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I'm DarK-SuN and I've been a long time Phantasy Star fan, although for the purpose of this profile I'm only going to mention things from when PSO was first released until this day.

I started playing PSO in the original Japanese DCv1, but offline only, going online for the first time when the European DCv1 was released. Just like with PSO, I started playing PSU with the Japanese version since day one, now only playing in the EU/US servers using the PC client with the AOI expansion.

As with some, more die-hard, fans of a series, I collect Phantasy Star games from multiple regions and versions/platforms; I'm weird like that. :P

My main character's name in PSOv1, PSOv2, PSOPC, PSOX, PSOGC and PSOEp3 was <D@rK-SuN>, in PSOBB it was DarK-SuN (to keep the REDRIA badge), always a RAcast and always with the same look throughout all his renditions. DarK-SuN is also my username in the official PSU forums, at PSO-World and, as you can see, in PSUPedia.

In PSU, my main character's name is Dark Sun, but I have a second CAST named <D@rK-SuN> which is a carbon copy of his old PSO look using the PSO related CAST parts that were added in the AOI expansion and with the MAG event.

I had a secondary/alt character named Ayanami in PSOv1, PSOv2, PSOPC, PSOX (created but never used), PSOGC and PSOEp3 (in this one she was made as an older version of herself). I remade her in PSOBB under the name of Aya Ichimoto, since I prefered to "retcon" her first name to a shorter version (everyone called her Aya anyway), add her last name in the mix and thus clean up any confusion of people saying she was just a Rei Ayanami clone from Evangelion since that was not the intent. She was a HUnewearl in all her PSO renditions, always with the same look (blue outfit, blue short hair and yellow eyes), except in Episode 3 where I made her with long white hair, representing her older look since Episode 3 is several years after the normal PSO period, and she used only ice based techs as an "ice queen theme" choice for her.

In PSU, my secondary/alt character, in contrast, is the polar opposite of my PSO secondary/alt character. While in PSO she was an ice tech user, in PSU I made her a fire tech user with ground techs thrown into the mix. Her name is Kathiel Grimrays, a brown short haired, newman female with hazel eyes. Recently with the addition of PSO HUnewearl clothing thanks to MAG, I made a fourth character named Aya Ichimoto, who is a remake of the character with the same name in PSO, also with short blue hair and yellow eyes, only with both ice and lightning techs instead of being restricted only to ice techs like before.

I also remade other old PSO characters of mine in PSU (in part thanks to MAG giving us PSO clothing) recently, but they're in "another place" and will be commented on later.

The sections below will now list and comment on my current PSU characters.

Character profile: Dark Sun

This character is a "remix" of my PSO RAcast using PSU specific parts, a "<D@rK-SuN> Mark-II" if you will.

His current Guardian Type is Fighgunner, but I'm heavilly considering of going Fighmaster once it's released.


Name Race Gender Level Server Version
Dark Sun CAST Male 101 PC/PS2 Ambition of the Illuminus


10 10 5 20 1 1 10 1 1 1 5 1 X X X


This is the equipment I currently use or have bound to the weapon's pallete.

Weapon Name Linked
Double sabers
Kubara Product Fire  ??% Crea Doubles Absolute Dance
Double sabers
G.R.M. Dark  ??% Nightwalker Absolute Dance
Double sabers
Yohmei Ice  ??% Raikasobra Absolute Dance
Double sabers
Kubara Product Light  ??% Carriguine-Rucar Absolute Dance
Double sabers
G.R.M. Lightning  ??% Double Agito Absolute Dance
Double sabers
Kubara Product Ground  ??% Crea Doubles Absolute Dance
Armor Data Name Head Slot Arm Slot Body Slot Extra Slot
Line shields
G.R.M. Fire  ??% Shinowa Line Sta / Force Mega / Power N/A Paradi Cataract

Reserve Equipment

This is equipment I carry in my inventory but only use in specific missions, boss battles or certain situations.

Weapon Name Linked
Kubara Product Lightning  ??% Durandal Replica Rising Strike
G.R.M. Fire  ??% Crimson Rising Strike
Kubara Product Ice  ??% Varista Frozen Hit
Yohmei Ground  ??% Kubiri-hiken Chikki Kyoren-jin

Photon Arts

(coming soon)

Partner Machine

Name Model Prod. LV Strk. Rng. TECH Armr. B St
Ichimoto GH 201 38 38 0 0 0 0

Goals with Dark Sun

(coming soon)

This is a WIP, more to come soon!