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Kanon Quolia

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Revision as of 23:02, 13 June 2010 by RockNRollers (talk | contribs) (Stats, grind info, etc.)

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Gurhal Channel 5
This article contains information on content which has not yet been released outside of the Japanese PC servers. This content should be introduced to the Xbox 360 servers in a future update.

(Cannon Qualia)

(Description unknown.)

Item details

Stats, grind info, etc.

Weapon stats
Twin handguns
Mfr. Kubara Product Rarity 9★ Ver.
PP 780 Att. 238 Tech. -- Acc. 320
112 Vari-
 ? Status effect
Pricing information
Buy price N/A
Sell price 25000
Shop location Not for sale
Grinding information
Stat 0/10 1/10 2/10 3/10 4/10 5/10 6/10 7/10 8/10 9/10 10/10
PP 780 800 824 840 866 880 902 914 940 950 980
Att. 238 247 252 259 262 270 275 281 286 295 303
Drop information
Source Level Ver. Type
No known drop sources.

Image gallery