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Episode 1 Chapter 07 Ethan (script)

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In a far away galaxy, lies a sun, orbited by 3 planets. The Gurhal system.
A place inhabited by humans, and their creations,
CASTs, Newmens, and beasts.
For 500 years, there was war among the races,
a seemingly never-ending conflict. Then finally...
An era of peace and prosperity that has lasted for 100 years.
But now, a darkness has awoken, and threatens the Universe.

(Opening Cinema)

Episode 1 Chapter 7: Photon Sealing

Ethan's Room

(Cutscene) (Ethan approaches his vision phone. A hologram image of Maya appears above it)

  • Ethan: Maya? Sure, what is it?
  • Maya: Something's happened to Karen! Ethan, please help me... I beg you!
  • Ethan: Of course... But tell me about Karen!
  • Maya: Karen has disappeared!
  • Ethan: Disappeared?!
  • Karen: You have to come to Neudaiz right away! I'll explain everything there.

(Maya hangs up)

  • Ethan: Oh man...

(The door chime sounds)

  • Ethan: Who the heck is that?

(Ethan answers the door to see Leo and Tonnio waiting outside)

  • Leo: Hey, Ethan! We heard you graduated!
  • Tonnio: We thought we'd celebrate with ya!
  • Ethan: Sorry, I don't have time right now. G'bye

(Ethan then shuts the door on the pair)

  • Tonnio: We came all the way over here to see you...
  • Leo: Hey, what's wrong? Did something happen?!
  • Tonnio: Forget it man, it's your loss!

(Tonnio leaves, and Leo hesitantly follows) (End Cutscene)

(Talk to Pete)

  • Pete: B-Breathe deeply, Ethan! C-C-Calm down!
  • Ethan: YOU'RE telling ME to calm down?
  • Pete: Y-Yes, sorry.
  • Ethan: Well, I'm going to Maya's.
  • Pete: Yes, please do that. I've prepared some information, as usual. We'll go over it when you're ready.

(Ask About Karen's whereabouts)

  • Pete: Karen was to be under the protection of the Communion of Gurhal but... she is currently missing. Perhaps she was abducted from the Communion. Or she might have left and gone somewhere of her own free will.
  • Ethan: I wish I knew. All I can do now is go and see Maya, I guess.
  • Pete: What would you like to hear about?

(Ask about kidnappings)

  • Pete: In the end it was determined that the perpetrator of the kidnappings was not Tylor. Information had been planted to implicate Tylor's crew. The location of the kidnapped scientists is still unknown. The GUARDIANS Intelligence Section is pursuing all possible leads. What would you like to hear about?

(Ask about Endrum Collective)

  • Pete: It appears that Magashi approached Tylor's crew in order to recover the A-Photon reactors that Tylor stole. He also fabricated information in order to frame Tylor's crew for the kidnappings.
  • Ethan: But why is the Endrum Collective gathering A-Photons?
  • Pete: That is not known. Given that the Endrum Collective's directive is to protect the RELICS it is not extraordinary for them to take an interest is recovering A-Photon reactors that were found there. But to go to such lengths suggests that there is... important information... surrounding A-Photons. What would you like to hear about?

(Ask about beasts)

  • Ethan: What about Tonnio's transformation into a big monster? What was that about?
  • Pete: That would be a special beast ability called "nanoblasting." You've never heard of it, Ethan?
  • Ethan: Nope.
  • Pete: Probably because nanoblasting is forbidden in populated areas. What would you like to hear about?

(Ask again later)

  • Pete: Please go see Maya. I will send a message apologizing to Leo and Tonnio.
  • Ethan: Thanks, Pete.

Clyez City: Central Table: First Floor

(Scene: Ethan, Lumia) (Lumia waits outside of the Guardains Barracks. As Ethan exits she approaches him)

  • Lumia: Oh, Ethan! I'm so proud of you! I heard you got your official GUARDIANS license! Congratulations! We should throw a big party to celebrate, don't you think?
  • Ethan: Sorry, but I've got something I need to take care of first. Sorry.

(Ethan rushes off)

  • Lumia: Uh... Ethan? Hmph! What's with him?

(End Scene)

Clyez City: GUARDIANS Headquarters: Fifth Floor


  • Lou: Has Karen returned?
  • Ethan: I don't think so. It looks like she's gone missing.
  • Lou: I see... You are going to Neudaiz then?
  • Ethan: Maya just called me over to her place.
  • Lou: You'd better not waste any time.
  • Ethan: Yeah, I'm going now.


  • Lou: You'd better not waste any time.


  • Mina: Hello, Mr. Waber!
  • Ethan: Ah... hi.
  • Mina: What's wrong? You look a little pale.
  • Ethan: No, I'm fine.
  • Mina: Don't push yourself too hard. May the Holy Light guide you!

Holtes City: GUARDIANS Branch


  • Lou: Aren't you going to Neudaiz, Mr. Waber?
  • Ethan: I know, I know! I'm just visiting for a bit.
  • Lou: If you don't hurry you might not make it in time.


  • Sheena: Welcoming to Gurhal! We make the futures of tomorrow!
  • Ethan: ...
  • Sheena: Mr. Waber? What are wrong? You like not look good.
  • Ethan: N-Nothing.
  • Sheena: Oh, I see. Don't overdo yourself. Go with the Holy Light where they guide you to.

Dagora City: GUARDIANS Branch


  • Lou: Mr. Waber, shouldn't you be on Neudaiz?
  • Ethan: I know. I'm just stopping by.
  • Lou: If you don't hurry you may not make it in time.


  • Mana: Hey, this is the GUARDIANS. Protecting Gurhal's future.
  • Ethan: ...
  • Mana: Hey! You look like a De Ragan ate your baby. What's with the long face?
  • Ethan: N-Nothing. I'm fine.
  • Mana: Look alive then, Soldier! The Holy Light will watch over ya!

Ohtoku City: Central District

(Pavilion of Air Guard)

  • Pavilion of Air Guard: Hey you! You're with the GUARDIANS, aren't you? Around here, have you seen... Er... N-No... Forget it!


  • Pavilion of Air Guard: I said forget it!

Ohtoku City: GUARDIANS Branch

(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Maya) (Hyuga and Maya stand by the counter. Ethan approaches the pair)

  • Hyuga: Ethan, you're late!
  • Ethan: Yeah, so where's Karen?
  • Hyuga: I can't say yet for sure, but... Now that we've got someone special helping us we can't lose!
  • Ethan: Huh? Who? Like the headmaster?
  • Hyuga: No, not the headmaster. Good heavens! I can't believe you made a person of such status wait!
  • Ethan: What status...?
  • Hyuga: Let's hurry to the meeting room then.

(End Scene)


  • Lou: You seem rather surprised, Mr. Waber.
  • Ethan: Completely, I mean, the Divine Maiden is here!
  • Lou: Control yourself. Only the smallest contingency of Guardians know of her presence.
  • Ethan: Fine. I can keep it under wraps...
  • Lou: It is a concern to me that you seem to be ruled by your emotions.
  • Ethan: You don't trust me at all, do you?


  • Lou: It is a concern to me that you seem to be ruled by your emotions.


  • Reyna: Oh, hello Mr. Waber! Did you happen to see the Divine Maiden?
  • Ethan: Hm? Well... not really...
  • Reyna: I heard a rumor that she was kidnapped by a group of bandits.
  • Ethan: B-Bandits!? That would be pretty serious stuff! If something like that happens I'll let you know!
  • Reyna: Please do!

GUARDIANS Branch: Meeting Room

(Cutscene) (As Ethan, Hyuga, and Maya enter the Meeting room, Ethan sees a familiar figure. She turns to face him)

  • Ethan: Karen?
  • Mirei: Looks like we meet again.
  • Ethan: Huh? Oh, I'm sorry Maiden!
  • Mirei: Sorry to confuse you like that.
  • Maya: I brought over Karen's spare gear for her... Get this, it turns out that Karen and the Maiden are long lost twins!
  • Ethan: You've gotta be kidding me?!
  • Mirei: What she says is true. Apparently, my mother had fled with Karen, my twin sister, when I was just a child. I saw it all when I... touched Karen for the first time, in a brief overwhelming vision.
  • Ethan: Oh, I see...
  • Hyuga: The Divine Maiden is the one that let us know that Karen had been abducted.
  • Ethan: Then, do you know who did it?
  • Mirei: I'm afraid it was my father... no, I mean our father, who has taken her away. Dohgi Mikuna.
  • Ethan: But that makes no sense... Why would he kidnap his own child?!
  • Mirei: I believe... he is hiding something from me. I feel that somehow this is all related to why my mother ran away with her in the first place.
  • Ethan: Well, what are we doing here? We gotta find Karen!
  • Mirei: Oh, I'd be forever grateful if you'd take me with you.
  • Hyuga: Huh? Divine Maiden, it might not be safe.
  • Maya: He's right. Your presence is needed here for the people.
  • Mirei: But don't you understand? I need to know what happened between my mother and my father. And what he plans to do to my sister!
  • Ethan: Maiden...
  • Maiden: Oh, please! I promise I won't be a burden to you!
  • Ethan: Alright, then. We'll find her together.
  • Mirei: Thank you so much!
  • Ethan: Okay, let's go.

(End Cutscene)

(Scene: Mirei, Ethan, Hyuga, Maya)

  • Ethan: You know, I still don't know where we're going.
  • Mirei: My father's TECHNICS research facility is at a renovated temple on the Shikon Islands. I'm positive they're there.
  • Maya: After preparations are complete, form the party. We'll head to the Shikon Islands by G-Flyer.
  • Mirei: I... I didn't tell anyone that I was coming here... We must be careful. I'm sure they'll be looking for me...
  • Maya: I'll try to get the Maiden to the flyer base without being noticed. We don't want to cause too much of a panic. When you register the party, you only need to register me and Hyuga.

(Mission Karen's Rescue available)

  • Maya: Well then, dismissed!

(End Scene)

(Talk to Mirei)

  • Mirei: I... didn't inform anyone that I was coming here... so there's a chance it could become a problem. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you.
  • Ethan: It's all right, don't worry about it!
  • Mirei: Thank you.

(Talk to Hyuga)

  • Hyuga: This is my first mission since I got my official license. I'll be rescuing my former instructor while escorting the Divine Maiden. What wild luck I've been having!

(Add Hyuga to the Party)

  • Hyuga: Let's hurry to the flyer base.

(Remove Hyuga from Party)

  • Hyuga: Ethan, we don't have a moment to lose!

(Talk to Maya)

  • Maya: I hope there's no trouble. I need to get the Maiden to the flyer base without anyone noticing!

(Add Maya to the Party)

  • Maya: I'll take care of the Maiden, let's just meet up at the flyer base.

(Remove Maya from the Party)

  • Maya: Karen is in danger as we speak. Move quickly, Ethan!

Ohtoku City: Central District

(Cutscene) (The party is walking along the bridge leading to the G-Flyer base)

  • Maya: This just keeps getting better and better.
  • Hyuga: You know, people probably think we kidnapped the Maiden.
  • Mirei: I'm sorry if I'm causing trouble...
  • Ethan: Let's just hurry and get aboard a shuttle.
  • Voice: You there! Hold on a minute!

(Mirei ducks behind Ethan as a Communion Officer approaches the party)

  • Ethan: What's up?
  • Officer: I was going to ask you that. Where are you headed?
  • Ethan: Huh?! Oh, um...
  • Maya: We're on our way to the Sikon Islands for a class project.
  • Officer: Sikon, huh? What are you going to study there?
  • Hyuga: We are going to observe the... evolution of the fauna there. Right, Ethan?
  • Ethan: Huh? Oh, right... exactly.

(The COG Officer notices the girl behind Ethan's back and moves in for a closer look)

  • Officer: Hm? Wait a moment...

(Hyuga and Maya grab the Officer and pull him back)

  • Maya: Hey, can't you just this once let us through?

(Maya grabs the COG Officer by the arm and snuggles up close to him flirtatiously)

  • Maya: Come on... You wouldn't mind us doing a little biology research, huh?
  • Officer: N-No! O-Of course not! Go on through! Go, have a good trip.
  • Maya: Thank you very much! Let's go, let's go!

(End Cutscene)

(Start mission: Karen's Rescue)