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[hide]Was this an update?
- Around boxing day (timezone dependant?) there was a brief maintenance which removed all lobby "Christmas" decorations, the variety shop Christmas theme and Wreath decoration, and presumably reverted Rappy Noel back to standard Rappy. It also added the "Bamboo" room decoration (and maybe other stuff?), so should it constitute as an update? It's a notable change to the game so it really should be mentioned somehow in this article, no? - Miraglyth 12:08, 28 December 2006 (CST)
- Apparently they also added a photon charger next to the Neudaiz flyer base. - Segaholic2 20:48, 28 December 2006 (CST)
About Update 005
This is the closest match from the Japanese update log. Have fun speculating everyone :).--Seikas2 18:50, 22 December 2006 (CST)
Just in case it needs pointing out - we've already got a couple of those S-Rank missions (VoC and Lab), so it wouldn't be fair to assume the below details are exactly what we'll get on January 12th. - Miraglyth 10:20, 23 December 2006 (CST)
Story Mission EP2 Added
- Ch. 3 "HIVE Purge" added
Party Mission Added
- "Bruce's Dungeon" added
S-rank Mission Added
- Parum
- Endrum Remnants
- Lab Recovery
- Neudaiz
- Forested Islands
- Rainbow Beast
- Moatoob
- Valley of Carnage
- Mine Defense
System Changes
- Level cap raised from 60 to 70
- New photon arts (Bullets, TECHNICS) added
- Light-element bullets
- Dam-type, Buff TECHNICS
- 2 SUV weapons added (Blitz Buster, Meteo Buster)
- High-rank Weapon, Armor, Boards added
- My Room reform tickets added
- Clothes, Parts added
Other Changes
- Removed, as bugfixes and other changes are done separately from content updates.
- Coomdoom has placed a "Maintenance" section in this article. I've fixed it up for now but I do not believe that Maintenance information should be a part of this article at all. On top of adding to the misperception that Maintenance = Update, the purpose of this article is to detail actual update content. - Miraglyth 23:34, 18 November 2006 (PST)
- Agreed. Besides that, I think it's pretty useless to spend half of the article giving information on timezones, while people might as well just try to learn about the system themselves. If the US servers use PST, we might as well go along with it. - Tycho 01:50, 19 November 2006 (PST)