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Revision as of 13:40, 22 April 2007 by Miraglyth (talk | contribs) (Hunter Lv.4 woo.)

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Miraglyth: Click for a larger version.


Hi there! I'm a semi-regular player on the English PC/PS2 servers and can usually be found on "the" IRC channel, which I apparently am now an operator of too.

My main "field" within PSUPedia seems to consist of managing the Updates and Events within the game.

I have also been responsible for the Firefox Plugin, and - with a lot of help from Tych - the spiffy character profiles found on many people's User: pages. For more on the latter, check out this page for details.

Character Profile

Name Race Gender Level Type HU RA FO FI GU WA FF FG FT PR
Miraglyth Newman 74 Fortetecher 10 10 10 2 7 10
Broadcast CAST 18 Hunter 4

Finally fed up of the awful type "abbreviations", I've deliberately avoided the template and custom-made my character profile. Which is funny because I pretty much made the template!

I've started up a CAST because it seems like the Ambition of Illuminus expansion is not going to save Newmans or Humans. Oh well ;_;


"Whoa. I must say I'm more than amazed. While I was expecting a news headline of several lines or so, you managed to write a full-fledged article qualitatively not unlike Wikipedia articles. Here's hoping you'll be around for a while -- the site definitely needs more people like you." - Tycho 07:23, 27 October 2006 (PDT)

"Miraglyth is totally a dude." - Miraglyth 05:55, 18 November 2006 (PDT)

"Miraglyth is like the least feminine person [in the IRC channel].." - Tekki 16:45, 23 December 2006 (PDT)

"Stop destroying my feathery fragile logic that makes this sound like a good idea, Mira. :cry:" - Remedy 08:27, 3 April 2007 (BST)

"I hate you almost as much as I hate WoW." - Zephyr 22:05, 12 April 2007 (BST)