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Template:Weapon stats (PS0)

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Revision as of 04:51, 16 September 2009 by EspioKaos (talk | contribs)

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{{Weapon stats (PS0)
|Max. grind= 
|Req. LV= }}
Type  ? Rarity  ?★
ATP (max.)  ? (?) ATA  ?
Max. grind  ? Req. LV  ?
Type Gunslash Rarity 2★
ATP (max.) 45 (75) ATA  ?
Max. grind 15 Req. LV 5
Type Rod Rarity  ?★
TP (max.)  ? (?) ATA  ?
Max. grind  ? Req. LV  ?
Type Slicer Rarity 6★
TP (max.) 65 (165) ATA 4
Max. grind 50 Req. LV 90