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480 Ossoria Suit
From The re-PSUPedia
This article pertains to an item or mission which has been released on the Xbox 360 servers, but has not been updated to match the official English localization. Please take a moment to help us out by confirming that the name and description match the in-game text. Remember to remove this template after the article is fully localized! |
An ensemble to match the GH480 series butler-type partner machine.
執事タイプのPM GH480シリーズとおそろいのコスチューム。
Item details
- The Japanese name of these clothes is 480オッソリアスーツ.
- These clothes are account-bound, so they cannot be dropped, traded or sold on the player market. The
Japanese PC versions are available exclusively through the
GUARDIANS Cash system.
- Originally appeared in Phantasy Star Portable.
- Can be obtained by trading in the following items at Crystal Trading Post (check the mission article for current availability in the
Japanese PC version):
- Photon Crystal x2 (per color combination)
Item data
Image gallery
- No additional images currently exist for these clothes! Click here to upload an image and help us develop this page!