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Revision as of 00:54, 15 September 2010 by Leikamkei (talk | contribs)

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Hey everybody, this is Leikamkei's user page. As you can tell, it is rather plain and simple. Well here goes.

How did I first get involved with the Phantasy Star Universe series? Through the Multiplayer beta of PSU on Xbox Live.

My characters: I only play PS:Portable so here are my characters

Mike: Level 100(On July 29, 2010 yay!) Masterforce 10

Mike the Sniper: Level 64, Gunmaster 10

leikamkei: Level 72, Masterforce 10

I currently run on CFW PSPs, although I am completely against the use of CWCheat to making things easier. Therefore, I have a second Masterforce character so I can play on Ad-Hoc party whenever my friends plan to jump on it, which will not be anytime soon. Sadly, my level 100 character is on a CFW PSP that dosen't have PSN access.... (teardrop)

What I hope to do here: I hope to be able to contribute a lot to the PS Portable page as I still play this game a lot despite PS Portable 2 coming soon.

If anybody wants to play with me via Ad-Hoc Party, my PSN account is leikamkei