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Hi there

I'm just a usual PSU:AOTI Player, doing whatever. I decided to make my own wiki profile here simply because I visit this site very often.

Character Info

Current main character: EVx2a-Tal

Character level: 89

Character Sex/Race: Female/CAST

Character Class/level: Fortefighter/20


  • My goals thusfar in PSU:
    • Attain 2 copies of various light and dark elemental *10 and *11 spears, axes, Double Sabers, and Swords. Reasons for this are to be released until I have accomplished this goal.
    • Attain Serafi-senba and Solid / Knight, as well as various x / Resist units.
    • Create a 100 Strike and 100 armor PM separately to be able to do my own personal synthing without needing to bum off of others.
    • Solo various missions and farm my own materials without needing to bum off of others.
    • To become a known, respectable player.
    • To be, possibly, one of the first to have Anga Dugrega at PA level 31
    • To become a FighMaster
    • And many, many other goals.

Current Equipment

  • To be updated.