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Main Character: Demon
Favorite Games: Way too many to list (lol I actually tryed once)
PSU Game Server: US: PS2/PC
Universe Hangout: Universe 2, 9, 14

About Demon

Hello there! I'm Demon, PSO veteran and Phantasy Star addict.

My addiction began with a little game called Phantasy Star IV. After I played it I was pretty much hooked. I visited the other 3 games that came before it, but PSIV will always be my personal favorite of the series.

Basically my Phantasy Star Online journey began when I got word from a friend that worked at my local video game store. He informed me that a new online PS game was coming out for the Sega Dreamcast. Well he did me a favor and saved me a copy. I purchased it. Immediately rushed home and was playing online that day as my HUmar Demon. Pretty much had to get it, as it was the world's first console-based online RPG game ever. That and I was already a huge fan of PS series. I have played every version of PSO. Including the last version of PSO (Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst). Played that since the first day of Beta when it opened until the last day the server closed. It's definitely the one I've played the longest. I met many great friends there. Most of them moved on like myself and began playing PSU. Only managed to get one of my characters to level 200.

As for PSU, I am enjoying the new expansion as it is full of awesomeness. Loving the new PSO content in it. Looking forward to the new events coming soon.

Anyways, I will be helping and contributing whenever possible. Hope to see you online and have a nice day!

PSU Character Profile

Name Race Sex Level Type HU RA FO FI WT GT FF FG FT PT AF AT
Demon Beast 130 FF 10 10 - 15 - - 15 - - - 15 -
Virus CAST 128 AF 10 10 5 15 - - 15 - - 15 15 -
Ryoko Newman 126 FT - 3 10 - - - - - 15 - - 15
Natasha Human 127 FG 5 10 5 - - 15 - 15 - 15 - -

Demon's Photon Art List

Photon Art Level
Gravity Break ███████████████████████████ 27
Spinning Break ██████████████████████████████ 30
Tornado Break ██████████████████████████████ 30
Bogga Danga ██████████████████████████████ 30
Ikk Hikk █████████████████████████ 25
Bogga Zubba ████████████████████████ 24
Bogga Robado ██████████████████████████████ 30
Dus Daggas ███████████████████████████████████ 35
Dus Majarra ████████████████████████████████████████ 40
Dus Robado ██████████████████████████████ 30
Anga Redda ████████████████████████████████████████ 40
Anga Dugrega ██████████████████████████████ 30
Anga Jabroga ████████████████████ 20
Splendor Crush ████████████████████████████ 28
Assault Crush ██████████████████████████████ 30
Cross Hurricane █████████████████████████ 25
Rising Crush ██████████████████████████████ 30
Bukuu Rensen-ga Crush ██████████████████████████████ 30
Renzan Seidan-ga ████████████████████████████████████████ 40
Chuei Jitotsushin █████████████████████████████ 29
Rensan Senshou-ga ██████████████████████████████ 30
Spinning Strike ████████████████████████ 24
Rising Strike ███████████ 11
Senten Kanzan-ga ████████████████████ 20
Bukuu Saien-zan ███████████████████ 19
Choutou Kantsu-jin ██████ 6
Chikki Kyoren-jin ████████████████████████████████████████ 40
Burning Hit ███████████ 11
Frozen Hit ███████████ 11
Plasma Hit ████████████ 12
Rising Hit ██████████ 10
Dark Hit ███████████ 11