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Currently stuck in some 065 error. If it isn't cleared up by the time that I pop in the expansion, I will create a totally new account. Sucks but no lost. I mainly just created the account to refamilarize myself with the game anyway as I waited on the expansion. BTW, include me in the list of people that quit this game to start with. I was in it when it first came out and quit it by December. However, I didn't quit PSU because I thought the game sucked. Nope, just call it the overstimulation of "DRAMA" in a video game! My brain can take but so much of that absolute garbage. YOU HAVE NO IDEA AT THE AMOUNT OF DRAMA THAT I ENDURED THE FIRST COUPLE MONTHS ON PSU! I CAN'T FRIGGIN STAND DRAMA IN A VIDEO GAME! Drama, emoaning, melodrama, whatever you wanna call it... For me, I figure levelin solo prevents the parasite of this drama from attaching to me in a great game! So this time around, I'm going solo! It matters little to me that some of these missions require more than one person. I wanna play this friggin game and have fun at it! No drama = solo --- I'm there!

If you caught my external link to the psu page that I created on my own domain, well, I got tired of it and took it down. It was fun at first, but was, honestly, rather useless and a total waste of time for me and for anyone who happened to read it.

Character names on PSU for PS2/PC. (I will recreate the exact same characters on the new account if I have to create it.) Characters: Melancholy and ChuChu

Favorite internal pedia links

(My personal reference when I come to this site so I can find the pages easily. Sorry, if it bends you that I placed the links in external links, but let me friggin do what comes easiest for me, please.):

Miraglyth's Page: Only page that I have found for 'user friendly' pedia coding help! God! I have reread and reread that wiki guide and it ain't sinking in at all even with all the pictures. I just friggin give up! I like this guy's page. He has the links to a few tutorials that at least make a little sense to me. Miraglyth http://psupedia.info/User:Miraglyth]

Zeph's Page: King of Heart's! http://psupedia.info/User:Zephyr

Lil Zael's Page: great page for a go-by and reference for my chars, and I am Zael's less than perfect fan! Gotta be here! I am still trying to figure out how to offend him. Maybe this will do it! just because he's lil Zael http://psupedia.info/User:Zael

D-Scythe's Page: (force stuff): D-Scythe http://psupedia.info/User:D-Scythe

EspioKaos's Page: Beast & layout is easy to understand (beast stuff): EspioKaos http://psupedia.info/User:EspioKaos