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Revision as of 11:48, 1 July 2008 by Melan (talk | contribs) (I never forget a face, but in your case, I'll be glad to make an exception.)

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PSU Info


  • Suki with three other chars that I can't remember the names (inactive)
  • Melancholy/Chu Chu/Karma/Ink (inactive)
  • Melan/Meme (active)

PSU Active Characters

Name Race Gender LV HU RA FO FI GT WT FF FG FT PT AF AT PM Type Name B St
Meme Newman Female 5x 0 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 GH 201 Xerces 0
Melan Human Female 1x 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GH 304 KarnerBlue 0
Sumi-e Beast Male 1x -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GH 1xx Anise 0

Meme's TECHNIC Experience Chart

(I only work on one set of techs at a time. I usually will "double load" these on different weapons so that they are used twice as often. I will level these techs to max and than acquire the next ones for my character. My favorite part of the game is watching the fireworks! I LOVE to level the techs, as my character progresses in the game, and watch them change. I am waiting until last to level the buffs since I play the game predominately solo. I will probably max those simply to watch the flower bloom. Yea, the "buffs" look like flower buds that bloom stars of pollen to me. Duh, I am a strange one.)

Foie █████████████████████████████████ 30
Zonde █████████████████ 16
Gidiga █████████████████ 18
Ramegid ████████████████████ 26
Resta ██████████████████ 15
Reverser ████████████ 14
Retier █████ 4
Shifta ████ 4
Deband ████████ 5
Zodial ██████ 4

Meme's Weapon Chart

(Post later: reminder for self. Note: I don't "twink" my character or overpower it for the character's level. It is simply how I spell "f-u-n"...)

Official PSU Forum

Forum user name:

  • Melan. (I had another one too.) I post mostly on the fiction section. It seems the safest place. I write under the topic "...from here to Neudaiz with Meme." Meme is a great character. She's completely accepting of people, not judgmental, opened and not afraid, and so very carefree and lighthearted. I do wish, all the time, that I was like her... blah,blah,blah. Oh wai, maybe I am a little like her.

PSU/PSO Friends

  • Mono and Kanashami

IRC PSU Channel

reference when needed

  • Go here, no downloads on computer: http://www.mibbit.com/
    • In the connect to irc pull down menu locate: irc.lunarnet.org
    • In the nick: type in your preferred name
    • In the Channel(s): type in #phantasystar
    • Than click on the button go

When the channel has at least one weekly hosted online chat with a scheduled time and topic, I might decide to participate. Currently it seems the topics are completely random, if at all, and mostly just friends talking between each other. It is probably a good way to log in and find someone to play the game if you don't like going solo or cannot find PSU games with people in it.

PSO Info

also played the game cube online version


  • Rial (inactive)
  • Nyghtsong (inactive)
  • Atalanta (inactive)
  • DesertRose (inactive)
  • Blue Skies (inactive)

Teams: (in order that I joined them) Yoo-hoo, Benevol (misspelled), Enforcers, Divine Angels, Rappylious, Event Omega, Swift Knights, Forever, Horus

I joined a good many teams just to get to know people. Needless to say, the Phantasy Star series of games has some of the nicest people in the world playing it.

Real Life

  • Artist, not really a writer. I enjoy mostly sumi, and than pen and ink.
  • Book reader: (meaning, I read books) Loads and loads of um. Favorite authors: Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath, Wordsworth, JK Rowling, Joseph Campbell, and so many more. I mostly love any fiction book that is based in mythology and/or the hero's journey and of course, Zen or Taoism short stories.
  • Movies: comedy, Disney, and/or something with emotional impact
  • TV: Cartoons, Dr. Who, Scrubs
  • Music: all music except Rap
  • Languages: highschool: French and German

(a thank you directed to Essen for pointing out the "pedia" source tab and providing a "go-by" for the user page)