by exact name. These items must be located through a combination of the other search criteria or by using the "Search by item" function from the main search menu.

When searching for items, the items appear in a list without you leaving your room, so you can check out the item before you decide which one to buy. When you select an item you are taken to the seller's shop to buy it. Note that players of regular PSU cannot search for 13š+ items, nor can they search for new weapon categories. In addition, regular PSU players cannot enter rooms with expansion-exclusive decorations or styles, but these are not filtered out.

My Room, synthesis and grinding changes

Synthesis rate changes

Synthesis success rates have been increased. Items requiring special materials will receive the biggest increase, but other items will see an increase too.

Item type Old base rate New base rate Lv100 PM old rate Lv100 PM new rate
6★ Melee Weapons (Kubara copies)  ?  ? 37% 65%
Line Shields (standard)  ?  ? 53% 60%
7★ Melee Weapons (standard) 38% 50% 60% 74%
Line Shields (standard)  ?  ? 45% 48%
8★ Melee Weapons (standard)  ?  ? 55% 70%
Line Shields (standard)  ?  ?  ?  ?
10★ Melee Weapons (standard)  ?  ? 85% 88%
Ranged Weapons (standard)  ?  ? 75% 80%
Line Shields (standard)  ?  ? 56% 75%
Svaltus Sword  ?  ? 52% 91%
Gaozoran Rod  ?  ? 68% 84%
Crea Doubles  ?  ?  ? 91%
11★ Melee Weapons (standard)  ?  ? 85% 91%
Bil De Axe  ?  ? 52% 91%

Note: A glitch on the servers meant that boards already inserted into PMs did not have the correct success rates after the update. Some of these values may be inaccurate.

In addition, elemental attribute rates when synthing melee weapons and armours have also been increased. Japanese sources state that in 10 trial synths of a Saber, 8 were between 18% and 28%, and the other two were 38% and 42%.

Synthesis failure items

Items received upon failing a synthesis will be changed. Players may receive materials, even materials not used in the synthesis, back. For example, failing a Saber may return Par Ash, or even Zepotite or Giganite.

Failing high grade items appears to give even more unusual items. For example, failing a Halarod may give you an Okiku Doll room decoration.

Grinding system change

The grinding system is being changed. Upon failing a grind attempt, the weapon will not be destroyed, but instead reset to an ungrinded state (0), and its grind limit will drop by 1. This is represented by two numbers: current grind/grind limit e.g. failing a 5/10 weapon will result in it becoming a 0/9. If a weapon reaches 0/0, it will become ungrindable.

Item distribution change

The default item distribution method is now set to random instead of give finder.

Battle changes

Just Attack

This is a new battle system that will allow you to score critical hits through carefully timed attacks. It is only possible with melee weapons. In order to execute a Just Attack, you must first use a normal attack, and at the end of a normal attack's animation use another normal attack or Photon Art. If executed correctly, the circle that appears in the lower-right of the screen when you press a button will be doubled in size and you will score a critical hit. PP recovery also works for normal attacks.

Note that the current edition of PSU will not have a special effect for Just Attack, and Just Attack is not possible after the 3rd hit of a normal knuckle combo (this will be fixed in Ambition of the Illuminus).

Just Counter

This will allow players to immediately counterattack during the block animation, and it works for skills, bullets and TECHNICs. Melee weapons will retalitate with a critical hit, others won't.

The current edition of PSU will not have a special effect for Just Counter.

Melee PP recovery

Normal melee attacks will recover the PP of the weapon used, critical hits recover yet more.

Elemental formula changes

Although elements will no longer be as powerful on their own, adjustments to character stats mean that 50% weapons will perform almost the same after this change. On the whole characters will be offensively more powerful on their own, and lower % weapons and elementally neutral weapons will perform better than before.

Character status adjustment

Character stats are being adjusted. As well as offensive stats, defensive stats are being adjusted so that characters do not become too weak as a result of the elemental attribute changes.

Known changes: all types appear to have boosted ATP, DFP, TP and MST. Some types have other boosted stats as well. Exact stat modifiers and base stat changes are not known yet.

Type Lvl Level 10
HP  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
ATP  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
ATA  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
TP  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
DFP  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
EVP  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
MST  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
STA  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
CHR  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

SUV and Nanoblast changes

Positive status (i.e. buffs) will no longer be removed when using SUV weapons or Nanoblasts.

Weapon and line shield drop changes

Completed weapons and line shields will drop with random elements and element %, from 7% to 29%. Weapons or line shields with fixed elements can drop with even higher percentages. Additionally, some S-Ranks now seem to drop premade, including Two-headed Ragnus and Gekitsnata.

Meseta drop changes

The amount of Meseta that drops will increase with bigger parties.

In addition, Meseta distribution will be changed. Under the random or set order distribution systems, Meseta will be equally divided among all party members. Under give finder, whoever picks it up will get it all, as before.

Photon Art rebalance

Photon Arts are being rebalanced (and mostly boosted). Known changes are listed below. All figures are for the Photon Art at level 30 unless stated otherwise.

Skills ATP ATA PP Notes
Assault Crush 185% -> 245% - -
Bogga Danga 150% -> 180% - -
Bogga Zubba 160% -> 260% - -
Dus Robado 150% -> 230% - -
Gravity Strike 140% -> 150% - -
Moubu Seiren-zan 145% -> 165% - -
Renkai Buyou-zan - 83% -> 93% -
Renzan Seidan-ga 150% -> 220% - -
Rising Strike 160% -> 210% - -
Shousen Totsuzan-ga 150% -> 100% 75% -> 84% -
Spinning Break 168% -> 205% - -
Tornado Break 160% -> 170% 75% -> 85% - First part hits 4 targets instead of 3.
Tornado Dance 180% -> 220% - -
Bullets ATP ATA PP Element Notes
Shotguns +10% - - 17% Elemental bullets only.
TECHNICs Tech PP Notes
Barta 120% -> 130% (Lv20) - Flinches now.
Damdiga 130% -> 140% 9 -> 14 (FT)
Damfoie - 9 -> 14 (FT) Flinches like Dambarta now.
Dammegid 140% -> 150% 9 -> 14 (FT) Flinches like Dambarta now.
Gibarta 125% -> 130% (Lv20)
135% -> 140% (Lv30)
Gidiga 135% -> 150% (Lv20) -
Gifoie 140% -> 150% -
Giresta - 160 -> 48 (FT) Casts slightly faster?
Megid - 64 -> 24 (FT) Flinches now.
Nosdiga - 52 -> 32 (FT)
Noszonde - 57 -> 40 (FT) Hits three targets.
Zonde 125% -> 145% (Lv20) - Flinches now.

Monster stat changes

The STA of large monsters will be rebalanced. Large monsters will have their STA lowered so they can be inflicted more easily with status effect. Level 2 status will be effective against many of them.

In addition, EXP given by monsters will be rebalanced. Monsters will give much more EXP than before, particularly at lower levels. It will be easier to reach Level 100 than before. The following table shows the expected EXP values from a monster that has an 100% EXP modifier (such as Delsaban). Values for new EXP and the % change are approximates.

Monster level Old EXP value New EXP value Approx. % change
1 4 6 +50%
5 8 14 +75%
10 13 24 +84%
15 18 34 +88%
20 23 44 +91%
25 28 54 +92%
30 33 64 +88%
35 38 74 +94%
40 43 86 +100%
45 48 94 +95%
50 55 104 +89%
55 65 119 +83%
60 75 134 +78%
65 85 152 +78%
70 95 167 +75%
75 105 179 +70%
80 115 194 +68%
85 125 209 +67%
90 135 224 +65%
95 145 230 +58%
100 165 254 +53%

Item changes

NPC shop changes

Weapons will now sell for more to the NPC shops up to 75% more. Traps are now cheaper to buy.

Item capacity changes

The following items have had their carrying capacity increased to 20:

Item color key

Items in the palette are now color-coded, as opposed to all being green;

New weapon categories

The following weapon categories are available for players of Ambition of the Illuminus: Madoogs, Shadoogs, Photon Whips, and Slicers.

Players of regular PSU will not see these weapons at all, nor will they see the animations of their wielders. They will only see damage numbers.

New weapons in existing categories

New weapons have been added in existing categories. In general, weapons are available from more manufacturers than before. For example, Yohmei now make A and S-grade Rifles. NPCs initially sell up to 7★ weapons and 8★ weapon boards.

Ambition of the Illuminus mission drops

  • Kubara copy boards drop in the new missions. These include new Kubara copies such as [B] Doric as well as Kubara copies of existing weapons such as [B] Sweet Deathic. These all appear to be area drops, with S-Rank Kubara boards dropping in Lv100+ missions.
  • Completed S-grade weapons, such as Gekitsnata, Shura-hiken, and including previously available weapons such as Two-headed Ragnus and Daiga-Misaki, drop. Like all weapon drops they drop with a random % if melee (although if the element is fixed, it will always be of that element).
  • 13★ and above items, mostly synthesis materials, drop.
  • Existing monsters can drop different items in Ambition of the Illuminus missions - this is because the Area Drops for the new areas are different. Their normal level drops remain the same in any mission.

New units added to shops

The following B-grade Units have been added to the NPC shops: Gi / Magic, Tero / Hit, Tero / Guard, Tero / Legs.

New clothes and parts

Ambition of the Illuminus introduces several new outfits, including costumes from PSO, which will be released over time. In addition, several outfits from the original PSU now have new colors exclusive to Ambition of the Illuminus.

Players of regular PSU will see basic starter clothes, as they do not have the graphics data for the new clothes.

New Photon Arts

New Photon Arts appear in Ambition of the Illuminus. The current launch Photon Arts are Chikki Kyoren-jin for Slicers and Visshi Grudda for Photon Whips. Existing weapon types will also receive new Skills, for example Absolute Dance for the Double Saber.

New SUV weapons

New SUVs will appear in Ambition of the Illuminus. At launch Gigas Espada and Gigas Faust are available at the NPC shops. Other known SUVs include Paradi Cataract, Ascension Gift (available from the Casino Voloyal at launch) and Rapia Fluge.

Players of regular PSU will not see these SUVs at all, and will not even see players summoning an SUV.

Feature list and backwards compatability

This is a list of changes to PSU that either occur in the Ambition of the Illuminus expansion pack or have been changed in regular PSU to ensure compatibility with the expansion.

Change Implemented in
regular PSU?
Change Implemented in
regular PSU?
Lobby warping Yes Battle type changes Partially
Protranser trap detection Yes Photon Art disc conversion No
Auto-run and follow modes No Mouse movement No
Simple Mail changes No Partner Card changes No
First-person view changes Yes Online status flag No
Conditional shop search Partially Synth rate changes Yes
Synth failure items Yes Grinding system change Yes
Item distribution change Yes Just Attack Partially
Just Counter Partially Melee PP recovery Yes
Elemental formula changes Yes Character stat adjustment Yes
SUV & Nanoblast changes Yes Weapon and line shield drop changes Yes
Meseta drop changes Yes Photon Art rebalance Yes
Monster stat changes Yes NPC shop changes Yes
Item capacity changes Yes New weapon categories No
New weapons in existing categories No AotI mission drops No
New units added to shops Yes New clothes and parts No
New Photon Arts No New SUV weapons No