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User:Essen/Sandbox/Machineguns (Episode 1)

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A Machinegun.

Machineguns are ranged weapons wielded in the offhand. They are relatively weak, but have an incredibly high rate of fire - this means they burn up PP pretty quickly, as well. You cannot go into First-Person View while using Machineguns. However, you can move and strafe while firing a machinegun, unlike many ranged weapons. This makes the machinegun ideal for pressing an attack while dodging ranged attacks and TECHNICs such as Barta or Megid.

Machineguns are the spiritual succesors to the Mechgun weapon class found in Phantasy Star Online; like the mechguns, machineguns have the highest firing rate and shortest range compared to other ranged weapons.

Available machineguns

Rarity Icon Name Maker PP Att. Acc. Req. Availability
Greasegun G.R.M. 147 22 16 26
Repeater G.R.M. 166 30 28 39
Gatling G.R.M. 176 37 28 51
Vulcan G.R.M. 186 44 28 63
Beam Vulcan G.R.M. 215 53 37 73
Muzzlefever G.R.M. 235 68 48 82

Available boards

No boards are available for machineguns.

Grinding information

Rarity Name 0/10 1/10 2/10 3/10 4/10 5/10 6/10 7/10 8/10 9/10 10/10
PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att.
3★ Greasegun 147 22
4★ Repeater 166 30
5★ Gatling 176 37
6★ Vulcan 186 44
7★ Beam Vulcan 215 53
10★ Muzzlefever 235 68

Pricing information

Rarity Name Buy price Sell price Shops availability
3★ Greasegun 2800 1960
4★ Repeater 9500 6650
5★ Gatling 27500 19250
6★ Vulcan 31500 22050
7★ Beam Vulcan 49000
10★ Muzzlefever 500000 79496

Drops information

No drop information is available for machineguns.

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