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Ice Crystal Exchange (event mission)

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Gurhal Channel 5
This article contains information on content which has not yet been released outside of the Japanese PC servers. This content should be introduced to the Xbox 360 servers in a future update.

Absolute Zero This article pertains to a mission which was available only during the limited-time event Absolute Zero.

(Ice Crystal Exchange)
Clyez City
Start lobby Clyez City: 5th Floor
Start counter GUARDIANS HQ
End lobby Clyez City: 5th Floor
Version Ambition of the Illuminus
Mission type Event mission

(Collect as many Rayspheres as you can to exchange for some very useful items at the Resident Security Department. Good luck!
Client: Fisul Godes)

Mission details

This item exchange mission will be introduced as part of the event (Absolute Zero).

Exchange items

The following items can be obtained by exchanging the specified number of (Rayspheres).

Exchange items Exchange rate
PA Fragment x3 (Raysphere) x2
Ban-photon x5 (Raysphere) x3
PSU Disc 9 (Raysphere) x5
PSU Disc 19 (Raysphere) x5
PSU Disc 35 (Raysphere) x5
PSU Disc 47 (Raysphere) x5
Nanopolymer (Raysphere) x10
Ortapolymer (Raysphere) x10
Metapolymer (Raysphere) x10
Exchange items Exchange rate
Barlian (Raysphere) x20
Exanite (Raysphere) x20
Gachnium (Raysphere) x20
Gurtite (Raysphere) x20
Paural (Raysphere) x20
Sweet Line (Raysphere) x30
Laser Pannon (Raysphere) x50
Killing Hearts (Raysphere) x99
PSU Disc 32 (Raysphere) x5
Exchange items Exchange rate
PSU Disc 57 (Raysphere) x5
PSU Disc 67 (Raysphere) x5
PSU Disc 68 (Raysphere) x5
Mysterious Skull (Raysphere) x30
Ice Bar MIX (Raysphere) x40
Wise Faust (Raysphere) x60

Special exchange items

Exchange items Required items Comments
Ice Sword Mil Ice Sword Pi x1 Comes with a fixed 38% ice attribute.
Ice Sword Lum x1
Ice Bar MIX x1
(Tippo Dogma+) Tippo Rabna x1 --
Tippo Nazra x1
(Photon Booster) x1
Amore Rose (Splendor Rose) x1 --
Killing Hearts x1

Conversion rates

Only (Rayspheres) can be used to exchange for items in this mission. However, any Ray-photons or (Ray-drops) you have collected can be compressed into (Rayspheres). You can also decompress (Ray-drops) into Ray-photons. The following list illustrates the conversion rates.