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Revision as of 21:27, 30 June 2011 by Bordeaux (talk | contribs) (Hi there, I'm Bordeaux.)

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Hi there, I'm Bordeaux.

I've been a player of Phantasy Star Universe since January 2008, and pretty much been hooked since. I currently play on the Japanese PC servers. I usually tend to play with my friends, but I don't mind having random parties every once in a while. I like helping out newbies, as well.

If you see me on the official forums, you most likely think I'm very annoying. Don't worry, that's what I play on TV.

Also, I'm kinda new to this wiki thing, I'll jazz up my page as time goes on.

Character Information

Offline Characters

Name Level Gender/Race Class PM Type
Kira 9 Female CAST Ranger N/A
Namie 20 Female Beast Hunter N/A