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Joining the Japanese Server
This article is a guide and may contain opinions or other subjective information. The PSUPedia is not responsible for any inaccuracies or mistakes. |
Signing Up
1) Buy the game by ordering from here: http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-43-49-en-70-23oj.html or here: http://www.ncsxshop.com/cgi-bin/shop/HCJ-0409.html.
2) Create a JP account here- https://ipas.isao.net/signup_psu/psu/. Your PSU ID has to be in all lowercase letters.
You need a japanese enabled browser. There should be a language option at least for firefox under either the tools > advanced tab, or the tools > content tab depending on which version you have.
The pink button is where you enter your info and gamekey, which is located on the back of your copy of AotI. Use this picture for guidance on what to fill which blanks: http://www.arc-drive.com/images/stuffyoucantread.JPG. Copy and paste the underlined info into the blanks.
3)After that, the blue button lets you log in and enter your payment info. You'll have to type your name in katakana (last name before first). Just refer to the chart I've linked you to and you should be fine. They accept credit cards now. You should be good to go after that.
4) Enjoy
Qualms about joining?
1. Can't speak the language -People on this side already play in their own individual groups anyway. Because you're over there doesn't mean you HAVE to play with Japanese, although it's not even as bad as one might think. You can obviously do thing the way you do them here in your own groups.
2. Can't read the language
-The only thing you need to learn is menus and item names which are all in katakana. Which is coded english. Don't believe me? Print this chart out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katakana and play with it by your side for a few weeks and see if you don't pick it up.
3. Having to start over
- This is the only viable reason to not come, but as you can see, there are plenty of events that pop up that feature increased experience points. And now you have the Stique weapons that apparently boost PA leveling rates. It wouldn't be too difficult. But hey, maybe you're attached to your characters.
4. Possibly difficult to register
- Hopefully this tutorial makes it easier.
5. Hacking
- Practically nonexistant. I personally never noticed any instances of it. Not to say it doesn't exist, but it's dealt with rather quickly, and they tend to keep cheats to themselves anyway.
6. Glitchy
- A minor flaw. If something comes out that is glitchy, it doesn't take weeks for them to fix like it does here.
7. Laggy
- I personally never had a consistent problem with lag. Another minor flaw IMO. Anyone from Europe should be used that anyway.
8. It's THEIR server
- Easily remedied by setting up an official English speaking universe or 2.
9. It's the same game regardless of where you play
- True, but the game itself isn't what kills the community an online PS game. It's ALWAYS the service. Everything over there is brand new when it comes out, well maintained, timely, and if the past is any indication, there will be events for years to come. The US Blue Burst servers shut down 3 months ago and the Japanese Blue Burst servers are STILL having events.
The only real flaws I can see to playing over there are leaving behind characters you might have gotten attached to, and not being able to read the story missions. Though it's still possible to overcome both.
Useful Links/Info
Typing in Japanese: To activate the Japanese IME, go to Start> Control Panel > Language Options > Add Other Languages > Check "Install Files for East Asian Languages"
Katakana translation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katakana
Flash site to help learn Katakana: http://www.ichigo.se/kanaflash/kana.swf
The importer community IRC channel: irc.gamesurge.net / #psujp
Guardians License Cancellation: https://ipas.isao.net/signup_psu/psu/cancel.htm