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m (Updated with new template info; also included adding AOTI tags.)
m (Area drops)
Line 53: Line 53:
* Metrolinear area - [[AMF Metro Linear]]
* Metrolinear area - [[AMF Metro Linear]]
* Rozenom area - [[Old Rozenom City]]
* Rozenom area - [[Old Rozenom City]]
* HQ area - [[AMF Central HQ]]
* HQ area - [[AMF HQ]]
* Saguraki area - [[Saguraki C.D.]]
* Saguraki area - [[Saguraki C.D.]]
* COG HQ area - [[Pavilion of Air]]
* COG HQ area - [[Pavilion of Air]]

Revision as of 08:29, 29 July 2008

This page will serve as a small guide and listing of templates for use in the item drop tables found in mission articles, such as Lightning Beasts. These templates are to be used in place of manual insertion of item drops wherever possible - this makes the tables far easier to update in the event of drop changes or new information (such as droprates) coming to light.

Using the templates

Enemy level drops

These are items that drop from a particular enemy within a certain level range. These drops differ between different enemies, and tend to get better in quality as the enemy's level increases. Examples of these drops include [B] 2-headed Ragnus from Go Vahra at LV100-149, and Pikenata from Jarba at LV10-19.

The naming scheme for these templates is {{enemy name | level}} where enemy name is the full name of the enemy (including capitals and spaces) and level is the lowest level in a particular range. These ranges are currently:

  • 1 (1-9)
  • 10 (10-19)
  • 20 (20-29)
  • 30 (30-39)
  • 40 (40-49)
  • 50 (50-59)
  • 60 (60-69)
  • 70 (70-79)
  • 80 (80-89)
  • 90 (90-99)
  • 100 (100-124)
  • 125 (125-149)
  • 150 (150+)

So, to use the template for a level 110 Go Bajilla, you would use {{Go Bajilla | 100}}, and for Dilnazen at level 55 it would be {{Dilnazen | 50}}.

Enemy special drops

These are items that can drop from a particular enemy at any level, and they are often biomaterials, although acids, recovery boards and even weapons can be special drops. An example of a special drop is Gaozoran Rod, which can drop from Gaozoran at any level.

The naming scheme for these templates is {{<enemy name> | special}}. To get Go Vahra's special drops, you would use {{Go Vahra | special}}.

AOTI drops

With the release of Ambition of the Illuminus, some of the enemies from the original Phantasy Star Universe were discovered to have unique drops for when they appear in AOTI missions. Because of this, whenever an enemy which was introduced by the original game makes an appearance in an AOTI mission, an AOTI tag must be added to the enemy's drop template to call upon the correct drop data. For example, Golmoros appear in both Sleeping Warriors and Scarred Planet. Since Sleeping Warriors is a PSU mission, the drop template for a LV100 Golmoro would be typed {{Golmoro | 100}} in that mission's drop chart while in the chart for Scarred Planet, it would be typed {{Golmoro | AOTI 100}}. In other words, simply type AOTI before the level of the enemy (separated by a space) but after the vertical pipe.

Area drops

These are items that can drop from any enemy in a particular area, depending on the level of the enemies. Areas can be defined loosely as different levels of the game - Raffon Meadow is a different area to Old Rozenom City. For example, [B] Crea Doubles can drop in the Linear Line area where enemies are LV50 or higher.

The naming scheme for these templates is {{area name | level}}, where area name is one of the area names given below, and level is the base enemy level of the mission.

Area names are as follows:

AOTI drops

As with enemies, certain areas introduced in the original game will reappear in AOTI missions, giving them new drops. In such a case of a PSU field being the base of an AOTI mission, the drop templates should have the AOTI tag included in them. For example, {{Train area | AOTI 70}}.