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Revision as of 14:20, 26 July 2008 by Melan (talk | contribs) (Death is terrifying because it is so ordinary. It happens all the time.)

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PSU Info


  • Suki with three other chars that I can't remember the names (inactive)
  • Melancholy/Chu Chu/Karma/Ink (inactive)
  • Melan/Meme/Sumi-e (active)

PSU Active Characters

Name Race Gender LV HU RA FO FI GT WT FF FG FT PT AF AT PM Type Name B St
Meme Newman Female 6x 0 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 GH 470 Xerces 2x
Melan Human Female 2x 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 GH 450 KarnerBlue 5
Sumi-e Beast Male 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GH 430 Anise 0

Meme's TECHNIC Experience Chart

(I only work on one set of techs at a time. I usually will "double load" these on different weapons so that they are used twice as often. I will level these techs to max and than acquire the next ones for my character. My favorite part of the game is watching the fireworks! I LOVE to level the techs, as my character progresses in the game, and watch them change. I am waiting until last to level the buffs since I play the game predominately solo. I will probably max those simply to watch the flower bloom. Yea, the "buffs" look like flower buds that bloom stars of pollen to me. Duh, I am a strange one.)

Foie █████████████████████████████████ 30
Zonde █████████████████ 17
Barta █████████████ 12
Gidiga █████████████████ 19
Ramegid ████████████████████ 26
Resta ██████████████████ 15
Reverser ████████████ 14
Retier █████ 4
Shifta ████ 4
Deband ████████ 5
Zodial ██████ 4

Meme's Weapon Chart

Note: I don't "twink" my character or overpower it for the character's level. If anything, I will "under power" the character. I usually just make what I equip or pick it up in a game. The bisotore and ryo-bisotore are my favorite guns BECAUSE they look just like waterguns! I'm trying with difficulty to fail a Vish, Vish Tien, or a Hikec for one of those mimic dolls and have not been successful. The Vish equipped might change since the pm for this character seems to spit out high level percents. I am going to try and limit the changes so as not to crowd the "recent changes" page since this is just an "ego" page. Oh la, la, me's ego is beyond belief!

Type Name Grinds Linked Element Percentage
Girapit 0/10 Gidiga lv19, Reverser lv14 none
Shato 0/10 Ramegid lv26, Reverser lv14 none
Pegi 0/10 Zonde lv17, Resta lv15 none
Canara 0/10 Foie lv30, Resta lv15 none
Majimra 0/10 Barta lv12, Resta lv15 none
Jitseen 0/10 Rising Strike lv16 Ground 42%
Al Tip 0/10 Buten Shuren-Zan lv19 Ground 13%
Vish 0/10 Visshi Grudda lv20 Lightning 46%
Bisotore 0/10 Frozen Hit lv16 none
Bisotore 0/10 Frozen Hit lv16 none
Twin handguns
Ryo-Bisotore 0/10 Twin Dark lv13 none

Melan's Weapon Chart

Note: Koltova gun! and I did break down, a small amount, and purchase one of those Song for Death's for laterz. I have to level more before I can equip any of them. I never had a protranser so this character is already a lot of fun!

Type Name Grinds Linked Element Percentage
Gigasaud 0/10 Tornado Break lv20 Dark 28%
Gigasaud 0/10 Tornado Break lv20 Dark 28%
Harisen Battle Fan 0/10 Rising Strike lv17 Ice 34%
Derdira 0/10 Rising Strike lv17 Dark 22%
Compadri 0/10 Jisei-sou lv11 none
Bradanoh 0/10 Barada Yoga lv10 none
Handgun 0/10 Frozen Hit lv14 none
Ortotore 0/10 Frozen Hit lv14 none

Official PSU Forum

Forum user name:

  • Melan. (I had another one too.) I post mostly on the fiction section. It seems the safest place. I write under the topic "...from here to Neudaiz with Meme." Meme is a great character. She's completely accepting of people, not judgmental, opened and not afraid, and so very carefree and lighthearted. I do wish, all the time, that I was like her... blah,blah,blah. Oh wai, maybe I am a little like her.

PSU/PSO Friend

  • Kanashami (visit her Event Omega forum and participate, if you can, in the forum and some of her events. Her forum is not just for present/passed Event Omega members but the whole community. Needless to say, Sarah's art is just incredible, and she's giving that away as an actual real life prize, along with other rl items, as well as, virtual in-game items in an upcoming event!

PSO Info

also played the game cube online version


  • Rial (inactive)
  • Nyghtsong (inactive)
  • Atalanta (inactive)
  • DesertRose (inactive)
  • Blue Skies (inactive)

Teams: (in order that I joined them) Yoo-hoo, Benevol (misspelled), Enforcers, Divine Angels, Rappylious, Event Omega, Swift Knights, Forever, Horus

I joined a good many teams just to get to know people. Needless to say, the Phantasy Star series of games has some of the nicest people in the world playing it.

Real Life

  • Artist, not really a writer. I enjoy mostly sumi, and than pen and ink.
  • Book reader: (meaning, I read books) Loads and loads of um. Favorite authors: Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath, Wordsworth, JK Rowling, Joseph Campbell, and so many more. I mostly love any fiction book that is based in mythology and/or the hero's journey and of course, Zen or Taoism short stories.
  • Movies: comedy, Disney, and/or something with emotional impact
  • TV: Cartoons, Dr. Who, Scrubs
  • Music: all music except Rap
  • Languages: highschool: French and German

(a thank you directed to Essen for pointing out the "pedia" source tab and providing a "go-by" for the user page)