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A Memoir to the Whitest of Men, to Heaven in a Thick Fog

As of October 10th, 2007, a wanted poster was found somewhere in the Club area on Floor 3 of the Guardian's Colony. It is noted that "black ppl will kill u one day," suggesting he has either perished or is on the loose, arranging an army of white supremacists for the prospect of revolting. The following document was found on Mono's hard drive, intended for a wiki edit before he became a fugitive."

--T. D. Gunner 18:45, 18 March 2008 (CDT)

Pardon the mess, but I'm still a wikinub. I expect the wolves to gnaw at my ankles any time now.

Douchebag mock senator/half-op/half-ass of #phantasystar and white supremacist server wide. Sometime in late February/early March of this year the advent of #phantasystar came from obvious severance between Zephyr and myself, mainly for causing such to occur between #psu-aoti and #psu, the former chans that PSUP possessed. Within a month's time this advent saw reality and almost everybody has migrated to #phantasystar.

As for personal nonsense, I'm nearing completion of my CCNA curricula and am CompTIA trained, going for the Hardware/OS test in mid-2008. IT has been my waste of time for the past three years. I'm also a self-proclaimed musician, studying the functions of Tore Ylwizaker, Tony Wakeford, Kim Larsen, et cetera -- purpose being that of furthering theory and concept. You can find my two-piece acoustic folk band here.

I spend plenty of time in #phantasystar shooting the shit with other people, making fun of D-Scythe/beatrixkiddo and their collective homosexuality, among other less stated activities such as ridiculing PSU's overall community and rare theft auto.

Contact Information

Click here for my Last.fm profile, and here if you wish to e-mail me. My MSN account is mono@raretheftauto.com, and as stated before I'm an active half-op in #phantasystar at irc.lunarnet.org.


Name Race Gender Level Type HU RA FO FG GT WT fF fG fT PT AF AT
Mono CAST 120 Fortetecher 10 10 10 10 15 5 11 10 10 1 15 14
Drudkh Beast 60 Fortegunner 10 10 1 1 1 1 5 7 1 1 1 1

Wall of Shame

When I'm not as lazy, I'll update this section with various exploits of mine, including Rena flaming, Magashi heads invasions and other such nonsense. Until then, visit http://www.freewebs.com/ice7ice7ice7 for other acts of disgust.