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Tippo Dogma+
From The re-PSUPedia
Revision as of 16:13, 30 July 2009 by EspioKaos (talk | contribs) (Created page with '{{Future content}} {{AOTI SU only}} <!-- Image needed here! Tippo Dogma+ --> ''(A grenade launcher in the shape of a chic, trendy... teapot. D...')
This article contains information on content which has not yet been released outside of the Japanese PC servers. This content should be introduced to the Xbox 360 servers in a future update. |
(A grenade launcher in the shape of a chic, trendy... teapot. Don't be fooled by its innocent appearance, or you'll get burned.)
Item details
- This grenade currently is available only on the Japanese PC/PS2 servers.
- A future update will add this weapon to the inventory of (Ice Crystal Exchange), where it can be obtained by exchanging the following items:
- Tippo Rabna x1
- Tippo Nazra x1
- (Photon Booster) x1
- This weapon is account-bound, and thus cannot be dropped, sold on the player market or traded to another player.
Stats, grind info, etc.
Image gallery
- No images currently exist for this weapon! Click here to upload an image and help us develop this page!