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User:Reina Hidalgo

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PSU info

I play PSU as a casual player, maybe once or twice a week. If I'm in the mood to solo, and have the time for it, I might play on other days too.

My group usually plays on Friday and/or Saturday evenings, on Universe 9.

Oh yeah, and we play on PC/PS2 servers. I always forget to say that. :P I'm always worried that the PC/PS2 servers will be closed down because they don't get nearly as much traffic as the Xbox ones. Maybe the two can be combined though? I would hope that'd be the case.

My character

I seem to be one of many Reinas on PSU. I'm Ms. Hidalgo -- the tall one with the green braids. All the other Reinas I've ever met have always been short.

Playstyle-wise, I am a Fighgunner first and foremost. It was my first expert class and my favorite of them. Second favorite is Guntecher, followed by Fortegunner. I'm currently trying out Protranser because I love the weapon selection. I'm very much a melee+ranged type player; I always feel something's missing if I don't have enough of one or the other.

Name Race Gender Level Type HU RA FO FI GT WT FF FG FT PT AF AT FM GM MF
Reina Hidalgo Human 109 Protranser 10 10 5 15 15 1 15 15 1 9 1 10

I also have a few alts, but I'm not really playing them right now.

About me

Not much to say about me personally. I'm a female gamer, gasp! I was born in 1979 so I'm a little older than most gamers I meet online. I'm a married woman, happily so (my husband also plays, he's the sniper. :D Pretty sure he is going Gunmaster when it comes out.) Besides playing PSU I also do a lot of roleplaying in various online groups. I just don't get to mix RP with PSU because no one I know of RPs consistently there. That's fine, though, I keep myself busy.

I'm also a web programmer and sysadmin. Yeah, I'm a dork! I probably spend too much time in front of the computer, in general, since I use it both for work and for play.

If you want to know more, well, try n' get in touch with me. That's probably the best way. :D