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Lost Breaker

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Revision as of 07:54, 15 September 2011 by Monster man dan (talk | contribs)

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Unreleased content This article contains information on content which has not been released in any version of Phantasy Star Universe. Though gathered from official sources, the information presented here is subject to change.

This article pertains to an item, mission or other feature which is exclusive to the Japanese PC version of Phantasy Star Universe.

(Description unknown)

Item details

  • Currently available only on the Japanese PC servers.
  • The Japanese name of this weapon is ロストブレイカー.
  • Originally appeared in Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity.
  • Can be obtained by trading in the following items at Special Exchange 3rd:

Item stats

Weapon stats
Mfr. Kubara Product Rarity 13★ Ver.
PP 446 Att. 1381 Tech. -- Acc. 421
617 Vari-
 ? Status effect
PP regeneration rates
HU -- RA -- FO -- FI --
GT -- WT -- FF -- FG --
FT -- PT -- AF -- AT --
FM -- GM -- MF -- AM --
Pricing information
Buy price N/A
Sell price Unknown
Shop location Not for sale
Grinding information
Stat 0/10 1/10 2/10 3/10 4/10 5/10 6/10 7/10 8/10 9/10 10/10
PP 446 455 465 473 482 491 501 511 526 542 561
Att. 1381 1393 1407 1418 1431 1441 1454 1466 1582 1500 1523
Drop information
Source Level Ver. Type
No known drop sources.

Image gallery

  • No images currently exist for this weapon! Click here to upload an image and help us develop this page!