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User talk:Zarbolord

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hi, i'm ahzi, i run this joint

just so you know, MAKING ARTICLES JUST TO SAY "DIS NEEDS MORE WORK" IS ANNOYING and puts extra strain on the contributors

i'll give you time to develop the article, if not i'll roll back your edit; making sloppy edits makes for a sloppy wiki, and we're not quantity over quality

i'm not telling you off, but yeah Ahzi haet work 10:17, 14 September 2006 (PDT)

Ok, sorry Ahzi. Uhh, I made a new page for the Maid, it's not too detailed, but it's got some interesting info, it's the link with GH-410. I hope to make it better onceI have the game. I'll also take care of GH-420 if possible (by 25th November, I bet you'll have finished the whole site, hmph... ). I wrote it in my own words, they're just bits and bobs I've heard from here and there. But they're true, so no worries for that. Also, where is the rare item database? I can't seem to find it. Cheers dude, it's a great site now, I wonder how amazing it'll be once we fill it in! Man ,I LOVE GH-420, the claws, dude, the claws are what's important!

    • Not to sound like an ogre, but if creating new articles can you PLEASE give them an exact name? Example: If making an article about a specific PM form use the form's proper name if you can please, and any unofficial nicknames can be made into redirects. Using the 'correct' name for stuff like this makes it a hell of a lot easier to search and cross-reference in other articles. Thanks.
    • PS: If you don't have enough data or information to make a worthwhile seperate article consider adding it to the 'parent' article. For example if you have limited info on a PM form you could try adding it to the Partner Machinery Article. That goes for anybody reading this. Unsatisfactory articles will be marked for merging or deletion, at the discretion of other users (and ultimately, the Admins). Mewn

Right Mewn, no prob. I'll keep cool now. I just didn't know where to put the Maid stuff. I'll wait for the game release now, I've learned my lesson. And to those who have been reading, you have just seen the Zarbolord, gone Zarb.