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User:Essen/Sandbox/Twin handguns (Episode 1)

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Twin handgun.

Twin handguns are two-handed ranged weapons - basically, they are two handguns wielded simultaneously; one in each hand. Since it fires more projectiles, it has a slightly better chance of inflicting status effects on targets. They are usuable by Rangers. Each shot is slightly less damage than a single handgun, but the two shots have roughly the same damage as a rifle shot. It is possible to go into first-person shooting mode. One of the greatest advantages is the ability to strafe and shoot, a trait that other two handed ranged weapons do not have.

Available twin handguns

Rarity Icon Name Maker PP Att. Acc. Req. Availability
Twin handguns
Twin Handgun G.R.M. 125 35 34 8
Twin handguns
Twin Powergun G.R.M. 162 72 34 13
Twin handguns
Ryo-Ortotore Yohmei 206 98 28 26
Twin handguns
Arb Oga TENORA WORKS 187 120 24 26
Twin handguns
Ryo-Louktore Yohmei 233 132 48 39
Twin handguns
Twin Real Handgun Kubara Product 212 146 54 39
Twin handguns
Ryo-Betatore Yohmei 247 164 48 51
Twin handguns
Arb Biga TENORA WORKS 225 200 46 51
Twin handguns
Dual Railgun G.R.M. 237 217 56 63
Twin handguns
Bulletmaster G.R.M. 275 254 74 73

Available boards

No boards are available for twin handguns.

Grinding information

Rarity Name 0/10 1/10 2/10 3/10 4/10 5/10 6/10 7/10 8/10 9/10 10/10
PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att.
1★ Twin Handgun 125 35
2★ Twin Powergun 162 72
3★ Ryo-Ortotore 206 98
Arb Oga 187 120
4★ Ryo-Louktore 233 132
Twin Real Handgun 212 146
5★ Ryo-Betatore 247 164
Arb Biga 225 200
6★ Dual Railgun 237 217
7★ Bulletmaster 275 254

Pricing information

Rarity Name Buy price Sell price Shops availability
1★ Twin Handgun 290 203
2★ Twin Powergun 2400 1680
3★ Ryo-Ortotore 5500 3850
Arb Oga 5400 3780
4★ Ryo-Louktore 9800 6860
Twin Real Handgun 35000
5★ Ryo-Betatore 25000 17500
Arb Biga 25500 17850
6★ Dual Railgun 38000 26600
7★ Bulletmaster 45500

Drops information

No drop information is available for twin handguns.

Image gallery

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