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Margo Grae

Character Name: Margo Grae
Favorite Games: PSU, GW, FFXII
PSU Game Server PS2/PC
Universe Hangout Number 1.

You're freaking me out, man!

Hi. I hope you're having a wonderful day. Not really. Wait, who am I kidding? I love you!

I played PSO for a long time, back in its glory days on the DC. Ah, the good old days when I would tie up the phone line with my dial up internet connection for hours... It's been so long that I can't remember my character's names anymore, but, I did probably play alongside you if you were there. Anyway, I'm a lean, mean killing machine when it comes to the online RPGs.

You can hunt me down any time and party with me. I like to dance, and candy is good, too.

Also, I'm not a man! That's right! A girl!

"WHAZZAT?" you say? No. You can't do that to me when I'm sleeping.

So--you don't have a penis? What do you do with your life?

  • In my spare time I play games on my PS2 and PC, as well as wash cars in bikinis. Not really. Wait, who am I kidding? I love you!
  • I sit around looking pretty and batting eyelashes at people. Gender is not an issue.
  • I enjoy loud music, Christian Bale, smoking cigarettes, et cetera.

PSU Character Information

Name Race Gender Level Type HU RA FO FI GT WT FF FG FT PT AF AT FM GM MF
Margo Grae Beast 26 Ranger 2 6 - - - - -