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Soda Joggi

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A high-performance, high-quality long sword for advanced users. Powered by a lightweight, high-output reactor.

Item details

  • Does not have a lowered synthesis rate like GRM swords.

Stats, synthesis, etc.

PP 229
Rarity 8★ ATP 742
Ver. Ambition of the Illuminus ATA 236
Maker TENORA WORKS Req. 378

Template:Board stats 8 star striking

Pricing information
Weapon Board
Buy price N/A Buy price 110000
Sell price Unknown Sell price Unknown
Shop location N/A Shop location MA-GRMS: Dahgora
Grinding information
Stat +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10
PP 229  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???
ATP 742  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???
Drop information
Enemy/Mission Level Type
Vanda Orga 60-69 Board

Image gallery