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Beginner walkthrough
This article is a guide and may contain opinions or other subjective information. The PSUPedia is not responsible for any inaccuracies or mistakes. |
This guide is for the first 10 levels in PSU Network Mode.
I'm playing on a PC so for Xbox360 and PS2, your experience might be different.
Before you begin you should already done these steps:
* get the software installed and make an account at http://playsega.com * create a character in Network Mode
First, if this is your first time, complete the tutorials. They will explain the layout in the starter city.
There's three different spaces you can be in: Cities, Mission instances, and Mission counter.
City spaces allow you to visit your room, buy/sell goods, and start missions.
Mission instances are where you get to fight things and earn experience points.
The Mission counter is just a menu screen that shows the space city or planet you're on, from outer space.
After the tutorials, you'll be in Clyez City. Go to the 4th floor, and enter the Linear Line Platform tunnel.
You will enter the Mission counter. You'll have a menu with four options: Select mission, Join party, Leave counter, Return to city.
Choose Select mission > Unsafe Passage C > Yes > Start mission.
At this point, you will be in a Mission instance. If you haven't done so already, set up your palette and skills.
F2 > choose a weapon and hit Enter > Add to palette
F2 > choose a weapon and hit Enter > Link photon art
From here, just kill everything you see. At the start of each Block (there's three in this mission) you'll see an empty crystal. You can touch it to set it up as a waypoint during the mission, in case you die and want to continue from where you were. Green doors will open automatically, while red doors require one or more keys. To get a key, just kill all the monsters you can find and it will drop from the ceiling. Walk to it and hit Enter to claim it. If you see crates, break them for a chance at random items.
If you get lost, hit F3 for a map. Hit F3 to close the map. Monsters will appear as yellow dots on the map, and keys as red dots.
To fight, just hit Right Arrow or Down Arrow. If you're low on health, hold "E" and press left, which by default is bound to Monomate. At low levels, one monomate will refill your health 100%. You'll have to watch your PP (blue bar, bottom right). This is how much energy your weapon has. It will slowly regenerate but if you use too many special attacks you can run out of energy and not be able to use them until it refills.
After you kill everything in the third block you'll be informed that you're done with the mission. At the bottom left of the screen you should see a Z with two icons next to it.
Z > right arrow > Enter
to get to the mission reward screen after you've completed the mission. At this point you'll be in a city area, Transfer Terminal. From here you can do four things:
* talk to the NPC in the center of the room to buy/sell goods * talk to the 8-sided floating shape to teleport to your room, or to a different server * talk to the floating cube to refill your weapon's PP (for a fee) * enter the Aurorey Viewing Plaza Area mission counter
At this point, refill your weapon PP and enter the mission counter, then choose Return to city. You'll be back in Clyez City. Take the items you found and store them in your room, or give them to your pet to eat.
You can repeat this process until you're level 3-5, at which point you should choose the Fight for Food mission from the Aurorey mission counter for better XP and rewards.
You can continue to repeat these missions solo until you're level 10. Alternately, you can choose Join party to get faster XP, but fewer drops per person and fewer opportunities to skill up.