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I'm DarK-SuN and I've been a long time Phantasy Star fan, although for the purpose of this profile I'm only going to mention things from when PSO was first released until this day.

I started playing PSO in the original Japanese DCv1, but offline only, going online for the first time when the European DCv1 was released. Just like with PSO, I started playing PSU with the Japanese version since day one, now only playing in the EU/US servers using the PC client with the AOI expansion.

As with some, more die-hard, fans of a series, I collect Phantasy Star games from multiple regions and versions/platforms; I'm weird like that. :P

My main character's name in PSOv1, PSOv2, PSOPC, PSOX, PSOGC and PSOEp3 was <D@rK-SuN>, in PSOBB it was DarK-SuN (to keep the REDRIA badge), always a RAcast and always with the same look throughout all his renditions. DarK-SuN is also my username in the official PSU forums, at PSO-World and, as you can see, in PSUPedia.

In PSU, my main character's name is Dark Sun, but I have a second CAST named <D@rK-SuN> which is a carbon copy of his old PSO look using the PSO related CAST parts that were added in the AOI expansion and with the MAG event.

I had a secondary/alt character named Ayanami in PSOv1, PSOv2, PSOPC, PSOX (created but never used), PSOGC and PSOEp3 (in this one she was made as an older version of herself). I remade her in PSOBB under the name of Aya Ichimoto, since I prefered to "retcon" her first name to a shorter version (everyone called her Aya anyway), add her last name in the mix and thus clean up any confusion of people saying she was just a Rei Ayanami clone from Evangelion since that was not the intent. She was a HUnewearly in all her PSO renditions, always with the same look (blue outfit, blue short hair and yellow eyes), except in Episode 3 where I made her with long white hair, representing her older look since Episode 3 is several years after the normal PSO period.

The sections below will now list and comment on my current PSU characters.

Character profile: Dark Sun

This character is a "remake" of my PSO RAcast using PSU specific parts, a "<D@rK-SuN> Mark-II" if you will.

His current Guardian Type is Fighgunner, but I'm heavilly considering of going Fighmaster once it's released.


Name Race Gender Level Server Version
Dark Sun CAST Male 99 PC/PS2 Ambition of the Illuminus


10 10 5 20 1 1 10 1 1 1 5 1 X X X


This is the equipment I always use or have bound to the weapon's pallete.

Weapon Name Linked
Double sabers
Kubara Product Fire  ??% Crea Doubles Absolute Dance
Double sabers
G.R.M. Dark  ??% Nightwalker Absolute Dance
Double sabers
Yohmei Ice  ??% Raikasobra Absolute Dance
Double sabers
Yohmei Light  ??% Raikasobra Absolute Dance
Double sabers
G.R.M. Lightning  ??% Double Agito Absolute Dance
Double sabers
G.R.M. Ground  ??% Nightwalker Absolute Dance
Armor Data Name Head Slot Arm Slot Body Slot Extra Slot
Line shields
Yohmei Ice 11% Sori-senba Sta / Force Mega / Power Burn / Resist Gigas Espada

Reserve Equipment

This is equipment I carry in my inventory but only use in specific missions, boss battles or certain situations.

Weapon Name Linked
Kubara Product Lightning  ??% Durandal Replica Rising Strike
Kubara Product Ice  ??% Varista Frozen Hit

Photon Arts

(coming soon)

Partner Machine

Name Model Prod. LV Strk. Rng. TECH Armr. B St
Ichimoto GH 201 38 38 0 0 0 0

Goals with Dark Sun

(coming soon)

This is a WIP, more to come soon!