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User:Essen/Sandbox/Longbows (Episode 1)

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A bow.

Bows are two-handed ranged weapons usable by Forces. They have slightly less range than Rifles and fire slower. To offset this weakness, bows ignore defense, unless there is a static damage reduction (ex. De Ragan's half damage reduction on tail strikes). Bows also allow first person mode, for more accurate shots.

Available bows

Rarity Icon Name Maker PP Att. Acc. Req. Availability
Compadri Yohmei 341 307 25 26
Rikalbari Yohmei 387 413 46 39
Tengoh Bow Kubara Product 351 459 49 39
Baybari Yohmei 409 513 46 51
Hanmateri Yohmei 409 513 46 51
Hikauri Yohmei 432 614 46 63
Ulteri Yohmei 546 925 136 78

Available boards

No boards are available for bows.

Grinding information

Rarity Name 0/10 1/10 2/10 3/10 4/10 5/10 6/10 7/10 8/10 9/10 10/10
PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att.
3★ Compadri 341 307
4★ Rikalbari 387 413
4★ Tengoh Bow 351 459
5★ Baybari 409 513
5★ Hanmateri 409 513
6★ Hikauri 432 614
10★ Ulteri 546 925

Pricing information

Rarity Name Buy price Sell price Shops availability
3★ Compadri 3550 2485
4★ Rikalbari 9000 6300
4★ Tengoh Bow 17500
5★ Baybari 25000 17500
5★ Hanmateri 26600
6★ Hikauri 39000 27300
10★ Ulteri 530000 58496

Drops information

No drop information is available for bows.

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