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Revision as of 21:50, 5 April 2011 by Punisher106 (talk | contribs)
About me
- Age: 21
- Gender: M
- Location: NJ
- Yeah. I'm an Avid PSU Player, I may not be high-leveled, but I know a lot about the game.
My PSU Characters
I play the 360 version of PSU, and I have extensive knowledge of PSO(BB).
- Primary Type: Fortefighter (Twin weapons, sabers, claws, handguns)
- Other Types: Fighgunner (Twin weapons), Gunmaster (Twin Handguns, Shotguns), Acrotecher, Protranser
- Level: 14x
- Race: Human
- Primary Type: Masterforce
- Secondary Types: Acrotecher, Fighgunner (Double Sabers)
- Level: 13x
- Race: Newman
SUV: Paradi Cataract.
- Primary Type: Fighmaster (Axes)
- Secondary Types: Protranser, Acrofighter
- Level: 12x
- Race: Beast
- Blast Badge: Adaka Val
Me on PSUpedia
My best contribution was the TECHNICs section that I added to the Differences page. It has been my biggest contribution so far, and I plan to add to the skills, describing what each combo looks like.