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Character Names: Hadyn, Sidonie, Melanthos
Favorite Games: Phantasy Star games, City of Heroes, Okami, just about any fighting game
PSU Game Server PS2/PC
Universe Usually 15


I'm a total Wiki n00b, so if/when I screw up, it's because I was a complete dork and didn't know what I was doing. I read the manual, but I'm just one of those people who doesn't get it until I get my proverbial feet wet. (I sort of have to teach myself)

Also, I'm a bit of a Grammar/Spelling Nazi, so most of my changes are probably spelling/typo corrections.

PSU Character Information

Name Race Gender Level Type HU RA FO FI GT WT FF FG FT PT AF AT FM GM MF
Hadyn Newman M 40 Fortetecher - - 10 - - - -
Sidonie Beast F 35 Wartecher 5 3 5 - 1 1 -
Melanthos CAST F 22 Ranger - 3 - - - - -