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Version Phantasy Star Univerrrse
Enemy type Humanoid
Enemy size XXL
Classification Flotsam
Elements Neutral
A smelly nerd who still lives with his parents. He has wandered outside his quarantine without dressing properly and thus believes he's just dreaming. The odor is unbearable. Exterminate on sight.

The six-pack washes off with warm water and soap, which he hasn't touched in years.


  • Collapses shortly after spawning due to the inability of his skeletal structure to support all his fat and various food items kept tucked betwixt the rolls. Attempting to kill him before his automatic demise is ill-advised.
  • Do not approach from behind as he is capable of unleashing a level 9000 Dammegid from this direction. The deformities your character will receive are irreversible.


Stat modifiers Boosts
HP 50% ATP 5% ATA 0% Crown.gif Double damage from all attacks
TP 0% DFP 10% EVP 0% Sword.gif Arms fall asleep
MST -30% STA 0% EXP -5000% Shield.gif Gets crushed beneath his turtle shell
Status effect susceptibility
Burn Freeze Shock Silence Confusion Infection Poison Stun Sleep Incapacitation ATP down DFP down ATA down
Half damage

Item drops

LV Phantasy Star Univerrrse Ambition of the Blarrrrgh
Drop Items Missions Drop Items Missions
1 Pizza Burrito Fumigate the Latrines F Rancid Milk Save the Fridge F
Special Drops Sickening Chunk Mission listed above. Nerd Soul Mission listed above.

Image gallery

  • No images exist for this enemy, and it's a good thing they don't! Click the X at the top of your browser to escape additional trauma!

And now for something completely different!!

That is, when I get around to putting together some shots of my characters... and probably get a shower.