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Free Missions (Network)


LV Req. LV Monster LV Rank
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
B  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
A  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
S  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

Guardians' Colony

My Room

SEED Form Mop Up This quest is special, in that it can only be played during the tutorial, and solo.

LV Req. LV Monster LV Rank
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
n/a 0 1 30 1  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

Clyez Linear Line Platform

Junction Passage Breakthrough

LV Req. LV Monster LV Rank
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 0 1~ 100 2 50 1  ?  ?  ?  ?
B 5 20~ 450 5  ?  ? 300 1  ?  ?
A  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
S  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

Linear Line Outpost

Farm Plant Recovery

LV Req. LV Monster LV Rank
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 0 5~ 200 3  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
B 10 25~ 700 7  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
A  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
S  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?


Holtes Flyerbase

Primitive Creature Suppression

LV Req. LV Monster LV Rank
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 0 10 150 2 100 1  ?  ?  ?  ?
B  ?  ? 300 3  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
A  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
S  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

Raffon Meadow Outpost

Ruler of the Meadow

LV Req. LV Monster LV Rank
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 0 15 700 8 450 5 225 2  ?  ?
B 15  ? 1050 11 700 7  ?  ?  ?  ?
A  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
S  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

The 'Thing' sleeping within the Ruins

LV Req. LV Monster LV Rank
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 0 15~ 600 6 400 4 200 2  ?  ?
B  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
A  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
S  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?


Ohtoku Flyerbase

Defending Mizuraki C.D.

LV Req. LV Monster LV Rank
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 0 15~ 450 5 300 3  ?  ?  ?  ?
B 15 25~  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
A 30 35~  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
S  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

Greenwood Breakthrough

LV Req. LV Monster LV Rank
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 0 15~ 250 3  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
B 20 30~  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
A 30 40~  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
S  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

Mizuraki C.D. Outpost

Suppressing the Evil Flying Beast

LV Req. LV Monster LV Rank
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 0 25~ 400 8  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
B  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
A  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
S  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

Shikon Archipelago Outpost

Rainbow Monster

LV Req. LV Monster LV Rank
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 0 15~ 500 5  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
B 20 35~  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
A 35 45~  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
S  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

Shrine of Fanatics

LV Req. LV Monster LV Rank
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 0 15~ 700 8  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
B 25 35~  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
A 40 45~  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
S  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

Free Missions (Story/Extra)

Guardians' Colony

Clyez Linear Line Platform

Junction Passage Breakthrough

  • Required level: n/a
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 8:00; 72 monsters defeated
  • S-rank reward: Linear Line
Rank S A B C
Meseta 1000 500 300  ?
Points 60 30 10  ?

Farm Plant Recovery

  • Required level: 30
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 9:00
  • S-rank reward: Walking Panon
Rank S A B C
Meseta 4500  ?  ?  ?
Points 80  ?  ?  ?

Spaceship Dock

Sattelite of Darkness

  • Required level: 60
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 14:00; 67 monsters defeated
  • S-rank reward: HIVE
Rank S A B C
Meseta 9000  ?  ?  ?
Points 100  ?  ?  ?


Holtes Flyerbase

Primitive Creature Suppression

  • Required level: n/a
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 1:50; 25 monsters defeated
  • S-rank reward: PPT Shuttle
Rank S A B C
Meseta 300 150  ?  ?
Points 20 10  ?  ?

Burning Plains

  • Required level: 5
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 9:00; 43 monsters defeated; 5 SEED eradicated
  • S-rank reward: Beetle
Rank S A B C
Meseta 1000  ?  ?  ?
Points 60  ?  ?  ?

Stock Amock

Rank S A B C
Meseta  ?  ?  ?  ?
Points  ?  ?  ?  ?

Ruler of the Meadow

  • Required level: 15
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 7:00; 25 monsters defeated
  • S-rank reward: Di Ragan
Rank S A B C
Meseta  ?  ?  ?  ?
Points  ?  ?  ?  ?

The 'Thing' sleeping within the Ruins

  • Required level: 10
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 10:00; 82 monsters defeated
  • S-rank reward: Svaltus Edge, Blues's Cargo
Rank S A B C
Meseta  ?  ?  ?  ?
Points  ?  ?  ?  ?

Holtes Linear Line

Two-headed Guardian

Rank S A B C
Meseta 5000  ?  ?  ?
Points 90  ?  ?  ?

Freight Train Rescue

Rank S A B C
Meseta  ? 150  ?  ?
Points  ? 10  ?  ?

The Remnants of Endrum

  • Required level: 35
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 12:00; 66 monsters defeated
  • S-rank reward: Raphaal Buster (Extra Mode), Guriina Beat S
Rank S A B C
Meseta 5000 3500  ?  ?
Points 90 60  ?  ?


Ohtoku Flyerbase

Defending Mizuraki C.D.

  • Required level: 15
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 9:30; 81 monsters defeated
  • S-rank reward: Saw Beetle
Rank S A B C
Meseta 2500  ?  ?  ?
Points 70  ?  ?  ?

Freezing Forest

  • Required level: 20
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 13:00; 58 monsters defeated; 5 SEED eradicated
  • S-rank reward: Maiden's Ship
Rank S A B C
Meseta  ?  ?  ?  ?
Points  ?  ?  ?  ?

Suppressing the Evil Flying Beast

  • Required level: 30
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 11:00; 57 monsters defeated
  • S-rank reward: Onma Gogh
Rank S A B C
Meseta  ? 2500  ?  ?
Points  ? 90  ?  ?

Protecting the Greenwood

  • Required level: 25
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 12:00; 79 monsters defeated
  • S-rank reward: Tornado Throw
Rank S A B C
Meseta 4000  ?  ?  ?
Points 80  ?  ?  ?

Forest of Flames

  • Required level: 45
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 15:00; 57 monsters defeated
  • S-rank reward: BR Burning Poster
Rank S A B C
Meseta 6000  ?  ?  ?
Points 90  ?  ?  ?

Shrine of Fanatics

Rank S A B C
Meseta 4500  ?  ?  ?
Points 80 50  ?  ?

Temple of Ice

Rank S A B C
Meseta  ? 4000  ?  ?
Points  ? 60  ?  ?


Dagora Flyerbase

Valley of Carnage

  • Required level: 20
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 12:00; 84 monsters defeated
  • S-rank reward: Scenery with Rapucha
Rank S A B C
Meseta  ?  ?  ?  ?
Points  ?  ?  ?  ?

Rescue Tunnel

  • Required level: 35
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 8:30; 76 monsters defeated
  • S-rank reward: Zuuna
Rank S A B C
Meseta 5000 3500  ?  ?
Points 90 60  ?  ?

Mech Soldier of the Sands

Rank S A B C
Meseta  ?  ?  ?  ?
Points  ?  ?  ?  ?

Absolute Zero Annihalation Strategy

Rank S A B C
Meseta 9000  ?  ?  ?
Points 100  ?  ?  ?

Insane Sand Monstergoog

Rank S A B C
Meseta 9000  ?  ?  ?
Points 100  ?  ?  ?

Story Missions (Story)

Chapter 1

Rank S A B C
Meseta 300 200  ?  ?

Lumia's Rescue 1

  • Team mates: -
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 7:40; 67 monsters defeated
  • S-rank reward: Trimate

Lumia's Rescue 2

  • Team mates: -
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 1:00
  • S-rank reward: Rising Crush

Chapter 2

Rank S A B C
Meseta  ?  ?  ?  ?
Points  ?  ?  ?  ?

Meadow Purification 1

  • Team mates: Karen, Hyuga
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 9:30; 43 monsters defeated; 4 SEED eradicated
  • S-rank reward: Pike

Meadow Purification 2

  • Team mates: Karen, Hyuga
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 1:00
  • S-rank reward: Agtalide

Chapter 3

Rank S A B C
Meseta 2000  ?  ?  ?
Points 60  ?  ?  ?

Relics Investigation 1

  • Team mates: Karen, Hyuga
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 12:00; 69 monsters defeated; 0 deaths for Dorson
  • S-rank reward: Agtalide

Relics Investigation 2

  • Team mates: Karen, Hyuga
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 1:10; 0 deaths for Dorson
  • S-rank reward: Gigush

Relics Investigation 3

  • Team mates: Karen, Hyuga
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 1:00; 0 deaths for Dorson
  • S-rank reward: Svaltus Edge

Chapter 4

Rank S A B C
Meseta 2500  ?  ?  ?
Points 70  ?  ?  ?

Milate 4 Convoy 1

  • Team mates: Karen, Hyuga, Nav
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 1:10
  • S-rank reward: Greasegun

Milate 4 Convoy 2

  • Team mates: Karen, Hyuga, Nav
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 3:20
  • S-rank reward: Sunadokei

Milate 4 Convoy 3

  • Team mates: Karen, Hyuga, Nav
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 8:40; 32 Rogues units defeated
  • S-rank reward: Scapedoll

Milate 4 Convoy 4

  • Team mates: Karen, Hyuga, Nav
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 1:00
  • S-rank reward: Neta Notebook

Chapter 5

Rank S A B C
Meseta 7500  ?  ?  ?
Points 80  ?  ?  ?

Rescuing the Divine Maiden 1

  • Team mates: Karen, Hyuga, Maya
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 13:40; 58 monsters defeated; 4 SEED eradicated
  • S-rank reward: Autogun

Rescuing the Divine Maiden 2

  • Team mates: Karen, Hyuga, Maya
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 1:00
  • S-rank reward: Rising Fever

Chapter 6

Rank S A B C
Meseta 9000  ?  ?  ?
Points 90  ?  ?  ?

Kidnap Investigation 1

  • Team mates: Hyuga, Leo, Tonnio
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 14:10; 84 monsters defeated
  • S-rank reward: Kubara Wood

Kidnap Investigation 2

  • Team mates: Hyuga, Leo, Tonnio
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 12:40; 70 monsters defeated; 8 traps destroyed
  • S-rank reward: Pallasra

Kidnap Investigation 3

  • Team mates: Hyuga, Leo, Tonnio
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 2:00
  • S-rank reward: Stella/Power S

Chapter 7

Rank S A B C
Meseta 10000  ?  ?  ?
Points 100  ?  ?  ?

Karen's Rescue 1

  • Team mates: Hyuga, Maya
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 2:30
  • S-rank reward: Innocent Bottom

Karen's Rescue 2

  • Team mates: Hyuga, Maya
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 1:10; 0 deaths for Mirei
  • S-rank reward: Double Saber

Karen's Rescue 3

  • Team mates: Hyuga, Maya
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 1:50
  • S-rank reward: Real Twin Hand

Chapter 8

Rank S A B C
Meseta 7500  ?  ?  ?
Points 110  ?  ?  ?

Farm Disaster

  • Team mates: -
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 6:00
  • S-rank reward: Scapedoll

Abandoned Capital Experiment 1

  • Team mates: Maya, Lou
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 1:00; 0 deaths for Taragi
  • S-rank reward: Innocent Jacket

Abandoned Capital Experiment 2

  • Team mates: Maya, Lou
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 9:10; 72 monsters defeated; 0 deaths for Taragi
  • S-rank reward: Grinder/A+4

Abandoned Capital Experiment 3

  • Team mates: Maya, Lou
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 1:00
  • S-rank reward: Asamizashi

Chapter 9

Rank S A B C
Meseta 10000 4000 1500  ?
Points 120 90 70  ?

The Search For Lou 1

  • Team mates: Leo, Tonnio, Lou
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 5:50; 21 monsters defeated
  • S-rank reward: Grinder/A+5

The Search For Lou 2

  • Team mates: Leo, Tonnio, Lou
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 9:00; 76 monsters defeated; 0 deaths for Lou
  • S-rank reward: Bullseye

The Search For Lou 3

  • Team mates: Leo, Tonnio, Lou
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 2:00
  • S-rank reward: Teiro/HP Restorate

Chapter 10

Rank S A B C
Meseta 10000  ?  ?  ?
Points 130  ?  ?  ?

Defeat Kagajibari!

  • Team mates: Lou
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 1:00
  • S-rank reward: Gudda Brebba

Phantasmal Escort 1

  • Team mates: Lou
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 14:40; 57 monsters defeated
  • S-rank reward: Grinder/S+4

Phantasmal Escort 2

  • Team mates: Lou
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 2:00
  • S-rank reward: Tei/PP Generate

Chapter 11

Rank S A B C
Meseta 18000  ?  ?  ?
Points 140  ?  ?  ?

Defend the Sealing Apparatus 1

  • Team mates: Leo, Tonnio
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within ?; 12 monsters defeated
  • S-rank reward: Scape Doll

Defend the Sealing Apparatus 3

  • Team mates: Leo, Tonnio, Lou
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within 13:00
  • S-rank reward: Grinder/S+5

Defend the Sealing Apparatus 5

  • Team mates: Leo, Tonnio, Lou
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within ?
  • S-rank reward: Mugunguri

Chapter 12

Rank S A B C
Meseta 18000 7000  ?  ?
Points 150 120  ?  ?

Guardians' Mission

  • Team mates: Karen
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within ?; 47 monsters defeated
  • S-rank reward: Scape Doll

Guardians' Mission 3

  • Team mates: ?
  • S-rank requirements: cleared within ?; 0 deaths for Maya
  • S-rank reward: Death Dancer

See Also


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