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Bil De Vear

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Revision as of 10:33, 12 June 2007 by BRayJ (talk | contribs)

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Bil De Vear


Bil De Vear aka "Billy" is a large Devil Triceratops humanoid. Bil is only found in Moatoobs harsh desert and only in the missions System of Defense, Desert Terror and Tunnel Recapture. Bil's basic attacks involve a jumping attack that can knock down a player too close to it when it lands. He uses a punch attack that can knock down a player and perform a spin attack which inflicts multiple hits if you're not careful.

  • SPECIAL NOTE: Bil is much more dangerous than his close counterpart monster friends Dilnazen, Jarba and Kagajibari. Bil's attacks are mostly physical but can cause unwanted status effects. For example Bil's punch attack is unique as it has the ability to cause Zalure. Billy also performs an attack in which he jumps back and charges his fist up. He will charge forward and attempt to pummel his target with this charged punch attack. This punch can destroy a person because its much more powerful than his regular punch, it has the ability to knock-down a player struck and he can travel a fairly long distance just to hit a player with it. His last devastating attack is a jumping attack which he charges up as well and performs it belly-flop style. The attack has the ability to stun a player that was landed on. This attack is just as bad as his charging punch because it closes a fair amount of distance depending on his target and can do a massive amount of damage as well as stun.

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