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(Created page with "{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; width: 200px; height: 200px;" |+ Characters |- ! scope="col" | Name ! scope="col" | Level ! scope="col" | Class ! scope="col" |...")
Line 74: Line 74:
| {{neutral}}
| {{neutral}}
| {{13 stars}}
| {{13 stars}}
{| border="1"
|+ ZACK's Armor / Units
! scope="col" | Type
! scope="col" | Name
! scope="col" | Attribute
! scope="col" | Rarity
! scope="row" |{{line shield icon}}
| Shijin
| {{ice}} 34%
|{{15 stars}}
! scope="row" | {{ head unit icon}}
| Ouryu
| {{neutral}}
| {{ 15 stars}}
! scope="row" | {{ arm unit icon}}
| Lumirus/Kaos knight
| {{Neutral}}
| {{11 stars}}
! scope-"row" | {{ body unit icon}}
| Lumirus / Wall
| {{neutral}}
| {{11 stars}}
! scope="row" | {{extra unit icon}}
| Lumira / Hp Restore
| {{ Neutral}}
| {{11 stars}}
{| border="1"
|+ BOB's Weapons
! scope="col" | Type
! scope="col" | Weapon
! scope="col" | Grinds
! scope="col" | Attribute
! scope="col" | Rarity
! scope="row" | {{rifle icon}}
| Edel Fucil
| 0/10
| {{neutral}}
| {{15 stars}}
! scope="row" | {{rifle icon}}
| RattleSnake || 10/10 || {{Neutral}} || {{11 stars}}
! scope="row" | {{rifle icon}}
| RattleSnake
| 10/10
| {{neutral}}
| {{11 stars}}
! scope="row" | {{shotgun icon}}
| Shigga Pakuda
| 10/10
| {{neutral}}
| {{12 stars}}
! scope="row" | {{shotgun icon}}
| Shigga Pakuda
| 10/10
| {{neutral}}
| {{12 stars}}
! scope="row" | {{laser cannon icon }}
| Needle Cannon
| 10/10
| {{neutral}}
| {{12 stars}}
{| border="1"
|+ BOB's Armor / Units
! scope="col" | Type
! scope="col" | Name
! scope="col" | Attribute
! scope="col" | Rarity
! scope="row" | {{ line shield icon}}
| Storm Line || {{ice}} 28% || {{10 stars}}
! scope="row" | {{ arm unit icon}}
| Lumirus/Kaos Knight
| {{neutral}}
| {{11 stars}}
! scope="row" | {{ body unit icon}}
| Lumirus / Wall
| {{neutral}}
| {{11 stars}}
! scope="row" | {{extra unit icon}}
| Ascension Gift
| {{Neutral}}
| {{7 stars }}
! scope="row" | {{extra unit icon}}
| Ares Espada
| {{neutral}}
| {{13 stars}}
{| border="1"
! scope="col" | Type
! scope="col" | Weapon
! scope="col" | Grinds
! scope="col" | Attribute
! scope="col" | Rarity
! scope="row" | {{ Sword icon}}
| Kan Yu || 10/10 || {{ice}} 50% || {{11 stars}}
! scope="row" | {{Knuckles icon }}
| Gudda Hon
| 10/10
| {{fire}} 50%
| {{11 stars}}
! scope="row" | {{ spear icon}}
| Muktengek
| 10/10
| {{Lightning}} 50%
| {{11 stars}}
! scope="row" | {{ axe icon}}
| Bil De Axe
| 10/10
| {{fire}} 50%
| {{11 stars}}

Revision as of 01:47, 21 May 2011

Name Level Class Race Gender
ZACK 180 FighGunner Human Male
BOB 180 GunMaster Cast Male
CRACKERBEAST 180 ForteFighter Beast Male
Senior Rappy 84 MasterForce Newman Male
ZACK's Weapons
Type Weapon Grinds Attribute Rarity
Double sabers
Carriguine-Rucar 10/10 Dark 50% Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif
Double sabers
Carriguine-Rucar 9/9 Fire 50% Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif
Double sabers
Carriguine-Rucar 8/8 Ice 50% Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif
Twin sabers
SangeYasha 9/9 Fire 43% Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gif
Twin daggers
Dagger Of Serafi 8/8 Fire 50% Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif
Halp Serafi 10/10 Fire 46% Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif
Twin handguns
Guld & Milla 10/10 Neutral Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gif
Germinus Gun 10/10 Neutral Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S2.gif
ZACK's Armor / Units
Type Name Attribute Rarity
Line shields
Shijin Ice 34% Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gif
Head units
Ouryu Neutral Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gif
Arm units
Lumirus/Kaos knight Neutral Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gif
Body units
Lumirus / Wall Neutral Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gif
Extra units
Lumira / Hp Restore Neutral Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gif
BOB's Weapons
Type Weapon Grinds Attribute Rarity
Edel Fucil 0/10 Neutral Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gif
RattleSnake 10/10 Neutral Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gif
RattleSnake 10/10 Neutral Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gif
Shigga Pakuda 10/10 Neutral Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gif
Shigga Pakuda 10/10 Neutral Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gif
Laser cannons
Needle Cannon 10/10 Neutral Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gif
BOB's Armor / Units
Type Name Attribute Rarity
Line shields
Storm Line Ice 28% Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif
Arm units
Lumirus/Kaos Knight Neutral Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gif
Body units
Lumirus / Wall Neutral Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gif
Extra units
Ascension Gift Neutral Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif
Extra units
Ares Espada Neutral Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S2.gif
Type Weapon Grinds Attribute Rarity
Kan Yu 10/10 Ice 50% Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gif
Gudda Hon 10/10 Fire 50% Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gif
Muktengek 10/10 Lightning 50% Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gif
Bil De Axe 10/10 Fire 50% Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gif