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Talk:Story mission subplots

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Revision as of 12:13, 8 April 2008 by Miraglyth (talk | contribs) (Talk talk talk.)

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  • Needs more episode numbers over names for the sake of clarity. D: Maybe just putting the names in the wiki inter-links while using more numbers for readability? EP3 ch5 act1, EP3 5-1, 3-5-1-, EP3 mission 5 part 1, anything. I dunno if this is just me because I've been so alienated from the game, but since you're also supposed to backtrack to old missions for the sub-plot, I think this would make things more clear. - Tycho 17:58, 7 April 2008 (CDT)
    • There we go. Changed things over to stuff like EP3 Ch.4-2. I think it looks pretty nice. :) - EspioKaos 20:14, 7 April 2008 (CDT)
      • Is there any reason to not leave both the name and numeric notation in there? And maybe cut out a couple of the spoilers? - Sekani 20:26, 7 April 2008 (CDT)
        • Having the chapter name mixed with the numeric notation might be too much. But I guess it kind of depends on how it's presented. EP3 Ch.3-2: Will of Light, EP3 Ch.3: Will of Light 2, etc. Did you have any specifics in mind? On the spoilers, I was thinking of doing a new spoiler tag to stick at the top of the page. I'm sure I could also do some rewording to cover up a few plot points. - EspioKaos 21:41, 7 April 2008 (CDT)

A few things to say about this article myself:

  • To my knowledge the game has used both "EP" and "Ch." so the notation currently being used is perfect. I suspect this was a result of Espio knowing this too though!
  • Once or twice we've mentioned trying to get a "Spoiler, click to view" style button in. I can't remember how those concluded but this (and a couple parts of Episode 2, one of which I ended up using a simple highlight-to-see method for) would be one of the places that could make use of it.
  • Regardless of that, this article could perhaps use a generic "Spoiler article" infobox the same way we have existing Guide and April Fools boxes (though the image of the latter wasn't terribly relevant :P)
  • On the subject of the article itself: This is very interesting stuff to me. I wonder if this subplot system will be used to prevent screwing people out of things PSO-style, or if it's just a more elaborate way of doing it. Clearly I hope for the former :P if the subplots aren't repeatable then that's already a recipe for disaster, for example. - Miraglyth 07:13, 8 April 2008 (CDT)