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Revision as of 04:21, 27 May 2008 by Midori (talk | contribs) (New page: I'm a PC player and I tend to stick in Universe 01 unless something big's going on. My main posse is Tundra, Paxil and Bob Dole. You'll find me with one of these crazies nine times out of...)
I'm a PC player and I tend to stick in Universe 01 unless something big's going on.
My main posse is Tundra, Paxil and Bob Dole. You'll find me with one of these crazies nine times out of ten.
I play a hardcore damage dealer, so keep up! Axes ftw!
Character Information
Currently farming Par/Neu Walna [[Image:|right]]
Name | Race | Level | Classes | ||
Midori | Beast ♀ | 125 | Fortefighter(20) |
Fighgunner(10) || Wartecher(5) |
Photon Arts