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A Brighter Day 1

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Gurhal Channel 5
This article contains information on content which has not yet been released outside of the Japanese PC servers. This content should be introduced to the Xbox 360 servers in a future update.

(For brighter day 1)
Clyez mission.png
Start lobby Clyez City: 5th Floor
Start counter GUARDIANS HQ
End lobby
Version Ambition of the Illuminus
Field Rykros RELICS
Mission type Story mission
Party size 1 player
Enemy elements Light Dark
(Thanks to funding from GRM, the start up of the confinement systems of the three planets is moving along smoothly. And thus begins the battle to start the fourth system...)

Mission requirements and rewards

LV Req. LV Enemy LV Rank S Rank A Rank B Rank C
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 1 35+ 1750 18 -- -- -- -- 0 0
B 50 49+ 2450 25 -- -- -- -- 0 0
(Vol Bros. Portrait)
A 75 64+ 3200 32 -- -- -- -- 0 0
PA Fragment x10[1]
(Vol Bros. Portrait)
Rank S requirements
LV Time Defeated enemies Miscellaneous requirements
  1. Jump up PA Fragment rewards for story missions are only awarded once per character.

Enemy information

Enemy name Enemy buffs Ele. Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A
Galdeen Dark 35 -- 49 -- 64 --
Delsaban Dark 36 -- x x x x
Delsaban Sword.gif Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Dark 36 -- x x x x
Deljaban Dark x x 50 -- 65 --
Deljaban Sword.gif Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Dark x x 50 -- 65 --
SEED-Vance Dark 37 -- x x x x
SEED-Vitace Dark x x 51 -- 66 --
Svaltus Light 39 -- 53 -- 68 --

Item drops

Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A
Galdeen -- Izlucre [B] Hiken [B] Fuma-hiken
Delsaban -- Pallasch x x
Deljaban Deljaban Blade
[B] Del Jagnus
[B] Deljabaner
x [B] Falcion [B] Jitseen
SEED-Vance -- [B] Twin Lockgun x x
SEED-Vitace -- x [[[B] Dual Railgun]] [[[B] Bulletmaster]]
Svaltus Svaltus Edge Claymore Ascalon Hanzo
Normal box Template:Dark RELICS box Template:Dark RELICS box Template:Dark RELICS box Template:Dark RELICS box
Area drops Photon Drop Xbox 360 version
Ishana Sourcestone Japanese version
2-9★ ores
Copernia, Olpad
3-10★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Olpad, Rubinad
5-12★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
[B] Hikec