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Some changes on the PSP pages

For some reason I decided to start adding info to the non-existent pages. I've done some touches here and there. I have the PSP game and figure it was time to do my share (I was taking a break with pedia and games in general).

I updated some of the descriptions, added a few subcategories like titles. My plan is to get all the PA pages done and work on items. I don't know a lick of japanese so it makes things hard. If you have the game I could use some help with what items are what so I don't have to change my class, buy all the skills, and try them (I plan on doing that sometime later.) For the time being, I would love if anyone who has the game to make revisions/additions to what I've started. I don't post on the forums so I figured I would let you know since you seem to be the one with the most contributions to the PSP section. If I ever get motivated, I just might post on the forums. Thanks for all the help and any questions you have feel free to ask me.

DawgPilez 23:46, 16 September 2008 (CDT)

  • Excellent. We appreciate the help! Unfortunately, I don't own the game (I don't even have a PSP, actually), but I plan on getting both eventually. I'll still help out with what I can, of course. When I have more free time, I'll be adding new weapon articles using the screens that Mewn made of each weapon from the in-game weapon library. - EspioKaos 08:42, 17 September 2008 (CDT)
  • Is there a need to have new pages for same weapon in the PSP section that the other games? http://psupedia.info/PSP:Title_system has items with the exact same effect as they do in the other games (not just the only page). I wanted to know if there was a need for this. While rarity is changed for most items,the item effects are the same. If there is a need for new pages....this will be a fun time =/ DawgPilez 13:06, 22 September 2008 (CDT)
    • Yeah. Basically, PSP is considered a completely separate game from PSU and AOTI, just like the offline modes of those two are separate from online (as far as articles here are concerned). Which reminds me. I think it was in a sandbox of yours that you have the version column of a photon arts section listing the PSU icon for what is meant to be part of the PSP section. That should be changed since anything in a PSP article will relate only to that version of the game. Otherwise, it sort of implies that the handheld game is connected to the console title as if it were an expansion. - EspioKaos 13:14, 22 September 2008 (CDT)
    • 'Is there a need to have new pages for same weapon in the PSP section that the other games?' - the simple answer to this is yes, because items vary wildly between versions in many respects... stats, rarity, special effects, drops etc. and the simplest way of doing things on the wiki is simply to have seperate articles in the relevant namespace. It means more work, sure, but we just ask that people contribute as much as they can and put in as much effort as they are willing to. There's no pressure to get things done and this section will be largely ignored until US release, at least. - Mewn 14:49, 22 September 2008 (CDT)
      • And about the US release, suppose the isn't one (as I have long predicted basic on some research) will the PSP section remain? Also, aside from Mewn, espio, and Miraglyph, who else is working on it because I'm only sure that I have the game and don't have others here to reference with. If any of you know of some the people on the pso-world forums that have the game and could pitch in, it would be great. By what I've seen, many of them have progress much further than I have. Also, outside of some stats, rarity, and few minor effects, the PSP version is identical to the past iterations at least as far as PAs, clothing, pallete items, and quite a few other things... -DawgPilez 12:23, 1 October 2008 (CDT)
        • The section would remain. But for what it's worth, the SOA president has already let slip that a local release is in the works. We're still waiting for an official announcement, but I think it's safe to say we'll get it eventually. - EspioKaos 15:45, 1 October 2008 (CDT)
          • With the announcement of it coming next year I hope my saved data transfers. I would be quite ahead of the crowd and I could get so much more work done...But by that time the majority of info will be filled. Here's to hard work being overlooked by a translation in half a year. -DawgPilez 13:39, 19 October 2008 (CDT)

PSP Meseta Page

Do you think a meseta page is necessary for the PSP section? I have it as an internal link that goes to Network mode but I can either make a page or not link it altogether. -DawgPilez 22:45, 18 October 2008 (CDT)

  • Nah, I don't think it'd be terribly important. - EspioKaos 22:47, 18 October 2008 (CDT)

question :P

i was wondering since i see you updating things here and there if you would know why in the hell i cant update or upload a png file... i tells me when i try that the file is either corrupt or has the wrong extention... which i know is wrong cause i had just exported it... i was going to replace all the icons with the ones actually used by the game (not screenshots but the actual images the game uses)... i had already updated the S/A/B/C rank icons but those were gif... everytime i try png i get the same error... any ideas as to why not working? or at least who i should ask on this if you dont know? --MMSP15 Created1 11:52, 21 December 2008 (CST)

  • I'm not sure, to be honest. Sounds like something was changed on the backend to disallow PNGs from being uploaded, but that's only a guess. Maybe Tycho, Qwerty or Mewn know something about it. If all else fails, we could convert the icons you've ripped from the game to GIF, upload those and update the affected templates with the new extension. - EspioKaos 12:26, 21 December 2008 (CST)
    • I remember getting an error a while back when trying to upload .png files, but then I switched to .jpg, it went away, and I forgot about it. I'll see about asking dreamXG what the problem is. - Mewn 12:42, 21 December 2008 (CST)

About Rutsu.

In Story Mode, he changes into the Alterazgohg, doesn't he?