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|Category= Metal}}
|Category= Metal}}
{{New drop test
{{New drop test
|Footer= Y
|Source= Endrum Remnants
|Source= Endrum Remnants
|Source type= Normal box
|Source type= Normal box
|Level= S-S3
|Level= S-S3
|Type= Material
|Category= Metal}}
{{New drop test
|Source= Duel in the Ruins
|Source type= Normal box
|Level= S-S3
|Type= Material
|Category= Metal}}
{{New drop test
|Footer= Y
|Source= Duel in the Ruins
|Source type= Clear box
|Level= S3
|Ver.= AOTI
|Type= Material
|Type= Material
|Category= Metal}}
|Category= Metal}}

Revision as of 13:48, 26 September 2010

A metal with high resistance to heat and impact.

Item details

Drop information

Drop information
Source Level Ver. Type
Train Rescue box S-S3 Phantasy Star Universe Ambition of the Illuminus Metal
Endrum Remnants box S-S3 Phantasy Star Universe Ambition of the Illuminus Metal
Duel in the Ruins box S-S3 Phantasy Star Universe Ambition of the Illuminus Metal
Duel in the Ruins clear box S3 Ambition of the Illuminus Metal