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Episode 1 Chapter 03 Mission (script)
- 1 Mission: RELICS Inquiry
- 2 Raffon Meadow: Block D-1
- 3 Raffon: AMF Field Base
- 4 Raffon Meadow: Block E-1
- 5 Raffon Meadow: Block E-2
- 6 Raffon Meadow: Block E-3
- 7 Raffon Relics: Block A-1
- 8 Raffon Relics: Block B-1
- 9 Raffon Relics: Block B-2
- 10 Raffon Relics: Block A-1
- 11 Chapter 4 Preview
- 12 Alternate Episode 4 Preview
Mission: RELICS Inquiry
Raffon Meadow: Block D-1
(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Karen, Dr. Dorson)
- Karen: To reach the RELICS site, we've got to get through Raffon Meadow. But as you know, this area has been contaminated by the SEED and the local life has been altered. This time we also need to take into account the safety of Dr. Dorson... and carry out our mission while protecting his safety. So straighten up and move out!
- Hyuga: Understood.
- Ethan: Roger!
(Ethan pulls Karen off to the side)
- Ethan: Karen, I don't know about that doctor guy... Do you think he'll be cool? I mean, if he panics while we're in battle it could be a huge problem!
- Dr. Dorson: You know, I can hear everything you're saying.
- Ethan: Oops!
- Dr. Dorson: Don't worry about me. I'm a bit of a marksman myself. Plus, I'm paying a very large compensation fee... with the understanding that you'll protect me, of course.
- Ethan (thinking): Didn't you say you were prepared for any consequences?
- Dr. Dorson: Listen here... If the Gurhal System lost a person with my intellect, it would be an enormous loss!
- Ethan: W-Well...
- Karen: It's all right, Doctor.
- Ethan: Karen...
- Karen: I apologize for my impolite subordinate. We need to start for the RELICS site immediately.
- Dr. Dorson: Hm.
- Karen: Also, as I told you before, if I ever feel that this mission has become too dangerous, I will not hesitate to end it immediately!
- Dr. Dorson: I understand.
(End Scene)
(Trial Start) (Fight your way through Raffon Meadow blocks D-1 and D-2) (Trial End)
Raffon: AMF Field Base
- Ethan: This is where the Alliance Military was stationed!
- Hyuga: Looks like it's completely empty now.
- Karen: We'll be taking a different route than before.
(Exit to Raffon Meadow: Block E-1)
Raffon Meadow: Block E-1
(Near the end of the block, a short scene will start) (Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Karen, Dr. Dorson)
- Hyuga: In this area, SEED damage seems relatively minor.
- Ethan: Yeah, it does.
(Karen bends down to inspect something on the soil)
- Ethan: Huh? What is it Karen?
- Karen: No, it's nothing... It's probably just my imagination.
- Ethan: ?
- Dr. Dorson: Hey! What are you all just standing around for? Hurry up and take me to the RELICS site!
- Karen: All right, lets move on.
(As the three exit the field, the camera pans up to reveal large footprints in the ground)
Raffon Meadow: Block E-2
- Ethan: Just what is this place? It looks like somebody set off an explosive here.
- Karen: Hmm. Look at this... This wasn't caused by Alliance weaponry. A De Ragan's nest.
- Dr. Dorson: A De Ragan's nest?
- Karen: We have to leave at once.
(In the distance, a large flock of birds is disturbed and takes to the air. Just then, a large gust of wind buffets the party as the De Ragan soars above them)
- Karen: It's too late! We'll have to fight it! Watch out for it's fire! Everyone scatter!
(The De Ragan circles overhead and shoots a ball of fire towards the group, narrowly missing them as they flee. The De Ragan crashes to the ground and roars) (End Cutscene)
(Trial Start)
- Karen (shouting): His entire body is covered with hard skin! His head is his weak point. Try shooting it!!
(Trial End)
(Cutscene) (Exhausted, the party stand around the unconscious De Ragan)
- Karen: I think it's weak enough that we should be safe... for a little while at least. Quickly, we have to get to that Relics site now.
(The party turns and scrambles for the area exit. As they flee, the De Ragan weakly lifts it's head to fire off one final fire ball at the group. It lands behind Ethan, sending him tumbling through the air)
- Karen: Ethan!
(Ethan, groaning, pulls himself to his feet and continues running)
- Ethan: I-I'm okay! Just keep going!
(End Cutscene)
Raffon Meadow: Block E-3
(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Karen, Dr. Dorson, Bruce)
- Ethan: *pant* *pant* Phew... We barely made it!
- Karen: Now that we've made it this far, that should be the last we'll see of the De Ragan.
- Dr. Dorson: W-We were almost killed out there! I don't know what kind of "guarding" you think you're doing for me!
- Ethan: Huh!? Why you!
- Karen: My apologies for putting you in such danger, Doctor.
- Ethan: Karen!?
- Dr. Dorson: Oh, it's all right, I suppose. What's most important is the investigation.
- Karen: Yes, let's move on. Shall we, Ethan?
- Ethan: Yeah... okay.
- Dr. Dorson: To see it with my own eyes... I'm risking everything for this!
(Parked beside the entrance to the Relics is a cargo transporter. As the party approaches, a man calls out)
- Bruce: Welcome! Hey Bro. I'll give ya a good deal. Wanna buy somethin'?
- Ethan: There's a shop here!?
- Karen: Bruce!
- Bruce: Hey babe, how ya doin?
- Karen: I told you to stop calling me that! What are you doing here?
- Bruce: I heard there were some Guardians comin' to check out the RELICS site. I came here for the Archaeology team, too. They looked really low on stocks!
- Ethan: Karen... Who is this?
- Bruce: What's the matter kid, you ain't never heard of me? I'm Bruce Boyde. Wherever the Guardians go, I’m there to provide support, Y'know, for a fee...
- Ethan: What? So you're here to make money is what you're saying!
- Bruce: Well, coming here I'm riskin' my life. Gotta get some kind of compensation for that, right? All kinds of monsters hang out at the RELICS site now. Y'got all your supplies in order?
- Karen: I should ask you the same thing!
(End Scene)
(Talk to Bruce)
- Bruce: RELICS sites are more dangerous than you think. Make sure you take extra care!
- Ethan: Okay, Big Shot...
Raffon Relics: Block A-1
(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Karen, Dr. Dorson)
- Ethan: What is this place?
- Hyuga: So this is a RELICS site! I can't believe that there's something like this right under Parum!
- Karen: RELICS are a bit of a mystery. There's not a lot of information out there about them. I've never seen anything like this, in fact.
- Dr. Dorson (thinking): Aaaaaaah!
- Karen: What is it? Doctor!
- Dr. Dorson (thinking): M-Magnificent! This site is completely intact! I've never seen anything preserved to this extent! This is the most pristine example I've seen in all my years of study!
(Dr. Dorson breaks away from the group and runs further into the RELICS)
- Hyuga: He sure is excited.
- Ethan: Yeah, I hope he doesn't wet himself.
- Dr. Dorson: There may even be fully intact Stateria here, too!
- Ethan: Stateria?
- Karen: I've only seen them mentioned in old books. Inside these RELICS there are said to be immense humanoid figures... Stateria are weapons created by an ancient civilization to wage war.
- Ethan: Like battle machinery?
- Hyuga: Ah, I believe I heard about them during a class on ancient history. I thought they were only a legend, though.
- Karen: I did, too.
- Ethan: Hm, Stateria...
- Dr. Dorson: Hey! What are you doing? Hurry up!
(Dr. Dorson runs off)
- Karen: Please wait, Doctor! It's dangerous to go alone!
(End Scene)
(Attempt to move on without finding the Doctor)
- Karen: Hey! Are you planning to leave the doctor here?
(Follow the Doctor to a dead end) (Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Karen, Dr. Dorson)
- Karen: It looks like we can't go any further.
- Dr. Dorson: All right, the next is over there. Let's go!
(The Doctor begins to run off again, but Karen stops him)
- Karen: Hold on, Doctor.
- Dr. Dorson: What?
- Karen: I understand you're excited, but please stay close to us! Have you forgotten about the disappearance of the previous research team?
- Dr. Dorson: Yes, you're right. Sorry. Please take the lead, if you will.
(End Scene)
(Fight through Raffon Relics Blocks A-2 and A-3)
Raffon Relics: Block B-1
(Cutscene) (The group walks down a long hallway lined with large statue-like objects)
- Ethan: What kind of a place is this? Woah! Look at these statues!
- Dr. Dorson: They're Stateria.
- Ethan: Stateria?
- Dr. Dorson: I don't know all the details, but these were guardians of the Relics sites.
- Ethan: C'mon... Are you saying that these things could actually move around and fight?
- Dr. Dorson: Exactly. Why do you assume that ancient civilizations used primitive technology?
- Ethan: I don't know... 'cause they're old?
- Dr. Dorson: If you study the Relics, you'll learn that the ancients were far more advanced than we are. The only problem is... after all this time, we still don't have any idea how such an advanced civilization was destroyed.
(A Golmoro suddenly drops before Ethan and the Doctor, who falls backwards).
- Dr. Dorson: Wha...! Aaah!
- Karen & Hyuga: Doctor!
- Dr. Dorson: H-Help me!
(Ethan draws his saber and swings at the creature which jumps back to avoid the blow)
- Karen: Ethan, look out!
(End Cutscene) (After defeating the monsters)
- Karen: Are you all right, Doctor?
- Dr. Dorson: Don't worry about this. It's nothing. Let's move on. Perhaps we'll find what I've been looking for ahead.
- Karen: ...
Raffon Relics: Block B-2
(If you try to exit to Area C-1 before fighting the Stateria)
- Dr. Dorson: Shouldn't we check this block out a bit more?
- Ethan: Hey... Do you get the feeling... that something's a little... different here?
- Hyuga: Really? I don't see anything strange.
- Karen: No, there's certainly something. It's almost like... there's some other presence.
- Dr. Dorson: ...
(A powerful rumbling knocks the party to the ground)
- Ethan: !?
(A stateria awakens, and begins lumbering towards the party)
- Ethan: Huh! I don't believe it. It's moving...
(End Cutscene)
(Trial Start)
- Hyuga (shouting): This guy is tough!
- Karen (shouting): If you get behind him, he can't block!
- Karen: Their guard is down!
(Defeat Svaltus) (Trial End)
(Cutscene) (The Svaltus in engulfed in explosions, and in it's destruction - a small spherical object is ejected and rolls to Dr. Dorson's feet)
- Dr. Dorson: !! I... I don't believe it?!
(Dr. Dorson picks up the spherical object)
- Dr. Dorson: ... How is this possible?! How is this possible?!
- Karen: Doctor, what's the matter?
(The Doctor falls to his knees sobbing)
- Dr. Dorsen: I have... I've made a terrible mistake!
- Karen: What are you talking about??
- Dr. Dorson: Here, take a look at this.
- Karen: What is this?
- Dr. Dorson: It's an A-Photon Reactor.
- Karen: A-Photon Reactor?
- Dr. Dorson: Yes, it draws Photons from the air and transforms it into A-Photon energy.
- Hyuga: Aren't A-Photons supposed to be this great "new" energy source? How'd that get here?
- Dr. Dorson: Don't you... It was here all along. But there's a bigger problem. This proves the relics were powered by A-Photon energy!
- Hyuga: No! R-Really?!
- Karen: Doctor... Earlier... You said you were an archaeologist. But how is it that you recognize this device?
- Dr. Dorson: Because it is my job. My real job. I'm sorry for hiding this from you earlier. But believe me, it was necessary. My real name is Warren Daren, an A-Photon scientist. 20 years ago, a sphere identical to this one was brought before me. That's when I succeeded in producing the first A-Photon. I was so convinced that this new energy was the way of the future. But look at this device. A-Photons aren't the way of the future, but of the past! It had already been discovered centuries ago... Do you understand what this means? The ancient civilization that first developed A-Photons perished! And now, I... I have damned our own civilization to the same fate.
(Just then, several more Strateria activate and begin advancing towards the party)
- Karen: Ethan, get the doctor out of here! Hyuga and I will try to hold these things off!
- Ethan: Got it!
(Ethan and Dr. Daren flee) (End Cutscene)
(Fight or flee your way through block B-3)
Raffon Relics: Block A-1
(Cutscene) (Ethan and the doctor walk to the edge of a platform. The only way across is a series of stepping stones levitating in the air above a deep chasm)
- Ethan: Ooooh ho ho boy!
(Ethan tentatively steps on one of the stepping stones, which doesn't shift or move)
- Ethan: Good, it feels stable enough! Shall we go, Doc?
- Dr. Daren: What?!
(Ethan begins clumsily leaping from stone to stone until he reaches the other side. The doctor hesitates for a few moments, frightened)
- Dr. Daren: Well... It looks like I have no choice...
(The doctor begins slowly, and skittishly crossing the stones, nearly loosing his balance on every one)
- Dr. Daren: Ahhh!
- Ethan: You got it Doc! Keep going!
(As the doctor steps on the last stone, it shifts under his weight, toppling the doctor over)
- Dr. Daren: Ah!
- Ethan: Doc!
(Ethan dives for the doctor who has grabbed the ledge and begins to pull him up, but the reactor plummets into the void)
- Dr. Daren: The reactor!!!
- Ethan: Forget the reactor!
(End Cutscene)
- Ethan: There's nothing we can do, Doctor. We gotta go!
- Dr. Daren: A...aah...
(Exit the Relics)
(Cutscene) (Ethan and Daren rush out of the Relics, gasping for breath. Suddenly, they are confronted with by a blinding wall of light. A tall and imposing CAST stands before them surrounded by armed CAST bodyguards)
- Magashi: I've been looking for you... Dr. Daren.
- Dr. Daren: M-Magashi!!
- Magashi: Now, shall we return home?
- Dr. Daren: I'll never go back with you! I refuse to be your slave any more! I'm going to reveal the evil truth and expose you. Y-You're finished!
- Magashi: I will not ask again. We are returning home now, Doctor.
- Dr. Daren: I said never!
- Ethan: Back off! The doctor is under the GUARDIANS' protection.
- Magashi: Heh... How well would you pitiful GUARDIANS fare against us? Goodbye Doctor...
(Megashi's eye's grow wide as he activates the nano-machines in Dr. Daren's bloodstream)
- Dr. Daren: Ugh! Arrrgh!
(The doctor falls in pain. Ethan catches his and cradles the doctor in his last moments)
- Ethan: Doctor? Doctor, what's wrong?! Doctor! You! What did you do?!
- Magashi: Heh heh heh heh. There are nano-machines running through his veins. I merely activated their self-destruct sequence.
- Dr. Daren: Listen to me... You must stop them... Otherwise... they will... destroy the world...
(Dr. Daren collapses, dead, in Ethan's arms)
- Ethan: Doctor?! Doctor!! Doctor!!!!
(Karen and Hyuga rush out of the Relics to join Ethan)
- Karen: Ethan!
- Ethan: The doctor... He's been murdered!
- Karen: Doctor...
- Magashi: Now, if you'll be so kind as to hand over his body.
(Karen steps to confront Magashi)
- Karen: I am Karen Erra, a Guardian. The doctor was under our protection. Who are you and what are you doing here?
- Magashi: I am Renvolt Magashi, of the Endrum Collective. The rest I'm afraid is classified.
- Karen: What are Endrum agents doing here, out of jurisdiction?
- Magashi: You ask too many questions. The doctor's already paid for his folly. If you value your life, forget this ever happened.
- Karen: So, should I take that as a threat?
- Magashi: Heh heh. No, a promise. Don't make any rash decisions. These Relics are now under the control of the Endum Collective. Leave this place at once!
- Ethan: Why you...!!
(Ethan rushed forward to strike Magashi, but Karen holds him back)
- Karen: Ethan, no!
- Magashi: I do not wish to cause any further problems. I will tell headquarters that you helped us in our search, today. That should be sufficient.
- Karen: Thank you. It's appreciated.
- Ethan: Karen!
- Magashi: Now, take your team and leave here at once.
(End Cutscene)
(Cutscene) (The G-Flyer soars through the twilight sky)
- Ethan: Why Karen?!
- Karen: Because otherwise they would have killed us.
- Ethan: What do you mean?! Aren't we all on the same side?!
- Karen: The Endrum Collective isn't just another organization. They have the authority to keep the public peace. And, I need to keep us all alive to fight.
- Ethan: Just cause he's a CAST... is that supposed to...
- Karen: All right, that's enough, Ethan!
- Hyuga: We're still no better off. We don't know what they're planning to do next. Now that the doctor's dead, we might never know the entire truth.
(Dr. Daren's final words echo in Ethan's mind)
- Dr. Daren: Listen to me... You must stop them... Otherwise... they will... destroy the world...
(The G-Flyer streaks off into the distant clouds) (End Cutscene)
(Ending Cinema)
Chapter 4 Preview
- Narrator: Ethan and his companions are assigned to protect a train on Parum, and are newly joined by training Headmaster Lucaim Nav. A dark shadow draws up over the train as it races across the fields. Will Ethan and his companions be able to carry out their duty? Next time, on Phantasy Star Universe: Rouges.
Alternate Episode 4 Preview
- Ethan: Damnit, it's no use!
- Karen: Ethan, you can handle it!
- Ethan: Ugh...
- Hyuga: Karen! Ethan's not going to make it.
- Karen: Almost there... Just hold on a little more.
- Ethan: Oooohh....
- Hyuga: Who would have thought that Ethan would get motion sickness from this?
- Karen: Guess I'll just have to find some way to stop the train.
- Hyuga: Ethan's not going to be able to guard anything, nauseous as he is. Hey! The train stopped.
- Karen: There you go, Ethan. How do you feel?
- Ethan: Oooh! I'm saved!
- Hyuga: Why did the train stop anyway?
- Karen: It's that Rouge!
- Tylor: ...Tylor. Ha ha ha! Next up on Phantasy Star Universe: Rouges! You need to be stronger Ethan, and remember your lines!
- Hyuga: Ethan, he just stole your moment!
- Ethan: Damnit...