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Blank Template
{{Weapon |XboxFlag= |JPFlag= |FutureFlag= |GCFlag= |Image= |Name= |Description= |Rarity= |Article= |JP= |Details= |Category= |Mfr.= |Ver.= |Req.= |Acc.= |Variance= |Status effect= |Effect LV= |Type= |Buy= |Sell= |Shop= |[B] buy= |[B] sell= |[B] shop= |PP0= |PP1= |PP2= |PP3= |PP4= |PP5= |PP6= |PP7= |PP8= |PP9= |PP10= |A0= |A1= |A2= |A3= |A4= |A5= |A6= |A7= |A8= |A9= |A10= |PP-HU= |PP-RA= |PP-FO= |PP-FI= |PP-GT= |PP-WT= |PP-FF= |PP-FG= |PP-FT= |PP-PT= |PP-AF= |PP-AT= |PP-FM= |PP-GM= |PP-MF= |PP-AM= |Drops= |Images= |Comment= }}
- xxxFlag: This is a flag its either 1 or blank. When 1 it shows that content to the user when not it doesn't
- Name: The name of this page. Don't use Weapon!!! If there is an ' in the name then you need to use {{'}}
- Article: By default, this will display item, but a specific item type can be specified by using W for weapon, LS for line shield, U for unit, S for skill, B for bullet, T for TECHNIC, I for item, C for clothes, P for parts, D for decoration, GAS for customization or Type for type.
- JP: Enter the Japanese name of the item here. If you do not know it, simply leave this field blank.
- Category: Enter one of the 27 weapon categories for which this table will be used. Entering the weapon category will ensure that the appropriate stats will be displayed in the final table. Remember that if a category name is two words, only the first word is capitalized.
- PP#: In these blanks, type the PP value of each grind.
- A#: Enter the Att. or Tech. values of each grind in these blanks.
- Category: Identify the weapon's category (of the 27) in this field.
- Mfr.: Identify the weapon's manufacturer by using either G for G.R.M., Y for Yohmei, T for TENORA WORKS or K for Kubara.
- Rarity: Identify the weapon's numeric rarity in this field.
- Ver.: Identify the version of the game this weapon is from using either PSU, AOTI or AOTI GAC.
- Acc.: List the weapon's accuracy here.
- Req.: List the weapon's requirement here.
- Variance: List the weapon's variance here. If unknown, leave this field blank.
- Status effect: List the weapon's status effect (if it has one) here. In the case of a few whips which are available with only two elements, list both effects. If the weapon has no status effect, enter None.
- Status effect 2: In very rare cases, a striking weapon can have two different effects which depend on its element. In such a case, enter the second status effect here (the first letter should be lowercase), otherwise this field can be deleted.
- Effect LV: If the weapon has a status effect, list the level of the effect here.
- Drops: Supply all drops here in the Template:new drop test form.
- Images: Supply any additional images here for the gallery
- Comment: Only used on the list pages.
In the case of an unknown value, leave the field blank! Do not enter question marks!
| [[{{{Name}}}]] || {{{JP}}} || {{Logo-{{{Mfr.}}}}} || {{{PP0}}} || {{{A0}}} || {{{PP10}}} || {{{A10}}} || {{{Variance}}} || {{{Acc.}}} || {{{Req.}}} || {{{{{Ver.}}} version}} || || {{{Comment}}}