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User:Essen/Sandbox/Shotguns (Episode 1)

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Shotguns are two-handed ranged weapons usable by Hunters and Rangers that fire a spread of up to five bullets, enabling it to hit multiple targets. Each individual shot acts as a miniature splash attack on impact, allowing the shooter to affect more targets or hitboxes than otherwise possible with his bullets per shot. They are very slow and have low ATP and ATA. The shots are fired at a fixed angle from the weapon. Shotguns can be used as a means of spreading staus effects over a wide area or possibly as a high DPS (damage per second) weapon against large targets. Another advantage of the the shotgun is at "point blank" range you can hit a single enemy up to 5 times, dealing a large amount of damage to an enemy in a single shot.

Available shotguns

Rarity Icon Name Maker PP Att. Acc. Req. Availability
Shigga Wadda TENORA WORKS 307 55 19 26
Shigga Bigul TENORA WORKS 348 74 41 39
Shigga Amza TENORA WORKS 369 91 41 51
Shigga Stam TENORA WORKS 389 109 41 63
Shigga Desta TENORA WORKS 492 165 82 82

Available boards

No boards information is available for shotguns yet.

Grinding information

Rarity Name 0/10 1/10 2/10 3/10 4/10 5/10 6/10 7/10 8/10 9/10 10/10
PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att. PP Att.
3★ Shigga Wadda 307 55
4★ Shigga Bigul 348 74
5★ Shigga Amza 369 91
6★ Shigga Stam 389 109
10★ Shigga Desta 492 165

Pricing information

Rarity Name Buy price Sell price Shops availability
3★ Shigga Wadda
4★ Shigga Bigul
5★ Shigga Amza
6★ Shigga Stam
10★ Shigga Desta

Drops information

No drop information is available for shotguns.

Image gallery

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